The love story of Kaesang Pangarep and Erina Gudono, dating 2 months!

How is the love journey of Kaesang and Erina up to the aisle? He said dating only 2 months?


resigned and bride. What's that bride?

Through posts on social media Instagram @fraulila , Frau explained that the Kaesang-Erina pair was honeymooning to Paris, Milan, Switzerland, and several other countries in Europe. Frau wrote caption , "While in Paris and Milan, yes Mas Kaesang and Mbak Erina have escort. But while in Switzerland, I was macak Paspampres because it was quite fierce. Switzerland according to these fathers is safe and comfortable, so without escorting they are okay. "

Meanwhile, one of the services Travel Famous in France, Visit Paris also briefly uploaded photos of Kaesang-Erina's honeymoon via the Instagram Story Sang Founder, @olive1417 . In the upload, they seemed to visit some Landmark In Paris such as the Eiffel Tower, Louvre Museum, and Arc de Triomphe. I hope you're always happy, new couple!

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