There is a main COVID-19 contract route when the grocery store, the CDC says

This is the biggest risk factor.

Grocery storeAs a necessity has become one of the most induceive activities of anxiety in our daily lives filled with pandemic. Crowds that are sometimes impossible to avoid concerns surrounding what we should andshould not touch, the potential to contract the coronavirus seems overwhelming. However, we can all breathe a sigh of collective relief (masked) because the CDC is clearly provided and instructive security that we can follow so that we are as safe as possible when we purchase purchases.

As the CDC learn more about the nature of COVID-19 and the way it spreads between the population, theirguidelines On which you can contract the disease and how to protect yourself are constantly up-to-date. To consolidate all this information, the government agency has gathered a practical guide toTips for grocery stores So you can conscious of the main source of transmission and how to protect yourself.

(In touch:8 groceries who can soon be in the short diet.)

The main guidelines of CDC dissipate some of the fears around the contraction of the virus

When grocery stores, there are multiple potential sources of CVIV-19 transmission that you should be aware. There is one, in particular, that many of us are worried about: touch food and food packaging.

At the beginning of the pandemic, many of us were concerned about collecting coronavirus fromFood packaging. Stay away from others is one thing, but how are you going to protect yourself from the invisible virus that can virtually live on all kinds of objects that you enter into contact?

The fears grew up during a studyNew England Journal of Medicine found that coronavirus could survive on some surfaces for days. However, the study noted no conclusive evidence that people can be infected with the virus in this way.

However, now the CDC said that "The risk of infection [COVID-19] from food products, food packages or bags is low." (That being said,Scientists will look further In how food and food packaging can contribute to propagation.)

This goes for food and food products, but what about everything else you find in a grocery store? According to the researcher on the food virology UC DavisErin Dicaprio, PhD, it's more important toto focus onAvoid affected surfaces like door handles and credit card machines that a tomato in the product section.

Touching surfaces or objects is not considered the main way the virus spreads, but the CDCclarified That "may be possible for a person to obtain Covid-19 by touching a surface or an object that has the virus on it, then touching his own mouth, their nose or possibly their eyes."

TheCDC guidelines for grocery workers or retail food products Always encourage employees to minimize money management, wiping the counter between each client at the cash register and ask customers to use non-contact payment options.

This is the most likely way you will contract the virus

The CDC and who agree thatThe main way you can contract coronavirus via a character contact to the person. Here are some ways you are most likely to contract or pass around the virus:

  • Be in close contact with another person (closer to six feet).
  • Via breathing droplets that are expelled when an infected person coughs, sneezing or talks.
  • If these droplets land in the mouth or nose of another person, or if they are inhaled in the lungs.

The CDC notes that it may be possible for COVID-19 to spread in another way, but they are not considered the main means of the virus. This conclusion comes mainly from means of monitoring epidemiological data in which the majority of infected persons are infected.

What does it mean?

It meansYou should always practice safety measures and good hygiene as well as avoid affected surfaces.-Exprik-face when you are in very congested places like grocery stores. The most important precaution isCarry a face mask and keep a safe social distance from others at any time. Keepwash one's hands Frequently and be aware of touching your face. However, you can give up part of anxiety around your grocery store - not only is it useless, butThis can also be dangerous.

How to protect yourself during the grocery store

TheFDA Shared advice on what is important to keep in mind the next time you have to get grocery store:

  • Carry your own wipes or use a supplied by the store to wipe andDisinfect the handles of the basket or basket.
  • Prepare a shopping list in advance.
  • Go during the hours when fewer people will be there.
  • Wear a face coating or mask while you are in the store.
  • Practice social distance when buying.
  • Use disinfectant for hands after leaving the stores.
  • Wash your hands with hot water and soap for at least 20 seconds when you come home and again to repudiate your groceries.

TheCDC adds Whether you can continue to protect yourself from the coronavirus by "limiting the visit of the grocery store or other stores selling essential household items, in person. In general, closer as you interact with others, and more than interaction, the higher the risk of CVIV -19 dissemination. Order your grocery store and other online items for home delivery or selective home collection (if possible) or check with your local grocery to see if pre-order options or a player are available ". Check these extra6 new grocery stores you need to follow For more ways to protect yourself.

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Eat this, not that! Constantly monitoring the latest foods for COVID-19 in order to keep you healthy, safely and to your knowledge (and to answerYour most urgent questions) here are theprecautionsYou should take the grocery store, thefoodyou should have by hand, theMeal delivery services andRestaurant chains offering an imprintYou must know and the means to help yousupport those who need. We will continue to update these new information that develops.Click here for all our COVID-19 covers, andSubscribe to our newsletter stay up to date.

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