12 diet "facts" really false

Nutrition rumors have affected internet with lies about specific food and eating habits. Here we reveal the truth about common misconceptions.

He said, "she said ... we get it. Everyone has heard something different and now you and your friends are on the table at the table trying to sort the misleading information. We feel your frustration; That's why we have compiled a list of common food myths to know the final verdict once and for all. And for more perspectives on what experts think of things that the non-experts say or do, consult our article from21 Nutritionists admit their peales!


Eating late in the night provokes a weight gain


There is actually very little evidence that connect to eating late in the day with a weight gain, saysAlissa Rumsey, MS, RD and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. "These are the extra calories you eat, no time you eat them, it causes a weight gain," explains Rumsey regarding the demeanity of the idea that eating late at night slows down yourmetabolism. Essentially, if you have not had the chance to dine at 6 m. As you normally do, then eat 9 or 10 m. Will not cause you to package on the extra books. PHEW! It's if you decide to eat without perfecting in the middle of the night - after ever consuming a day of meals, when it becomes a problem.


Fruit has too much sugar


Rumsey has also confirmed that sugar fruit (fructose) is not credible for yourstomach fat. It emphasizes that fruits contain a multitude of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, while a candy bar, which also includes sugar, only supplies calories and no essential nutrition. She also says that fruit fiber balances the effects of her sugar in the body. Since fiber takes a long time to digest, it prevents a catastrophic tip in blood glucose and insulin. Have you ever heard of someone rushing into a strawberry? Of course not, and now you know that fiber is the reason why. Rumsey continues to say, "It also means that your body has more time to use this sugar as a fuel for energy, instead of storing it as grease." Discover this list ofhigh fiber foods For the inspiration and please, do not be afraid to eat fruit.


Vegans never receive enough protein


According to the Vegetarian Resources Group, a single calorie on us to come from protein. In a society obsessed with proteins, this can be difficult to digest. Literally. Things that are inventedvegan foods like tofu, tempeh, whole grains, spinach, nuts, beans and legumes areall Graceiment of protein. Simply make sure you eat enough throughout the day, what you should do anyway! Your body can only synthesize 30 grams of protein per session, so if you raise something bigger than that, consider being stored as grease. The school Harvard of Public Health says it is the "protein package" that really matters, as in other nutrients packaged in the diet. For example, a cup of cooked lentils delivers almost the same amount of protein as 3 ounces of beef, but without any fat. Try to decide part of a lawyer on your lentil bowl for somehealthy fats!


Luna bars will make men grow breasts

This is my favorite myth of all time. The boys of the cross-country team enjoyed the joke about all the time the girls numb on the bars of Luna, aka "a nutrition bar for women". They would say, "We'll grow upboobs If we ate these estrogen bars! Ok, the first thing is the first thing, there isnoestrogens in these bars. They are directed to the female market only because they are enriched with female nutrients usually need more people and may have difficulty receiving in their diet. Iron is an excellent example of this because women need more than men because of menstruation. From recently recently, the company has completely redesigned its logo; It now reads "an entire nutrition bar". So, boys? You can stop panicking now; You will not undergo hormonal changes after eating Luna products.


Eat less more often helps you lose weight

Let's do something clear here: Eating every 2-3 hours (about 6 meals smaller per day) will not make you gain weight. However, it will not beAccelerate your metabolism, That is. The total quantity of calories you eat in a day determines the metabolic response of your body - and no how rarely you have or frequently consumed.


Microwave causes cancer


Naturalists and hippies say that the intensity of heat produced by microwave genetically turns the food. Certainly, I was one of those people. Others also feared that the small amount of radiation emitted causes cancer. Fortunately, eat this! Arrived at the bottom of this and concluded that the microwaves are perfectly safe. Research Cancer United Kingdom has confirmed that microwaves do not do radioactive food; They simply heat food by producing radiation, which are absorbed by the molecules of water in the food itself. In the end, it makes water molecules in food vibrate and produce heat. The nutritional value of fruits and vegetables can be changed in the microwave, however, if cooked too long and in too much water. Realistically, any form of heat (that is, cooking often destroys some of the enzymes in the products, so be simply aware of that you cut in the number of seconds! And really feel better about your microwave habits, discover the7 foods you should never nuke.


The coffee is bad for you

Harvard University gave us low on coffee - not only gives you more energy for your workout, it also helps prevent a variety of health problems. For example, a study that followed the coffee consumption of 125,000 participants over the age of 18, indicated that women who drank more than six cups of coffee per day have reduced their risk of developing type 2 diabetes of Nearly 30%. If you can handle thecaffeine and have normal blood pressure, by all means, enjoy a cup or two.


Vitamin C Cures Rholds


"Drink your orange juice!" Your mother may have said you if you caught a growing cold. For years, vitamin C has been the solution to treat colds. However, there is no scientific support behind this theory. But that does not mean that this does not facilitate the absorption of the body of the body; It can even help metabolizeprotein. But sorry, nothing of this nutrient zapne than the cold Pesky.


Agave is better for you than white sugar


Rumsey helped us resilge this common misconception. She says that the agave is marked more natural or less transformed than table sugar. Reality? The agave proposed in the stores is actually avery Transformed product. And the table sugar and the agave are made of glucose and fructose! "Once you ingest it, your body has no way of knowing where this glucose and fructose come, and they are treated in the same way. It does not matter the type of sweetening you have eaten," says Rumsey. Obviously, too much sugar will not help you in yourweightloss Quest, so it's better to use both sparingly, if at all!


Carbohydrates make you fat

Uh, hello! Your diet should be rich in carbohydrates. Fruits, vegetables, beans and grains all fall in this category, not only bread and pasta alone. The USDA food guidelines show us that 45 to 65% of our diet should be devoted to carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are the macronutrient responsible for giving you the energy to perform daily tasks. Remember to put carbohydrates in your body as putting gasoline in a car; Without sufficient fuel, the car can not run. Similarly in the body, minimal carbohydrates give minimal endurance.


Low fat diets are the best for weight loss

If you have already read Michael Pollan's novelIn defense of foodYou will see that the low fat diet is not the road you want to take. Supermarkets are loaded with low fat snacks and dairy products. But does it necessarily mean they are the best for you? Not at all. In fact, they are evenworse for you. When you have rid of foodhealthy fatsYou get rid of a lot of natural nutritional food stores. And what do you get back? A plethora of additives and false sweeteners that do not provide any nutritional advantage to your body. In addition, the absence of fat eliminates the satiety factor, which finally takes you to eat more. At this point, you have already eaten the double calories, when you could have eaten the full fat version in the first place.


Protein bars are always a healthy option


First of all, it is important to determine if the protein bar is supposed to be a snack or a meal replacement. Because to speak calorily, there is a difficult condition! If it is supposed to be a snack, it is better to select one that matches 220 calories or less. If you are over a period of time and you can not go out for a bite to eat, do not hesitate to replace it with a protein bar that, at most, is 400 calories. You do not want to ruin your projectionweightlossPlan due to a bar of energy loaded with synthetic ingredients and sugar.

Which brings us to our next topic of discussion: the ingredients. After reviewing how far your protein bar will be used, you will want to retrieve the list of ingredients. Here is a useful index: if it takes you more than 30 seconds to read the list, it is obliged to have a plethora of mixed suspicious components. I.E., things you do not want in your body! If theprotein The bar has a whey protein, calcium caseate, protein p-protein, brown rice or hemp, then the chic! These types of proteins provide the best type of branched chain amino acids for muscle growth. Oh, and make sure to check the sugar content; If he has more than 30 grams of sugar, ditch it. You can eat a Hershey milk chocolate bar for less sugar.

Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: diet
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