These are the ultimate caramelized onions

Add them to the soup, at the top of the bread or enjoy it just like a dish of accompaniment!

Is there anything that is not done better by adding Syrupy Sweed-CuityCaramelized onions? If there is any, we have not found that yet. You can use this simple and delicious recipe to add very many different meals: up your favorite vegetable or meat, to mix a nice mix, to stir a thick creamy soup, for Top a lot ofgarlic bread, or you could even top a dip or spread it with others before serving it. The possibilities are limitless! In this caramelized onion recipe, you can cook them as long as you want, depending on what you will use the final product for. We promise, they will only improve longer than you cook them! But if you plan to cook them at an Oignony jam (a consistency after about 45 minutes of cooking), add an extra onion or two (you could as well, if you take the time to do it) and keep the flame really weak. You do not have time but I still want sweetness? Add a splash of balsamic vinegar in the last moments of cooking and you will have a new recipe!

Made 1 cup

You will need

1 tablespoon of olive oil
2 large red onions, sliced
1/2 c.

How to do it

  1. Place all the ingredients in aculinary robot and pulse until carefully mixed.
  2. Guard a week covered in the refrigerator.


What is the onion jam anyway?

Okay, so above, we mentioned that if you cook these onions long enough, they will slowly (yes, 45 minutes is slow for onions) turn into an onion jam. Most people tend to combine jam with smaller ingredients such as blueberries, strawberries or even raspberries. But there is a whole world of tasty jams and even spicy for you to play with here, and many of them have a taste so important on a piece of toast or English muffin in the form of gentle jam. The next time you try this recipe, try adding some additions like garlic or a fewChili Flakes. If you are really brave, try to map some strawberries with your onions for a delicious contrast!

This recipe (and hundreds of people more!) Came from one of our cooks, not that! books. For easier cooking ideas, you can alsobuy the book!

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