This is the most expensive PB & J sandwich in the world

The bread is baked with edible gold!

Generally, theSandwich with peanut butter and jam is cheap to do. Everything you need is two slices of bread, peanut butter and your favorite jelly type. However, some people, including restaurants, take this classic sandwich further and turn it into a gastronomic experience. While some gourmet PB & J sandwiches can tell a nice penny, there is a sandwich that exceeds the cost of the rest. Located in the west loop of Chicago you will findPb & j-Who is actually running for pizza, beer and jukebox. Although the title does not quickly tribute to the beloved sandwich, it has a signature menu item - a peanut butter and a jelly of $ 350 sandwich. According to the restaurant, it is officially the most expensive PB & J sandwich in the world.

What is in the most expensive PB & J sandwich in the world

Under the "Not so secret ..." section of their menu, you will find Golden Goose. This sandwich is done with the red currant jam of the home Dutriez, which is the most expensive in the world.jelly and the hand seeded with goose brushes. The seeding process of this jam with a quill feather is the one that has been used since the 14th century.A pot Price at 18 euros, which is about $ 21.

Next is the Adams all natural peanut butter, which contains only peanuts and salt (unlikeOther gaps of peanut butter who have a good amount of palm oil in them).

Between the pot ofAdam peanut butter (Price at $ 5.49) and Red Cassis jam, this peanut butter sandwich and frozen does not seem to be $ 350. Until you read what type of bread they use. The gold goose is served with grilled bread with the edible gold leaf, which is considered the most expensive bread in the world and can easily have a price tag of about $ 120 to $ 150 (sometimes more) . This bread is baked with edible gold and dusted with an edible gold leaf trim, which the price of this Skyrocket sandwich.

The Golden Goose is then watered withNew Zealand Manuka Honey Honey, which is the raer honey you can buy and prices around $ 39 for an 8.8 oz. pot. Between all these incredible details, there is sense why the most expensive PB & J would be priced at $ 350 and why the PB & J restaurant in Chicago asks guests to order a sandwich one day in advance.

When you buy the Golden Goose, you are also returned from the rest of Manuka honey and red blackcurrant jams used for the sandwich.

assembling the golden goose peanut butter and jelly
Courtesy of PB & J West Boop

Part of the product goes to charity

If you have even more convinced to discover $ 350 for a sandwich with peanut butter and frost, here is more incentive - part of the product is given toChicago hopes for children, a local chicago charitable organization that focuses on the empowerment of children undergoing roaming. Charity is working to protect academic support in Chicago's homeless shelter.

This is not the only PB & J they sell.

While the gold goose is certainly the biggest shocking of the menu, the section "Not so secret ..." offers some other sandwiches with peanut butter and frost so that guests can benefit from a price more accessible. Their classic wonders PB & J is served at $ 5 a sandwich, or you can order a whole bread bread wonder PB & J sandwiches that serves 8 people for $ 35.

They also offer theElvis style sandwich- Wheat bread in passage, Chunky peanut butter, brain sliced ​​banana, for only $ 7, you can add bacon for $ 2 extra.

The PB & J of your mother is not made with a splash of maple-bourbon honey, watered on grilled multigrain with almond butter and a Berry compote - all for only $ 8.

And of course, for the peanut butter and the connoisseur of the jelly, there is yours where customers can choose a bread, propagation, frost and trim for only $ 10. And no, the bread of gold leaves is not an option, you will have to order the gold goose if you want a bite of this dusty gold crust!

Read more:15 classical American desserts that deserve a return

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