Social distancing errors that put you at risk of coronaviruses

Avoid these errors when you stay outside the others. Because we are all in this set.

"Social distancing" is the mimography of the moment. Experts say it is the key to slowing the spread of coronavirus and preventing medical resources from being submerged. You may be familiar with the basics - stay six feet apart from others and wear a fabric face covering public mistakes - but some easy mistakes can make your best ineffective efforts. Here is what experts affirm are common social distancing errors that increase your risk of contractual coronavirus.


You arrange reading shelves

Child boy and girl playing outdoors with face mask protection. School boy breathing through medical mask

"Some parents leave their children out with others because" that seniors are at risk ". In reality, children have the same risk of being infected," says the doctorDimitar Marinov, MD, Ph.D. "However, they are much more often asymptomatic. They can always extend the infection, which puts everyone in danger, and especially their grandparents if they live together or put in touch narrow."


You think you are invincible

Image of two young beautiful women friends outdoors with bicycles in park.

Coronavirus is so dangerous because no one is immune. "Young people think that social distance is just for seniors and they can not have serious symptoms," says Marinov. "In fact, about 40% of patients required hospitalizations aged 20 to 54,According to the CDC. "

RELATED:Sign up for our newsletter for new coronaviruses, food safety and daily recipes - just in your inbox!


You are going to go through

Social distancing in Shinjuku Gyoen Park in Tokyo while Sakura the cherry bloom.

"Although this does not seem obvious, social distancing includes avoiding areas in which others have recently touched or been," saidHeathman Jared, MD, a psychiatrist based on Texas. "People should avoid playgrounds, even if anyone else is there, because the virus can live inanimate objects for days."


You do exercise nearby

Three runners sprinting outdoors - Sportive people training in a urban area, healthy lifestyle and sport concepts

Although it is always important to get from exercise, you should do it a security distance. "People should not walk or exercise behind others," Heathman says. "The wind can blow the virus back and you can be exposed in this way, despite the age of more than 10 feet behind someone else."


You do not use a mask correctly

woman in a medical mask on her face during the pandemic outdoors

TheCDCRecommends that the general public covers their faces with a fabric mask when outside. But according to the doctor erGreg Jacobson, MD, "People do not wear mask and, when they do, they do not put it properly. It's a mistake to remove their mask from the front, then touch the" contaminated "area". To remove a mask safely, "wash hands (with soap and hot water for 20 seconds), remove the loop mask and place it in a safe place, then wash it again," says Jacobson.


You do not stay separately

Three businesswomen on the coffee break in the office

"Everything fell as a result of the guidelines: six feet apart from another person," says Anthony Jones, MD, palliative care doctor in New York. It notes an example is that you should not "sit next to each other by lunch at work".

"The reason is that droplets containing the virus can still land on your clothes, phone or other personal items if you come too close to an infected person," says Omie Charles-Davies, doctor and founder


You make repeated shopping excursions

Young woman shopping in grocery store for food while wearing mask and preventing spread of coronavirus virus germs by wearing face mask.

The more you go out to public, the more likely you have to catch the virus. "People do not make a list, they must return to the store too often," says Jacobson. Limit your purchase excursions by planning in advance and store as much as possible in the same place.

RELATED:Your ultimate survival guide and supermarket is here!


You do not cover your eyes

A man in medical face mask (respirator) and safety glasses outdoors

"People should really wear eye protection too, if they go to a grocery store," says Jacobson. "Wear glasses to remind you not to rub your eyes."


You always use false gloves

taking of medical gloves

Remember that protective gloves can be germ magnets, just like your bare hands. "The gloves do not resist the virus," says Dr. Mike Decubelis, a chiropractor in Bowers Grove, Illinois. "And when your gloves have touched store shelves, shipped boxes and your car, then your face or food, you have just contaminated with your gloves!" If you wear gloves on a race to ERAND, put them before you go to your car or go home.


You invite people to

cocktail on table with friends
Courtesy of Taylor Arnold

Even if you are not outside public gatherings, invite people to your home also invites the people they have been in contact with. "Viruses must go from person to person to stay alive," saysLeann Poston, MD, a doctor with the doctor of the inquigner in New York. "Social distancing makes the displacement of viruses difficult, so if you do not move, then the virus can not the virus either."

And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these 40 things you should never touch because of coronavirus

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