Should I eat egg yolks?
We believe that egg yolks and other cholesterol sources were bad for us. But is it true?

You have probably been high in believing in an apparently unshakable law of nutrition: egg yolks lead to a spare tire, soar cholesterol and a hell nest. We have not only said that the egg yolks were unhealthy for us, but the health benefits of his partner in the crime - the whites - actually speak. "All white proteins", do they say, so we thought the yellow was just his twin diabolio, right? Wrong.
We know better now. And if you want to know better, we also broken down the argument to include egg yolks in your diet below. And if you are convinced to add the simple protein to your daily routine once you have finished, do not miss to discoverHow many eggs you should eat a day to lose weight Following.
The yellows have a choline
The egg yolks contain a micronutrient called Choline, which really burns fat by keeping your metabolism smoothly. Yellow is also rich in B vitamins and amino acids that help build and preserve lean muscle mass, which is essential to stay at the bay. All these nutrients are also essential for brain development.
The yellows contain serious healthy greases
If you have already hung up 30 minutes after eating a white omelette with eggs, it's not your fault. A white egg dish is a pale imitation indeed when it comes to distorting hunger. It's because the yellow is packed with satisfactionhealthy fats. It is not surprising that studies have shown that people who eat eggs like a morning meal consume less throughout the rest of the day. (And just fyi, yellow and white each contain the same amount of protein.)
Yolks cholesterol probably do not play a role in your blood cholesterol
With regard to cholesterol: the truth is that the consumption of dietary cholesterol has a minimal effect on your blood cholesterol. The daily cholesterol boundary has even been removed from the dietary guidelines of its 2015 update. And a large number of evidence shows that cholesterol-rich eggs can actually improve your cholesterol profile by increasing your HDL, AKA the "Good "cholesterol. It takes cholesterol excess to the liver, where it passed from the body, eliminating the cholesterol from the arterial plate, slowing its growth and lowering the risk of heart attack. If you want to cut food from your diet when watching your cholesterol levels, you really want to focus on treatment.Foods with added sugarwarnWebmd.
The yellows are a rare source of diet vitamin
Another reason to eat whole eggs: they are one of the few dietary sources of vitamin D, "vitamin sunshine" that improves immunity, stimulates your mood and is linked to a lower risk of several cancers. Pro advice: To get the most from, do not cook your eggs. According to a study published in the newspaperfood chemistryWhen the eggs were scrambled and then cooked, only 39 to 45% of their vitamin D remained. But fried or boiled eggs will keep 82 to 88%.
Eating this! for eggs
As for what type of yellow chosen, are you confused by a user of options apparently in the dairy driveway? Do free-rate eggs deserve to bomb instead of the old genre? Relax. You can basically close your eyes and points. 2011Poultry science The study revealed that free-range eggs are not so nutritionally different as the cage eggs. (It is a myth that you will consume stressed hormones secreted with stressed cage chickens, which is not supported by scientific research.) In fact, the only appreciable differencePoultry science Researchers have found that higher beta-carotene levels in free-range eggs, which contributes to their darker color yellows.
The biggest different from these eggs is the treatment of the chicken itself. So, if you are concerned about the well-being of animals (and tasty eggs), we recommend that you snap on organic eggs, elevated by pastures. Find out which brands we love in our break:26 things you need to know before buying an egg cardboard.
As for choosing a variety that is "without hormone", is not disturbing. The USDA has banned the use of hormones in chicken eggs and meat since the 1950s, brands understanding that humblebrag literally comes out spaces.
To the tail for a full day of weight loss, try it 25 delicious egg recipes to stay skinny !