15 reasons The instantaneous pot is the new slow cooker

The snapshot is the essential cuisine that everyone can not stop storing.

Maybe you just bought one and you are looking for new ways to use it. Otherwise, you probably have seen one in the kitchen of your friend or used in a recipe from your favorite blogger. It turns out, the camera 7-in-1 is only $ 99 on Amazon - you can buy one here. Sept-in-1 means that it is not just a flight, it also allows you to make counter spaces (a rare commodity in some cities.)

So what are the devices he replaces? If you already have a slow cooker, do you need a snapshot too? Can he help withweightloss? We were curious about this new craze and the colony to find out how the snapshot could update your cooking experience.


He cook two things at a time

Cooking in a slow cooker limits you to stews and soups. If this does not look like your cup of tea, you must cook your sides separately from your main course on the stove, costing extra weather for cooking and cleaning. The snapshot adds a variety and convenience to your dinner routine by offering you the opportunity to cook separate things at a time with overlay trays. You will not have to debate if it's worth doing this side of rice and vegetables, so you can focus on more urgent concerns at night as30 things to do 30 minutes before losing to lose weight.

Eating this! Advice:

Place the stainless steel steam rack supplied with your snapshot directly on the main protein. Then pour rice into a secure dish in the oven and place it on top, adding water to cover. You will be amazed on how every dish kitchen is coinf!


He warms the remains

DITCH Your microwave - the snapshot can warm up your remains faster. Although many of its settings get the work done, the steam setting is all around bloggers. However, the key is to add a little water and even fat if you warm a pasta dish that hangs. You can warm your meal at a time, stack the containers and make sure the dish needs the most cooking time is down.

Eating this! Advice:

Depending on what you warm up and you have the time you have, you may want to use one of the other settings of the instant pot. ForSoupeThe skipped and slow-cook options work better, and for croomers, the preservation adjustment warms slowly but uniformly.


He cooks more at the same time

If we were not already impressed how fast the instantaneous pot that our favorite recipes a slow casotte, it turns out to double the recipe is not added to the cooking time! This means that you can make meals for the week in advance, at the same time as it would take to make a single portion. We know how easy it is to reheat remains, too! Add in somesuperfeument To keep you healthy all week. Now you have no excuse for not attending this exercise class after work.

Eating this! Advice:

Although doubling the game does not change cooking time, double the size of the meat. Keep this in mind whenever you make changes to an existing recipe.


It jumps meat and vegetables

There is nothing like this crispy and tasty exterior crust of a piece of tender meat. To do this with a slow cooker, recipes often call to jump into a stove apart from the hours that must be cooked, defeating the goal of a meal with a pot. With the snap / browning function of the instant pan, add a drop of oil or grease (find one to use in our list ofhealthy fats), and you can brit your meat in the same pot, just before cooking.

Eating this! Advice:

Make sure you do not use too much oil during the task. A little goes a long way and go to the sea could add unnecessary fat and calories to your dish, which makes it tasty.


He cooking frozen meat

How many times did you entered the kitchen, remember that you forgot to get out your chicken frozen that morning? Now you are stuck with a block of ice meat and you type your brain on what you can do with that. Launch frozen meat in a slow cooker is big no-no. It spends too much time at sufficient temperatures to allow bacteria to flourish and not cook frozen meat uniformly. This is another problem solved by the instantaneum. It cooking at temperatures high enough to kill persistent bacteria, allowing you to cook this ice meat in something tasty in just five minutes more than it was thawed.

Eating this! Advice:

Brown Your frozen meat on the jumpy setting first, as you would if it was thawed. The piece could be uneven, but a little browning will add a lot of flavor.


It makes broth quickly


If you have seen our report onbone brothYou know the benefits of sipping on hot soup. Although the basic rule is that the house is more nutritious, recipes for bone broth in a slow cooker call up to 24 hours of cooking! The snapshot cuts this period up to two hours only. This facilitates fresh cooking cooking, which also allows you to save money on its home-bought counterpart.

Eating this! Advice:

You can use your snapshot to make any type of broth, including chicken and vegetable. Under them in the basis of your favorite soup recipe!


It's also a yogurt manufacturer


Did you know that you can make your own yoghurt? You will save money and show this friend who always boasts everything she does from scratch. This might seem complicated, but the snapshot takes care of all the regulation of cooking and the difficult temperature. Although you can use a slow cooker for yogurt, it will cost you four to five overtime than with the snapshot. To save even more time, you can cook the yogurt blend directly in glass jars. Then you have portions prepared in the refrigerator, ready to seize!

Eating this! Advice:

Check25 best yogurts for weight loss Read on the healthiest yogurts to do in your instant pan.


It appears popcorn


If you like to have the popcorn at your fingertips when your favorite movie is happening, you should take a look at30 Popcorn Butres Microwaves - Classified!. You will probably be surprised by the amount of unhealthy additives and ingredients found in most packaged varieties. The house fabrication at home is a sure way to avoid these risky ingredients, but this can be a pain to cook on the stove. This is another use for your snapshot! With a little coconut oil heated on the jump setting, you can add popcorn nuclei, cover and wait until they stop enjoying. Here is!

Eating this! Advice:

If you prefer the corn of the kettle, add a little sugar and turn your instant pot approximately every 2 minutes during cooking (using oven mittens!)


It's the best harden eggs


Doing hard eggs is never as simple as it should be. Either they are too cooked or cooked, the shell will not leave. Setting the timer on your instantanese pan for four minutes causes the perfect egg. Since the eggs are steamed instead of boiled, the hull naturally separates a little while cooking, easily peel. Your slow cooker will limit you to scrambled or poached eggs, both taking a lot more time to cook.

Eating this! Advice:

Before your next grocery race, read on the26 things you need to know before buying an egg cardboard.


It's a rice stove


Rice is a core food in many kitchens, but slowing it in a slow stove can take more than two hours. Using the rice setting of the instantanese pan, you can reduce this time within 30 minutes! Because it works like a rice stove, you do not have to worry about moving boiling water over the stove. You will be perfectly cooked rice each time, ready to flow with aHealthy chicken recipe.

Eating this! Advice:

The rice cooker function of the instant pan works perfectly for all your favorite grains and lenses.


It's not going too hard

We all have an accidentally cooked dinner in a slow stove. It is easy to do! Be sure to take out your dish at the ideal time is delicate and requires serious monitoring. With the snapshot, you can leave your kitchen meal without worrying. Once the timer set turns off, the stove goes into warming mode until you are ready to eat. One of the models even contains Bluetooth capabilities, allowing you to control the temperature of your phone while you get out!

Eating this! Advice:

AvoidMcDonald Menu By car, you are preparing a healthier dish in your instantaneous pan. You will dine so fast, you will save fast food additives.


He cooking dried beans


If you have already tried to make dried beans, you know that the process is anything but fast. They must soak the night before they are ready to boil on the stove or cooking in a slow cooker. The snapshot can make you save the hassle by immediately cooking dried beans, at the same time, no soaking needed! You no longer have to resort to canned beans in your Chile, save money and keep your meals fresh.

Eating this! Advice:

Stock On Black Beans - They are listed as one of30 best anti-inflammatory foods.


It saves electricity

Whether you're trying to be green or saving money on your electricity bill, it's always a good idea to limit energy consumption as much as possible. You will save 75% of the electricity used to cook a meal with a slow stove if you go out for the snapshot. Of course, it has to do with how much faster cooking, but also because of isolated and sealed design of the instant pan.

Eating this! Advice:

The heavy seal prevents steam inside, especially useful in summer when you do not want extra heat leaching in your kitchen.


It keeps nutrients


You may not realize that you are low on vitamins and minerals (see whichVitamins that you do not enter enough of), and the way you cook could be the culprit. The cooking really decreases vitamins in foods and the higher heat, the more nutrients lost. Even if the snapshot cook the food faster than a slow cooker, it uses less heat because a lot of the cooking action comes from the steam and pressure instead. Snapshot switch will keep your nutritious meals - and delicious!

Eating this! Advice:

Whenever you warm, your food loses more vitamins, so you want to warm up at a time.


Stainless steel is safe

This brilliant icing inside your slow cooker can be detrimental to your health. When ceramic is heated, leaching leads to cooking food. Although some brands are more cautious on lead levels in their products, it is a compound that is naturally found in the clay. Have the peace of mind cook dinner in a stainless steel jar, instead.

Eating this! Advice:

Always be aware of what comes into contact with your food. Read our report onThe frightening toxins are hiding in your kitchen and storage containers Learn what you should be looking.

Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Instant Pot
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