5 immunity-boosting supplements are selling right now
COVID-19 makes people think more healthier - and sales of these supplements prove it.

Effective cleaning is essential at this time. Not only is it important at home and for you and your family (throughwash one's hands carefully) butRestaurants and other public places that areto move back After locking it seriously, also to keep things safe. Another way to protect yourself right now is to feed your body.
Recent data released fromIRI around the world Shows that people bought vitamins and supplements like crazy in the last weeks of March and April. Consumers wanted natural remedies to stimulate their immune system and reduce stress. Here are the first five supplements that people have turned to.

Sales of mushroom supplements increased by 674% over the week ending March 22 and an increase of 876% over the week ending April 19 compared to that time last year. Fungal supplements are full of antioxidants that support a healthy immune system. They are alsoanti-inflammatory Who can help help digestion. Their popularity has increased in recent years and clearly thatthe trend will continue.
Related:23 healthy mushroom recipes for dinners without meat
Black seeds (cumin)

Cumin supplements are perfect for helping the body get more iron and maintain the digestion that flows well. They can also help control cholesterol levels and help reduce inflammation, according toSatellite. Consumers wanted more of this in their diet and bought a lot of black seeds after the start of the pandemic. Sales increased by 323% the week ending March 22 and 276% the week ends April 19. If you are looking for a factory-based dinner integrating all the benefits and taste of the cumin, try this.Middle East Chickpeas and Children's stew.

You may have heard how much the elderberry has become a popular immune increase complement. Sales in March and April confirm that the trend is always here - sales increased by 312% and 426% over the two weeks as the data represented. The elderber supplements are proven to help reduce the symptoms of influenza and to contain a large amount ofFiber and Vitamin C.
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Vitamin C

Speaking of vitamin C, this favorite immunity flew the shelves 190% more the week ending March 22 and 243% more the week ends April 19 compared to last year. There are many naturally high foods, such as pineapple, chubs, red peppers and guava, but additional supplements are a sure way to make sure you get the recommended amount. Make sure to stay in 2,000 mg, however, or you may have diarrhea, depending on theMAYO Clinic.

This popular plant supplement is used to treat colds and flu in the form of tea or capsules, and this could help strengthen the immune system, according to theNational Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. Sales of this supplement increased by 164% by March 22 and 221% before April 19 April.
Related:17 magical foods that relieve the symptoms of the cold

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