What happens to your body when you eat bacon

This is one of the most beloved's most loved breakfast foods, but how does it really affect your body? We break it.

Bacon could be one of the most widely lovedbreakfast foods the low. The smell of bakening bacon on the stove is sufficient to make water from the mouth. But is it going to eat baconeveryday forbreakfast? Is the bacon bad for you? Is there a nutritional value for bacon? And will we have energy after we eat it, or does this delicious oily cooking let us feel lethargic?

We know - it's a lot of questions. But they are the most common that probably run in your mind asYou prepare bacon slicesSo we decided to answer you for you for you so that you know exactly what happens to your body when you eat bacon.


You will get good fats and greases not as good.

bacon frying pan

It is no longer secret than the bacon is full of fat. The juicy, the pregnancy of a beautiful bacon band is what makes it so good! But what kind of fat is made of bacon?

Well, the bacon is mainly made of50% monounsaturated fats, 40% saturated greases and 10% polyunsaturated greases and according toThe nutritional newspaper. The three greases can be part of a balanced diet.

AsThe nutritional newspaperExplains, monounsaturated fats can also help balance cholesterol levels and reduce the risk ofcardiopathy. Saturated greases sometimes tend to have a negative reputation, but they are not so bad. You will find these fats mainly in products of animal origin and they should certainly be consumed in quantities of small / moderate. Polyunsaturated fats, which are in manyfish productsAlso good for your heart and cholesterol levels.

Although saturated fats in small amounts are not so bad for you, bacon always contains about 40% in each portion. It is important to focus on exactlyor You get your saturated greases. For this reason, you may want to limit your bacon consumption and make sure you get saturated greases from coconut oil or coconut butter to balance your diet.

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You will get a ton of vitamins.

Bacon in a small skillet ready to eat for breakfast

Most people do not realize that, but the bacon also contains a ton of vitamins. So when youbaconYou will be treated with many vitamins, including B6 and B12, as well as iron, zinc, magnesium and selenium.

The nutritional newspaper Contact that these are useful vitamins to ingest at breakfast, but adds that there are many other fresh green and leafy and lean meat that you can get these vitamins instead.


The fat can cause a gut imbalance.

bacon cooking in a skillet

Animal products and fatty foods have been known to helpBalancing your GUT microbiome and your help soothe the mucosa of your stomach. This is one of the many reasons that people obsessbone broth! But according to theGlobal Journal of Gastroenterology, large amounts of saturated fats or fatty foods can actuallyStop the natural balance of your GUT microbiota.

When we eat healthier greases like fish fats orlawyersWe help the balance of fatty acids of our body. But when we consume large amounts of fatty foods that are higher in greases not healthy, it can actually hit the swinging things. This happens because the greases and transformed oils can create more intestinal bacteria, which hurts the necessary bacteria that our intestine feeds naturally.


Your risk of cancer can increase.

raw bacon being taken out of the refrigerator

Bacon is a type of transformed meat, soyour risk of cancer can increase. See, processed foods like bacon, sausage and charcuteries are classified asGroup 1 carcinogens. This means that these products have been proven to be able to lead to cancer. For meats processed specifically, it is known to lead to colorectal cancers. Of course, this is not isolated because it also depends on the way of life you also live.


Eating it regularly could be a problem for people with blood sugar.

strips of cooked bacon lying on brown parchment paper

According to a study published in the National Medicine Library The large amounts of fat and salt in the bacon consumed can regularly cause problems with rhetoric blood pressure.

The study states that if you not Having blood pressure problems or a story of this in your family and you eat a balanced diet and exercise, the bacon on a regular basis could, however, have a lot of effect, though.

So the big to take away here? The bacon is not so bad for you, as long as you eat it intelligently and moderately.

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: bacon / Facts
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