10 reasons why "the circle" is the Wake-up call we needed

The Circle of Netflix is ​​on the point all the more than the competition for $ 100,000.

On January 1st, Netflix posted a remake of the British TV SeriesThe circle. It is a reality competition of social media that requires players to train obligations and interact using only a few profile pictures and chat rooms. People can be the ones they want to be - and although some candidates choose to be their authentic self, others use false photos and a false profile in the hope of returning to the end.

On the surface,The circle It looks like a vapid beauty competition. It's literally a popularity contest, after all. However, we are here to tell you why it's so much more than that. Despite some of the cats on the show, players have managed to forge sustainable obligations and teach on the viewers of other useful lessons on body positivity, loyalty and embrace of your true self. Here are some of the reasons whyThe circle is the call of wake up that we need a social society obsessed with the media. Emoji prayer hands. Send the message.

Warning: Spoilers before!

Competitors onThe circle Are the living proof that you can not judge a book by its coverage.

Joey on The Circle on Netflix
Image via Netflix

It is easy to make instant judgments about candidates onThe circle when they are introduced for the first time. Take Joey, for example: when he enters the circle, the first thing he says is: "Yeahhhh, my friend." He is "the most expensive mom's boy you'll ever meet" and it's not too shy to boast of his selfies and up-toshaed gym updates. Everything about Joey's introduction raises a moan or eye roller.

But asThe circle Progress, Joey becomes something of a fan of the fan. He is funny, he is kind and he cares about what others think of him. Almost immediately, it forms an alliance with Shubham, the nice guy / nerd on the show. Yes, he slips into the DMs of all hot girls, but he does it strongly and seriously! By the time you watched some episodes ofThe circle, You can not help you but tell Joey in all his gobineous glory.

He exposes all the negative aspects of social media.

Sammie on The Circle on Netflix
Image via Netflix

On the surface,The circle is a reality competition showing a price of $ 100,000. But if you read between the lines, the Netflix show is also a comment onall social channels can be toxic. The spectacle requires people to judge each other according to some pictures, a short biography and on-line surface conversations. And when we think about it, it is not very different from the way we act on apps of meetings such as Tinder and Bumble.

But also highlights the positives!

Joey having an honest moment with Miranda on The Circle
Image via Netflix

Social media are not all bad andThe circle shows it well. Once you go beyond shallow judgments, carefully involved profiles and fake comments, there are actually a lot of good things that can come from social media platforms.

On the show, the candidates prove this time and still having open and honest conversations on their lives outside ofThe circle. At some point, the Sammie party festival opens other players on how she had to borrow her aunt when she was young after her mother's death. In another scene, Boho Beauty Miranda connects to Joey by telling him that she rebounded to the home to welcome the house when she was younger. These people may only communicate online, but they are still able to form real and durable connections and find a comfort in others.

It highlights how difficult it can be to connect and communicate online online.

Adam/Alex on The Circle
Image via Netflix

Things tend to get out online online, especially when you do not know who you are talking about. AtThe circle, players constantly question if the person they speak is a catfish, orThat what they say is really sincere. At one point, the Sammie and Miranda players are in a TIFF because something that Miranda thinks is funny and the flirting becomes misinterpreted by Sammie as an attack. When you can not see someone's face and hear the intonations of their voice, it's easy for things to be misinterpreted.

Competitors put the personality and authenticity on the eyes.

Alana on The Circle on Netflix
Image via Netflix

At the beginning ofThe circle, Most competitors are your typical social media from Mavens: a model, a professional basketball, an Italian American gymnasium, and the list continues. You expect these players to make the whole way - if not because they are beautiful and well maintained, then because they know how to navigate the world of social media.

But wait: by the first episode, Blonde Bombshell Aana is "blocked". The next time players have to choose a person to eliminate, they go with Antonio, the beautiful basketball. Which give?

Well, candidates onThe circleWe show almost immediately that good looks are not everything. When the vote of Alana players, they note that it seems false and superficial. When Antonio gets the startup, it is called to be so-called a catfish and not to open to others. The playersThe circle Show several times that honesty, openness and realness are more important than the only thing we appear on value on social media: appearance. If there is something we can learn fromThe circleIt is because honesty is always the best policy.

It is full of body positivity and acceptance.

Chris giving love to Sean on Netflix
Image via Netflix

Several participants onThe circle are members of the LGBTQIA + community. Others are more size and proud. And every time someone reveals their truth, the other participants on the show accept them with open arms and words of love.

When Plus Size Social Media Manager Sean reveals to the group that she used fake photos, everyone kisses her in her true shape. It is a sweet reminder that as long as you are your most authentic self, the people concerned will have the back.

It has beautiful and unlikely friendships.

Shubham talking about joey on the circle on netflix
Image via Netflix

You know this sceneWicked girls When Janis Ian shows Cady the set-up cafeteria? Well,The circle is essentially proof that the world is only divided. As progress, unexpected obligations are beginning to form. Gym Rat Joey, for example, gets closer to Ringard Shubham. Shooby, like Shubham is affectionately known on the show, also forms a friendship with a shameless girl of Sammie dredge as she begins to open and show her more vulnerable side.

It is a lesson of loyalty.

Shubham talking about eliminations on the circle
Image via Netflix

Be honest: if you were a player in competition onThe circle, What would be your strategy? The intelligent movement would try to eliminate anyone who stands out as a threat, and keep around those who do not succeed.

In reality, however, this is not the way most participants have developed strategies. The best participants on the show of trained alliances and real links, and they have all the way to the end. Easily the best friendship / alliance on the show was the one formed between Joey and Shubham, and it was that very friendship who got the players in the first and second place respectively. Never underestimate the power of loyalty!

It shows that with great power comes a great responsibility.

Sean and Joey chatting on The Circle
Image via Netflix

AtThe circle, The best thing to be is an influencer. As a prescriber, you can not be voted out of the show, and you get the power to block someone else.

However, having this power comes with its fair disadvantages. It is never easy to decide which candidate, who to be human with feelings and emotions must be thrown from the show forever. As we see again and again, being an influencer really takes an emotional impact on the players, and they learn to last that, with great power comes a great responsibility.

It is an eye-opening behind the scenes see how to judge each other online.

Karyn judging rebecca on the circle

When each player comes in the circle, they do not know what to expect. They their pages for curate look how theythinkThey should, and they judge the profiles of other people from a few images and a short biography are no longer your average tweet.

Of course, this is the point of the show, but looking at all the participants judge each other behind the scenes is open his eyes. "It's a bit like the profile of all the basic girls," Shubham said when he reads "Tacos all day every day" in the biography of Alana. "[Rebecca] could be one of the crazy girls who come, you know, you try to cheat on it, it will reduce your tires and the bust your windows in your car," Antonio concludes after looking ata Photo and nothing else. WatchingThe circle On Netflix makes you realize that when you judge someone online, you're not just hurt and derogatory, but also create a version of them in your mind that probably does not exist.

Categories: Culture
Tags: Entertainment / TV
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