The best quotes from Anthony Bourdain

The best food, the life and wisdom of traveling of the Beloved Chef, the author and traveler.

Anthony Bourdain was one of the most frank chefs in the culinary world. He was immeasured, Brash and charismatic. He was not just an obsessive food, but also a perpetual cook who wanted to know the traditions and history of the food he ate. His natural curiosity towardsInternational cuisines LED Bourdain on an unexpected way to transform the leader to the world's favorite travel host.

Bourdain had four food and travel lounges throughout his life. He was known to run in a country that many Americans considered "scary" and show another side of where he visited without diminishing what makes this place unique. He also wrote 14 pounds - a fiction, a non-fiction in his life.

Even if Bourdain is sadly died in 2018, we will always have its quotes on food and life to push us forward and remember the importance of food, travel and acceptance.

Here are 51 of Bourdain's best quotes and Bourdain's life lessons on food, travel and life we ​​will never forget.


Pasta and meatballs with fresh tomatoes
  • "In America, the professional cuisine is the last misfit refuge. It's a place for people with bad passages to find a new family."
  • "Whoever is a chef, who loves food, finally knows that everything that counts is:" Is it good? Does it give pleasure? "
  • "What more beautiful thing can you do for someone than making breakfast?"
  • "The context and memory play powerful roles in all the real meals of life."
  • "Personally, I think there is a real danger of taking food too seriously. The food should be part of the biggest image."
  • "People are usually proud of their food. A desire to eat and drink with people without fear or prejudice ... they open to you so that someone visiting who is animated by a story can not not get. "
  • "Sometimes the biggest meals on the holidays are the ones you find when planning a fall."
  • "Our movements through time and space seem trivial compared to a pile of boiled meat in the broth, the smell of saffron, garlic, fish and pernod."
  • "For me, the cooking life has been a long affair of love, with sublime and ridiculous moments. But as a love story, looking back, remember the good lucky period."
  • "Good food and good food concern risk. From time to time an oyster, for example, will make you sick to your stomach. Does it mean that you should stop eating oysters? No place."
  • "I like the food where the guiding principle is that you have three or four good ingredients, and the most important thing is not to cum. Treat them with a little respect."
  • "The food may not be the answer to world peace, but it's a start."
  • "I think food, culture, people and the landscape are all absolutely inseparable."
  • "I have long believed that good food, good food, is all about the risks. That we talked about Stilton, unpasteurized raw oysters or work for organized crime" Associates ", food, for me , has always been an adventure "
  • Good food is very often, even most often, simple food. "
  • "You must be romantic to invest yourself, your money and your cheese time."
  • "The garlic is divine. Few food items can taste so many distinct ways, managed correctly. A bad use of garlic is a crime ... Please treat your garlic with respect ... Avoid at all costs that Vile sees you see in decomposition in oil in screw pots. Too lazy fresh peel? You do not deserve to eat garlic. "
  • "The way you make an omelette reveals your character."
  • "An ounce of sauce covers a multitude of sins."
  • "For a moment, or a second, the pinched expressions of cynical bastards, tired, throat and throat, which we all had to disappear, when we are confronted with something as simple as a plate of food."
  • "The food is all we are. It's an extension of nationalist feeling, ethnic feeling, your personal history, your province, your area, your tribe, your grandmother. It's inseparable of those of the Go-Go. "
  • "All that was the most choquine value has become my meal of choice."
  • "You are learning a lot about someone when you share a meal together."
  • "The food is a job, I like thinking, and a good cook is a craftsman - not an artist. There is nothing wrong with this: the great cathedrals of Europe have been built by craftsmen, although not designed by them. Practice your craftsmanship. Fashion is noble, honorable and satisfying. "
  • "I think people lose sight of the fact that the leaders should finally be in pleasure cases, not in the case to look at me."
  • "Living life without calf or chicken broth, fish cheeks, sausages, cheese or organ meats are betrayal."
  • "The bad diet is made without pride, of cooks who have no pride, and no love. The bad food is made by the chiefs who are indifferent, or who try to be everything for everyone, who Try to please everyone ... bad food is wrong food ... The food that shows fear and lack of confidence in people's ability to discern or make decisions about their lives. "
  • "Meals do society, keep the fabric together in many ways that were charming and interesting and intoxicating for me. The perfect meal, or the best meals, occur in a context that has often very little to do with the food itself same."

RELATED: The easy way to make comfortable foods healthier.

To travel

  • "If I am a defender of anything, you have to move. As much as you can, as much as you can. In the ocean, or just through the river. Walking in the shoes of someone from someone Other or at least eat their food. It's a plus for everyone. "
  • "Travel concern the magnificent feeling of vaccination in the unknown."
  • "The trip is part of the experience - an expression of the severity of his intention. We do not take the train for Mecca."
  • "I am a big believer in the ailing. I am a great believer that you will never have a perfect city travel experience or the perfect meal without a constant willingness to live a bad experience. Let the happy accident get Producing is what many holiday routes are missing, I think, and I always try to push people to allow these things to happen rather than stick to a rigid route. "
  • "Looking at these photographs, I know I will never understand the world I live in or completely know the places where I have been. I learned with certainty what I do not know - and how much I have to learn."
  • "To be treated well in places where you do not expect to treat well, find things in common with people you thought before you had very little in common, it can not be a bad thing."
  • "If you have twenty-two, in good physical form, hungry to learn and be better, I urge you to travel - as far and as widely as possible. Sleep on the floors if you need. Discover how others People live and eat and cook. Learn from them-where you go. "
  • "The trip is not always pretty. It's not always comfortable. Sometimes it hurts, it even breaks me. But it's good. But it's okay. The trip changes you. This leaves Brands on your memory, on your consciousness, on your heart, and on your body. You take something with you. Hope you leave something good behind. "


Friends passing food
  • "I know what I want. I want everything. I want everything to try everything once."
  • "Luck is not a business model."
  • "Skills can be taught. Character you have or you do not have."
  • "Once you embark in a career dictated by the need for an immediate cash flow, it never becomes easier to get out of the treadmill."
  • "I had always thought that if someone who worked with me came home feeling like a fool to give his time and real effort, so it was me who had missed - and very personal and fundamental."
  • "I do not have to agree with you to love you or respect you."
  • "I'm not afraid to look like an idiot."
  • "Suppose the worst. About everyone. But do not let this poisoned perspective affect your work performance. Allow it to ride your back. Ignore it. Be amused by what you see and suspect. "
  • "Without experimentation, a willingness to ask questions and trying new things, we will surely become static, repetitive and moribund."
  • "I learned a long time ago that the perfect holidays are always a disaster. This leads to terrible moments."
  • "Without new ideas, success can become obsolete."
  • "Do not lie about it. You made a mistake. Admit it and move on. I do not redo it. Never."
  • "It was an adventure. We took victims over the years. Things broke. Things lost themselves. But I would not have missed the world."
  • "Maybe wisdom, at least for me, means realizing how little and imprudent, and how far I have not yet to go."
  • "As you go through this life and this world, you change things slightly, you leave marks behind, as small, and in return, life and travel leaves guide. Most of the time, these brands - On your body or on your heart is beautiful. "

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: Cooking Tips / tips
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