The Roman lettuce related to the epidemic of e. coli
American consumers should avoid eating any type of Roman.

TheCenters for Disaster Control and Prevention today announced that there is an epidemic of E infections. Coli related to Roman lettuce and that this type of lettuce is not prudent to eat in any form whatsoever at that time. The decision was announced in response to an Epidemic of E. coli, called E. coli O157: H7, which has been linked to Roman lettuce.
What kind of Roman lettuce is involved in hatching?
The CDC says that all types of Roman lettuce should be avoided and they advise consumers in the United States not to eat Romaine (at home or in restaurants) or buy all that until They learn more about this new epidemic. This includes throwing any Roman lettuce that you currently have in your refrigerator.
The American administration of food and medicines (FDA) also studies the epidemic and itissued a reminder Among its own farmers, restaurants and other food service operators have stated to stop serving and selling Roman lettuce until we can know about this epidemic.
Reminders cover Romaine sold in whole heads of Romaine, the hearts of the Roman and bags of precubious lettuce and mixtures of salad that have from Roman, like a Roman baby, a mixture of spring and mixtures of the salad of Caesar. This coverage warning to avoid Roman lettuce in all its iterations is that the source of the e epidemic. coli has not been identified. No farmer, region, supplier, brand or common distributor has yet been determined.
Which has been affected by the Epidemic of E. coli?
Like this poster,32 people have been infected by the epidemic strain On 11 US states (California, Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio and Wisconsin). Of these, 13 people were hospitalized, including a person who developed renal failure. No deaths were reported at that time.
So far, the most registered impacts are California, where 10 people reported symptoms followed by Michigan to seven years and New Jersey at three o'clock. Although the FDA is still investigating the source, it appears that it is not a coincidence that Californians are experiencing significantly more reported diseases. Most Romans sold this period of the year are grown in California, Scott Gottlieb, Mr. Scott Gottlieb, told the associated press during a telephone interview. "The strain in 2017 is the same as the tension in this autumn 2018 epidemic and the period of the year is exactly the same. So it's probably associated with the end-of-season harvest in California," said Gottlieb as indicated byCnn.
What are the signs of E. coli infection?
According to the CDC,Symptoms of E. coli Vary, but the most common with people infected with the toxin of Shiga producing E. coli (STEC). Severe stomach cramps, diarrhea (which can be bloody) and vomiting. Most people have these symptoms from 3 to 4 days after swallowing the germ, but they can also show 1 to 10 days after too. The majority of people feel better after 5-7 days.

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