11 sodas without sugar that are healthy

If you like bubble drinks better, but know they are the worst to lose weight, keep carbonation in your life with these healthy brands.

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Instead of leaving Cold Turkey when it comes to freeing yourself from your soda habit, it may be time to start sipping a healthy soda without sugar. You probably never thought that you would see the words "healthy" and "soda" together, but it's because we are not talking about cola, root beer or other sweet cans.

According to a report of theJournal of the American Cardiology College, a portion of Soda a day can raise your risk of heart disease by 35%. And do not even try to replace them with diet versions, which are filled with just as harmfulArtificial sweeteners This can prevent your body from holding fat and disrupting your intestinal microbiome, which is important for keeping your digestion gently, your immune system at its best, your hunger pans are equal, and your mental health at its peak.

So no, we are not talking about your standard stuff. We are talking about brands that fall into the true definition of soda: gas water. It means healthy sodaIs to exist; This has just been hiding all the time in sparkling waters, selectzers and club sodas. These can be tasty as the pop you like to crack, but with much less sugar and calories.

Not yet convinced? Take a look at theThe most popular sodas classified by the way they are toxic And you will go to one of these soda brands without sugar in no time. And while you make healthier choices, be sure to storeThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


Zevia Zero Calorie Soda, Cola

zevia zero calorie soda cola

By 12 oz can: 0 calories, 0 mg sodium, 0 g carbohydrates (0 g sugar)

Say hello to the first soda Stevia! It's a good thing that parents who founded Zevia wanted healthier sodas so that their children drink, because we now have another user-friendly option to add to our shopping list. It was the first brand of Soda to use Stevia, combining the leaf extract with citric acid, gaseous water and natural flavors. Do not let the word "acid" scare you; Citric acid is a sure additive that is naturally found in many fruits, and all these ingredients add up to a delicious delicious soda, sometimes cafeinated, zero-calorie. So shudder another if you are desiccated - thereare 14 flavors to choose after all.

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Virgil Sugar Zero Racine Beer

virgils sugar free root beer

By 12 oz can: 0 calories, 0 mg sodium, 12 g carbohydrates (0 g sugar)

Virgil makes every natural versions of the sodas you like. In this root beer without added sugar, the company combines 15 roots and spices to create the familiar flavor you grew up. The only difference? There are artificial zero sweeteners. In their place, Virgil uses a mix of exclusive sweeteners of 12 grams of erythritol (why you see 12 grams of carbohydrates on the label), with Stevia and fruit monk.


Reed's Zero Sugar Real Ginger Ale

reeds zero sugar ginger ale

By 12 oz can: 0 calories, 0 mg sodium, 12 g carbohydrates (0 g sugar)

When they say real, they mean real. The reeds really use real ginger juice to savor this Ginger Ale (crazy, right?), Then softened with 12 grams of erythritol with stevia and the fruit extract of monk in this certified cetogenic drink.


Sparkling water via, cherry

bubly sparkling water cherry

By 12 oz can: 0 calories, 0 mg sodium, 0 g carbohydrates (0 g sugar)

Forget your Cherry Cola and opt for this soda without sugar. Buily is a range of zero calorie, zero-carbon, zero glittering waters of sugar that come in 13 different fruity flavors.


Spindrift lemon sparkling water

Spindrift lemon

By 12 ounces can: 3 calories, 0 mg sodium, 1 g of carbohydrates (0 g sugar)

If these cute boxes do not keep you, the nutrition label will be safe. Although each of the 11 flavors varies slightly, all are all low and little sugar with natural ingredients. The lemon, in particular, is our favorite flavor, and it is simply without sugar. Spindrift is the first and unique brand of sparkling water in America made real fruits, picked up in family farms, pressed and canned. This allows a slightly luscious and totally delicious sparkling drink.


Poland Spring Sparkling Water, Lemon Lemon

Poland spring lemon lime sparkling water

By 12 oz can: 0 calories, 0 mg sodium, 0 g carbohydrates (0 g sugar)

To let go your tastes of your sprite could be easier than you think with these colored cans Poland Springs Sparkers. Not only are they are zero-calorie beverages with delicious flavors like the grenade lemonade and the blueberry of Acai, but they will do this whistling that you know and like when you crack them, which could help you forget that this n 'Is not the sweet product you are used. To. In fact, these are far from being with a nutrition panel that has a pile of zeros and a list of ingredients that are missing both sugars and sweeteners added.


The cross

opening la croix can

By 12 oz can: 0 calories, 0 mg sodium, 0 g carbohydrates (0 g sugar)

You did not think we were going through our healthy soda list without featuring this fan's favorite, did not you? If you have heard the hype, you know that Lacroix kills the sparkling game of water with 20 flavors in colored and colorful cans that work as well on your Instagram account as in your body. Open your alcohol cabinet and mix a cocktail without guilt with one of these lightweight and comparable drinks, or simply crack it on itself for a delicious choice of calories, sodium, sugar and sweeteners.



Courtesy of Perrier
By 8.5 oz can: 0 calories, 0 mg sodium, 0 g carbohydrates (0 g sugar)

Originally from France, this brand has been from the United States since the 1970s and we can not imagine healthy hydration without it. Their sparkling mineral water is consisted only with carbonaceous water and natural flavors, which is quite incredible given the two hands to count the ingredients on the back of a diet coke. With enough fruity flavors to compete with other popular brands, it's not a sugar-free soda to neglect.


Q upper club

spectacular club soda
By bottle of 9 oz: 0 calories, 61 mg of sodium, 0 g carbohydrates (0 g sugar)

When it comes to craftsmanshipSoda Club, Q Upper Club is seriously engaged. Their product is dotted with Himalaya salt, known for its high mineral content. Sometimes, simple can go very far, so drink a bottle of Q when you have a carbonation crisis or use it as a mixer.



can of polar seltzerade

By 12 oz can: 0 calories, 0 mg sodium, 0 g carbohydrates (0 g sugar)

When life gave polar lemons, they made the Lemon Seltzer'ade. While their cans come in sweet flavors like raspberry, cherry, watermelon, blueberry and mango, there are no sweeteners, sugars or juice added inside - just a Refreshing and sparkling drink. This is just another addition to the Seltzer products of the family company, so if you are a fan of these lemonades, there is more to where it came from!

Each is done solely of gaseous water and natural flavors, which means that there is no need forBeing worried about the chemicals of your soda.


Vintage Seltzer Water

vintage seltzer products

By 12 oz can: 0 calories, 0 mg sodium, 0 g carbohydrates (0 g sugar)

It's time to return to our roots, back to the good old days when every bite and each sip did not fill our body with artificial additives. This is where the vintage arrives. Their sugar-free soda water maintains a simple healthy hydration with gaseous water and natural flavors that satisfy your taste buds without sacrificing your well-being. These two ingredients are present in a standard cola box, but they are cooled carcinogenic caramel color and high fructose corn syrup. When we put it like that, it is clear that vintage means means putting your best foot forward.

Categories: Groceries
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