7 precautions you need to take when you dine with friends

When restaurants open slowly, keep these directives of CDC in mind.

Even though restaurants start slowly toopen Save for business, if customers and employees are not cautious enough, they can face another point in cases of coronaviruses and must supportAnother stop. In order to keep people around you safe, here are some precautions when catering with friends, according to theRecent CDC Guidelines.


Hang in smaller groups.

eating small group

Take a table with lots of people in a restaurant is probably something that will not happen for a little while. Instead, choose to hang in smaller groups of people. The CDC says it is better to hang with the people you have quarantined because you can already make sure they are safe and healthy. However, if you are suspended with new people, keep small groups, to reduce the risk of propagation.

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Wear a face mask.

wear mask

The port of a mask is obviously not feasible when you eat, but when you are around restaurant employees and other people who are not in your little party, wear a mask simply keeps everyone safe. You can wear a face in cloth covering when you enter the restaurant and you are sitting. The tables are probably going to be placed at asocial distance, so once sitting, you probably will not have to worry so much. But like other walking or the server comes around, do you a favor by covering your face. In addition, restaurants can even force you to wear them, and if you do not listen, they could actuallyExpel you.


Go out with the same people.

dining out

It will be tempting to want to see all your friends that you have not seen in person at a time. While the desire to do that is good, it is better to see new people at a slower rate and to continually suspend with the same people you see. Adding new people to your circle of friends that you see in person increases only the risk, so it is better to do it at a slower pace.


Eat outside.

eating out

While theCDC guidelines Say to order take away and walk on the premises is really the best way to avoid the spread of the virus (simply because you are not there), the second best way to eat in a restaurant and reduce the risk of Covid-19 propagation is to eat outside. . So, if you can, choose to eat at an outdoor table to make you and you around you at ease during your restoration experience.


Keep your time limited together.

indoor dining

This one may seem to be common sense, but it should be mentioned. If you keep your time with someone limited, there will be less risk of catching anything because of that. In addition, restaurants will probably have a tension delivery time with fewer tables available for guests, which means you will not have tons of time at Dily-Dally at the table. Keep your time together and cherish it.


Try to keep a distance.

keep distance

While the tables will be set remotely andRestaurants Specifies specific guidelines for distancing, it's good for you to keep the social distancing of other people in mind. If you get up to use the toilet or if you are around other people in a restaurant, be sure to keep a distance and keep this mask on.


Bring a disinfectant of the hands.

hand sanitizer

Recently,hand disinfectant will really go a long way. Keep clean hands will help considerably reduce the risk of covid-19 propagation, so having a small bottle at any time (and using it from time to time), you will be able to reduce the risk of catching you -Même to spread it to others.

Eat this, not that! Constantly monitoring the latest foods for COVID-19 in order to keep you healthy, safely and to your knowledge (and to answerYour most urgent questions) here are theprecautionsYou should take the grocery store, thefoodyou should have by hand, theMeal delivery services andRestaurant chains offering an imprint You must know and the means to help you support those who need . We will continue to update these new information that develops. Click here for all our COVID-19 covers , and Subscribe to our newsletter stay up to date.

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