9 Things You Never Knew About Peanut Butter

You will not believe how many peanuts need to make a whole pot!

Peanut Butter is certainly a loved ingredient of all. Between the broadcast on Pb & J, the filling ongroats, Or even cooking othersDelicious recipes, Peanut butter is a versatile ingredient and a great source ofprotein and healthy greases.But in addition to the way it is delicious, how much do you really know about this hazelnut taste gap? We examined some of the facts of crazy peanut butter that are there and had to share them with you all. Here are some of our favorites.


It takes 540 peanuts to make a 12 oz pot.

peanut butter jar

According toNational Peanut OfficeIt takes about 540 peanuts to make a single 12 oz pot of peanut butter. So when you wonder how peanut butter is so dense in calories, you can try to imagine the number of peanuts you actually consume when you spread on your toast.

Try to do yourself!Here's how to make your own walnut butter.


"Peanut butter" must legally have 90% of peanuts.

scoop peanut butter

After a regulation of the FDA was adopted in the 1960s,pot of peanut butter Can not be called legally if less than at least 90% of peanuts. All that has less who will probably be marked "Propagation of peanut butter. »


It takes 5 liters of water for 1 oz peanuts.

smooth peanut butter

On average, it is necessaryabout 4.7 liters of water To make an ounce of shelled peanuts. If you think that sounds like a lot, then compare it to the amount of water it takes to make an ounce of shelled almonds (80.4 gallons) or 1 ounce of necks (73.5 gallons).


The average person eats 2984 PB & JS in their lives.

south carolina peanut butter jelly

In a study published by Peter Pan simply on the ground of peanut butter, it was revealed that the average person would eat around peanut butter and 2984 jelly sandwiches during their lives. According toThe New York Daily NewsIf you had to stack on top of the other, it would be greater than the statue of freedom.


Strawberry jam is the pair chosen with peanut butter, non-grape.

peanut butter sandwiches

While you would think the jelly of grapes to be the taste of choice for the PB par excellence and sandwich to j, according to the results of a survey conducted byThe Huffington Post, Strawberryjelly or jam is actually the first choice. 36.5% of respondents chose the strawberry, 31% chose the grapes, and 20.5% chose raspberry.

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Peanut butter was made for people without teeth.

toast peanut butter

What do you do for patients who have no teeth and protein need? You are creative! At least, that's what Dr. John Harvey Kellogg thought in 1895 whenHe made the first peanut butter. Peanut butter was officially presented in 1904 at the St. Louise World Expo.


The average European EATs less than 1 tsp. peanut butter per year.

apples peanut butter

NPR Reported in 2012 that Eats that the European average less than 1 tablespoon of peanut butter in one year. This rate is significant lower compared to the American, which eats on average around3 pounds a year.


Peanut butter can be transformed into diamonds.

oregon peanut butter jar

In 2014, a group of geo-researchersTested different materials They could do diamonds, which do not include peanut butter. Because peanut butter has a high number of carbon, they have been able to produce a very low diamond of their experience.


An acre of peanuts can make 30,000 sandwiches.

PB and J

A simple acre of peanut can make quite some peanut butter sandwiches to be exact! An acre of peanut bushels can produce up4000 pounds.

Read more:We tasted the "Best peanut butter of the world" the honest truth of -Ciote

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