Advice approved by experts to stay healthy for quarantine

The gym could be closed, but there are many simple ways to stay on track with your weight loss goals. Trust us, we talked to the experts.

During this time of thePandemic of Covid-19 which is filled with major uncertainty, exactlyHow? 'Or' What You will stay on track with yourWeight loss objectives might not be at the forefront of your mind. But simply because you are not able to go to the gym or stop your favorite Smoothie shop for the moment, it does not mean that you still can not stay healthy. If something isvital that you follow yourhealthiest habits.

Easier to say than to do, right?

Well, it's surprisingly easier than you think! Trust us here. See, there are many simple ways that you can stay on the course and do not win extra booksWhile you are distinguishing and staying in. We have gathered the best tips of experts that will help you stay your healthier while you're stuck at home. And you could even lose weight during this quarantine period.


Make a meal plan and hold it.

Meal prep breakfast lunch dinner salmon salad pancakes fruit

Just because you are now suddenly a few meters from your kitchen at any time, you should not continue to wander there and go out with food in your hand. It is important to have a routine and maintain a sense of normality and eating designated meals that you plan ahead in advance is a great way to do it.

"I would recommend doing a food plan for your household. In this way, you can use perishable foods first and add to non-perishable food. It will also ensure that your food lasts longer," saysToby Amidor, MS, RD, CDN, Fand Expert from award-winning nutrition andThe Wall Street newspaper author of the best sellingCREATE-VOUR-PLATE COOKING BOOK.

Meal meal It always makes life easier and this way, you do not have to continue thinking about what you are going to eat and avoid eating too much.


Have a feed schedule.

woman alone in kitchen looking at phone while eating

When you areWork And possibly tending to those who live with you too, it can be difficult to remind you to stand fed and decent hours. Do not let him hit 3 pm. And you have not eaten anything yet! Your goal should be to continue eating at regular times scheduled when you are hungry, and eat in the same place.

"To minimize grazing over the surpass [and], make it a rule of eating only in the kitchen or dining room and nowhere else at home," says Amidor. "The food should be eaten at the designated hours (which you can plan for the family) so that everyone eats together then leave the kitchen so that it can be cleaned and closed until the next meal or snack. A little planning can go a long way during this stressful time. "


Keep your meals filled with food that will hold you fully.

protein lunch

There is nothing worse than eating a meal that is, good, just less than satisfying. And especially with the temptation that is all theseGoodies you have supplied On this awaits you in the kitchen. To avoid feeling about yourself just after you eat, make sure your meals are filled with all the good things.

"Make sure you include rich foods inprotein (including lean meat, chicken, soy food, seafood and dairy),fiber (such as whole grains, nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables), andhealthy fats(olive oil, canola oil, walnuts and seeds) at each meal and a snack to feel satisfied, "saysElizabeth Mr. Ward, MS, RDN. "If you are satisfied after eatingYou are much less likely to touch high calorie and low nutritious foods that can cause weight gain. "

RELATED: here are theEasy recipes at home that help you lose weight.


Snack Smart.

On the go healthy snacks

Snacking is inevitable - sometimes you need a little pick-me-up between meals and it's totally ok! But there are waysYou can indulge in a small snack without deducing your weight loss plans.

"Put snacks in single-servant containers instead of eating directly from the bag," says Dr. Rachel Paul, PhD, RD ofCOLLEGENUTIENTIONRIONISTIST.COM. And with being aware of how much you eat, you want to keep track of what you put in your body, too.

"Do not attempt yourself. It's good to have treats andto cook andCook more now that you have timebut do something that isreally Because of calories because she has tasted rather than climbing irregularly on junky snacks, "adds Ward.


Keep yourself responsible.

Food Journal

"Follow what you eat - it's a great way to keep you responsible," says Dr. Paul. "Follow what you think you're going to eat in the morning, then adjust yourself as you go throughout the day. "

Essentially, it's never a bad idea to keep ajournal of food, even when you eat and make food yourself instead of eating!


Stay active.

at home workout

With all this time inside, there is a good chance that you are working on your computer for you sitting on the sofa doing another show on Netflix and then lie down in your bed reading a book. Nothing against these activities, but they need you sitting a lot! So it's importantBring the good gym to you.

"Exercise every day. There is a ton of exercise applications and free and low online websites," said Dr. Paul. And there are other benefits to make time exercise in addition to keeping you.

"Get regular physical activity. The exercise burns calories, but it also deactivates stress, which could lead to stress-eating," says Ward. Which brings us to ...


Channel your stress.

sad woman near window thinking

Emotional Is very common and for a very stressful moment as the world is right now, you could turn to food for comfort. Having your favorite foods on the hand is one thing, but you do not want you to not involuntarily develop dangerous eating habits.

"If you want to eat stress, take a moment to check if you are hungry or stressed or anxious," says Amidor. "Use a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the safest) to determine if you are really hungry. A large part of the time you could be emotionally eating, create a list of activities that you can do instead. Ensure You simply practice social distance. As recommended by the CDC. "

So, what can you do when you feel overwhelmed and the desire to turn to food?

"When you are stressed, call a friend or family member and talk about how to solve your problem, instead of eating. Eating will not solve the problem and will often make you feel worse after," suggests Dr. Paul .


Take a hobby for when a desire to crisis.

Man listening to music with headphones

To be obliged to stay inside can obviously trigger feelings of agitation and boredom, which can then lead to a useless diet because you are not really hungry. So, what better way to use any free time that you can also have to finally try this leisure you have always wanted? Or better, do something you already like to do.

"Find other pleasant activities when you feel a snack desire, but you know you're not hungry. Logging, Pinterest, listening to a podcast or audiobook [are just a few ideas]," says Dr. Paul.


Make sure you sleep.

man sleeping well

To sleep is always an important part of the weight loss trip of anyone. Your body needs time to rest so that it can work properly, after all. But catching the right amount of sleep (relaxing) every night facilitates the limits of bad desires you could have too.

"Get enough sleep. Sleeping adequate helps control hunger hormones and be well rested help you toBetter solving foods rich in calories Like the fries and candies you can eat to increase your energy levels, "says Ward.

Eat this, not that! Constantly monitoring the latest foods for COVID-19 in order to keep you healthy, safely and to your knowledge (and to answerYour most urgent questions) here are theprecautionsYou should take the grocery store, thefoodyou should have by hand, theMeal delivery services andRestaurant chains offering an imprintYou must know and the means to help yousupport those who need. We will continue to update these new information that develops. Click here for all our COVID-19 covers , and Subscribe to our newsletter stay up to date.

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: Coronavirus / tips
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