The one that the royal family will not eat

Because the royals can not actually not everything.

Anyone who travels the world as often as the royal family will probably engage in cultural cuisine such as Clam Risotto in Italy and Paella Shrimp in Spain. But not the queen and her clan. Apparently, there is a food that is completely extinguished with the FAM because of its high risk of carrying a foodborne disease: crustaceans.

And they are not only crustaceans to the protein they will become fruitful. The royals are also advised to eat rare meats, something too spicy and tap water impeccues while at abroad - everything to potentially prevent being infected with a bug.

Another food disappeared from royal meals? Since the queen hated garlic, slimming ignition was eliminated from all meals consumed with the monarch. "At Buckingham Palace, you do not cook with garlic," the former head of the John Higgins Palace shared with theNational position. "I suppose in case you get the Royal Burp."

It does not even end there. The Queen of England has another bizarre food restriction: "No potatoes, rice or pasta for dinner," said the former head of the Darren McGrady PalaceTelegraph. For supper, they will usually have "something like a grilled sole with vegetables and a salad".

WhileEat this, not that! We are all for eating all the above (except maybe not water from the foreign tap), discover what the fare we really think should really make shudder in our report on27 foods out of your kitchen for good.

Categories: Healthy Eating
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