The best and worst foods for endometriosis

You can alleviate the painful symptoms of endometriosis by adding these foods approved by the expert in your diet and removing the triggers.

Endometriosis is a disorder that can affect the entire life of women, theirmenstrual cycle to their digestion, mood,fertilityand ability to exercise. The painful disease occurs when, for unknown reasons, the uterine tissues grow on the outside of the uterine walls, often on the ovaries or around the bowels, causing inflammation and irritation in these areas. According toEndo studyEndometriosis affects 11% of US women aged 15 to 44 years.

Symptoms of endometriosis

The most common symptom is pain, whether in the form of cramps, intestinal pain or painful urination, which grow mainly during menstruation. "Initial suspicion begins with pain over the period, which interrupts work or school, in most women or young women," says Jeff Arrington, MD, Face Face, AGGE, an excision surgeon of the endometriosis at theEndometriosis Care Center In Atlanta, Georgia.

"There are intestinal conditions and back pain that can also be symptomatic," says Dr. Arrington. Often, it can take years to diagnose, because some symptoms are confused for other conditions or have been minimized as "bad cramps". Now, between celebrities and social media discussions on women's health, it is increased increased to endometriosis.

Endometriosis treatment options

In terms of treatment, the only way to eliminate the growth of endometrial cells for good is surgery, according to Dr. Arrington. (Many patients choose to have a hysterectomy as well.) But if it is not a financial option for patients or they personally choose against that, there are other adaptation mechanisms.

"Many patients use NSAIDs, anti-slip medications, various types of hormones and heating pads; some patients will use full-minding techniques, diet, acupuncture etc." said Dr. Arrington.

How to adjust your diet for endometriosis can help

Changes in lifestyle, starting with the diet, can play a role in taming some of the inflammation accompanied by endometriosis outfalls. Move towardclean is common, says Dr. Arrington, and many of his patients try aanti-inflammatory regime, full of antioxidants andhealthy fats, or a mortgage regime of estrogen (estrogen hormone causes endometriosis tissue to continue growing outside the uterus).

For patients with endometriosis, a diet change to food-based and inflammatory low foods can help improve symptoms. ForJessica Murnane, Author of the cookbookPart of the part And the host of the podcast of a part, which also has an endometriosis, the manufacture of these food changes has helped him feel healthy in many facets of his life and has also changed his career.

"Endometriosis was the catalyst for a change of my diet, but for cooking, I did not even have cooking before. I thought of a hysterectomy or drugs to treat my endo. A friend suggested a friendPlant-based dietSo I decided to try that as a last resort, "says Murnane.

Not only has it seen a change in its symptoms once it has made plants at the center of its meals, but it also noticed other health benefits. "The food is the starting point [...] when I changed into an anti-inflammatory diet, I had less pain, I had more energy to work again, and I felt less sad . It started with food and led all these lifestyle changes, "she adds.

Choose the best food for endometriosis

We talked about experts to find out which ten foods can help the painful symptoms of endometriosis and that ten to avoid any risk of feeling your best in our endometriosis diet guide.

The top 10 foods eat on an endometriosis diet



Salmon carrots zucchini parchment packet - endometriosis diet

An essential nutrient of the feeding of endometriosis is omega-3s. "Healthy greases provide anti-inflammatory advantages. Fat fish, such as salmon, mackerel and tuna, are rich in theseOMEGA-3 fatty acids, "saysJessica Jones, Rd in the paradise of the food is easy.

RELATED: Your guide on theanti-inflammatory regime This heals your intestine, slows the signs of aging and helps you lose weight.


Chia seeds

Pour chia seeds on yogurt - endometriosis diet

The seeds of Chia, and even the flax seeds on the ground, are super anti-inflammatory because they also contain omega-3 fatty acids, explainsAumatma ShahND, a specialist in holistic fertility that also has his mastery in nutrition. They are perfect for integrating your breakfast, says Dr. Shah, at the top of cereals or smoothies.



Grilled mackerel on grill pan squeezing lemon juice by hand - endometriosis diet

Small fish such as mackerel are as much omega-3 benefits as bigger fish, says Dr. Shah. In fact, a 2 ounce of ounce of omega-3 fatty acids (EPA, DHA and DPA), according to theUSDA's national national database.



Almonds - endometriosis diet
Tetiana Bykovets / Belvins

If you choose non-animal sources of protein, almonds can be a great option. In addition, they also pack antioxidants, another goal for endometriosis patients. "Almonds contain antioxidant vitamin E as well as polyphenols," says Jones.


Dark green and hardwood

Kale dark leafy greens hand massaged in bowl - endometriosis diet

The darker vegetables, the more anti-inflammatory power they pack, Jones says Kale, spinach and chards are the winners of this category, then gaping the Roman lettuce or iceberg when you make your salads.



Roasted broccoli - endometriosis diet

Broccoli is another excellent basic state for having in the diet because it contains inflammation and antioxidants against cancer, lutein and sulforaphane. (Although in some cases women who suffer from digestive problems related to endometriosis could have sensitivities to cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, so it is important to experiment different foods to see what works better with your system digestive).


Green tea

Green tea - endometriosis diet

A beneficial drink for endomettrose patients isgreen tea, according to Dr. Shah. "The EGCG compound, found in green tea, has been studied for the treatment of cancer, but also applies to endometriosis because it can limit the growth of endometric cells," says Dr. Shah.



Turmeric powder on wooden spoon - endometriosis diet

Curcuma is known for its immune and cardiac health benefits. "He has also been studied for his anti-inflammatory effects," says Dr. Shah. The key to absorb it into the body the mixture with a fat, like hemp seed oil, "she explains. She suggests drinking a mixture of curcuma, hemp seed oil and almond milk like a rich vegan milk.


Black berries

Fresh blueberries plastic pint - endometriosis diet

Like vegetables, darker bays, the richest antioxidant content and blueberries, including wild strawberries, beating strawberries and raspberries in this regard. Make sure they are an ingredient in your daily smoothie.

RELATED: We found theBest Smoothie Recipes for Weight Loss.



Artichoke hearts in bowl with half lemon - endometriosis diet

Since estrogen helps the endometrial tissue to develop, it is smarter to stick to foods that can potentially reduce estrogen levels in one way or another. "It is important to eat things that support the liver in the detoxification of excess estrogen, including artichokes, parsley and even lemons, which can all stimulate hepatic function," says Shah.

10 foods to avoid on an endometriosis regime



White sugar in wooden spoon resting on brown sugar - endometriosis diet

Too much sugar is not healthy in a diet, but this can be particularly prejudicial to those who suffer from endometriosis. "The white and brown sugar has been enormously inflammatory for me," says Murnane. In his recipes, she integratesNatural sweeteners: Honey, maple dates and syrup. "When I eat food with many of these sugars, I will notice the effects, but not the scale of the processed sugars," she adds.


Washed grains

Cooking pasta - endometriosis diet

You do not need to completely restrict your diet if you have an endometriosis, says Jones, but she points out: "The excessive consumption of certain foods has been linked to an increased risk of chronic diseases. These foods include refined carbohydrates (such as white bread and pastries),a sodaand other processed foods. "


Red meat

One pot ground beef taco skillet - endometriosis diet

Many endometriosis patients choose to go to become vegetarian or vegan, although white meats such as turkey or chicken, are totally fine to stay in the diet, says Dr. Shah. An inflammatory red flag, however, according to all the experts we spoke, is red meat and any other type of processed meat-aAmerican College of Nutrition Journal Studies have found them to cause inflammation, bloating and weight gain.



Yogurt container - endometriosis diet

Dairy is a major culprit of inflammation many women with endometriosis, including herself, Murnane said. There could be an interesting reasoning behind this says Dr. Shah. "Dairy may be inflammatory For everyone, but particularly negative for women with endometriosis because products such as cow's milk contain a good amount of estrogen. "It is better to replace dairy products to eat less milk with nuts and other mardiums, cheeses, anddairy free yogurtand avoid foods that injecting excess estrogen in the body, says Dr. Shah.



Woman plating fried eggs sunny side up - endometriosis diet

"Eggs have caused many women I know with endometriosis many additional discomfort," says Murnane. This, aFrontiers in Neuroendocrinology Study emissions could also be explained by the high estrogen content in eggs, thus focusing more on plant andSources of herbal proteins could be beneficial for some women.



Margarine stick - endometriosis diet

Unlike healthy omega-3 fats found in tuna and salmon, margarine contains fats that are on the other side of the spectrum. Margarine needs to avoid, says Jones, because it often contains trans fats, which have been known to increase inflammation throughout the body, andraise bad cholesterol.



Fresh ground coffee - endometriosis diet

Nobody wants to be told to jump on their cup of coffee, but to cut back on caffeine, even a little, can help the symptoms of endometriosis. "Caffeine trigger more inflammation in the body," says Dr. Shah and Dr. Arrington advise the same.



Couple cheers red wine - endometriosis diet

Another habit that many people do not want to break is drink, but it could also make a difference in the symptoms of endometriosis. Murnane said she cut alcohol after the realization that it made him feel sick and has a base,Cocktail low sugar on a rare occasion. The Dr.Rrington supports scientific claims it can do so inflammation and endometriosis worse.



Loaf of bread on kitchen counter in plastic bag - endometriosis diet

Italian researchers found that eliminating gluten could potentially help reduce the pain of endometriosis - this depends on the patient, however. "Following a gluten-free diet plan can be useful for many people with endometriosis, but not all. It is important to start with a thorough elimination diet and see if symptoms improve. S ' there is no improvement of symptoms, gluten is probably not guilty, says Jones. Dr. Shah rarely tells patients to eliminate gluten and opt forfoods without gluten If they do not already have a digestive intolerance or celiac disease; Instead, she advises them to focus their diet onwhole grains as opposed to refined grains.



fodmaps garlic onion scallions - endometriosis diet

Researchers from Monash University I found that the lowering or elimination of fodmaps diet may be beneficial for women with IBS and more endometriosis, which is not all that uncommon if the tissues endometrial affect the bowels. "The fodmaps are short-chain carbohydrates found in many fruits, vegetables and grains," said Dr. Arrington. One can also find common food ringers, such as onions and garlic. However, for patients without digestive problems, such removal may not be necessary. If you want to know more, seeIf a diet low FODMAP can help you find a digestive relief.

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