Trick questions (with answers!)

Use these questions to entertain friends, break ice and flex these cognitive skills.

Prepare for a family meeting? Already RSVP'D at a party with people you don't know? Or maybe you are heading to the Happy Hour with your colleagues? No matter the opportunity, there is always room for a little clumsiness. When this is the case, a icebreaker can come definitively at hand. Below, we have listed some of our favorites Questions To help pour the conversation. At worst, you will make some new friends. At best, you will master all the crowds!

Read this then: 79 adult puzzles (with answers!)

81 Best questions, puzzles and icebreaker games

Share the list of tip questions below with family, friends and colleagues. See how properly you can answer. We have even divided things into separate categories to make the list easier to navigate.

Difficult questions for adults

woman confused over trick questions
Shutterstock - Casting of thousands
  1. Question : You see a truck driver going down on a one -way street, driving in the wrong direction. He spends at least 10 cops but does not stop. How come?
    Answer : Because it was walking on the sidewalk.
  2. Question : Two mothers and two girls ordered a pizza for dinner. Everyone had a slice, so how only three slices were eaten?
    Answer : The dinner group included a grandmother, her daughter and her granddaughter (her daughter's daughter).
  3. Question : A woman fled from her house, turning left only three times to go home, where she fell in front with two guys wearing masks. Who were these guys?
    Answer : The referee and the receiver.
  4. Question : How is it possible that each person in a plane crash is dead, but two people survived?
    Answer : The two people were married.
  5. Question : Should we assume that a professional vaulter can jump higher than a double floor bus?
    Answer : Yes, the coils are incapable of pole jump.
  6. Question : What is a question that no one can honestly say "no"?
    Answer : "Are you awake?"
  7. Question : An electrician and a plumber were queuing for lunch in a local cafe. One of them was the father of the son of the other. How could this be possible?
    Answer : They were husband and wife.
  8. Question : You see two girls in the street that looks identical. You ask them the following questions: do you come from the same family? Do you share the same parents? Are your birthdays the same day? The two girls answered yes to all your questions, but when you asked if they were twins, they said no. How is it possible?
    Answer :: Because they are not twins, they are triplets.
  9. Question : A man dressed in a black suit with a black hat and a black mask covering his face walked on a countryside. Suddenly, a black SUV without any lit light was in effect, but stopped before being able to hit man. How did the car knew he was there?
    Answer : The incident occurred in the middle of the day.
  10. Question : A girl fell from a 30 -foot scale but has not undergone any injury, not even a bruise. How is it possible?
    Answer : She stood on the lower failure when she fell.
  11. Question : Two men are caught in the rain and are soaked from head to toe. Why did only one shoes his shoes?
    Answer : Because one wore shoes, the other was barefoot.
  12. Question : What are you doing but no one, not even you can see it?
    Answer : Noise.
  13. Question : Two security agents arrive for work at the same time in the morning. They both kept the same safe in the past 10 years, none of them has one day of illness, but they have never landed on each other. How is it possible?
    Answer : They keep the safe in different days.
  14. Question: Before Mont Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain in the world?
    Answer : It was always Mont Everest.
  15. Question : A few months have 31 days, others have 30 days, but how many 28 days?
    Answer : 12 months have 28 days.
  16. Question : You drive an electrical train at 120 MPH moving north with the wind blowing east to 15 mph. How does smoke breathe?
    Answer : Nowhere. It's an electrical train, so there is no smoke.
  17. Question : There was a terrible plane crash on the border of the United States and Canada. Only half of the people survived. Ethically speaking, where will you bury the survivors?
    Answer : Nowhere. It is not ethical to bury survivors.

Read this then: 73 Teasers brain for adults guaranteed to be perplexed .

Easy questions (ISH) for children

little boy frustrated over trick questions
Shutterstock / Ty Lim
  1. Question : If you had only one correspondence and enter a dark room containing an oil lamp, an ignition wood and a newspaper, which would you turn on first?
    Answer : The game.
  2. Question: If there are 10 birds sitting in a tree and one is shot down by a hunter, how many birds remain?
    Answer : None. A bird was shot and the rest flew.
  3. Question : What do you call a person who does not have all his fingers in one hand?
    Answer : Normal. Most people only have half their fingers on the one hand.
  4. Question : What superpower do you need to allow you to drop a raw egg on a concrete floor without cracking it?
    Answer : None. Ordinary people can do it because concrete floors are extremely difficult to break.
  5. Question : What could you buy for dinner, but would never dream of eating?
    Answer : A fork and a knife.
  6. Question : Eskimoos are very good hunters, but they never hunt penguins. Why not?
    Answer : The Eskimos live in the North Pole; Penguins live in the South Pole.
  7. Question : Who is heavier, 100 pounds of rocks or 100 pounds of feathers?
    Answer : They both weigh 100 pounds.
  8. Question : Beth's mother has three daughters. One is called Lara, the other is Sara. What is the name of the third girl?
    Answer : Beth.
  9. Question : What belongs to you, but can everyone use it much more frequently?
    Answer : Your name.
  10. Question : What can travel around the world while staying in the same corner?
    Answer : A stamp.
  11. Question : There are three important rooms in a house. One is filled with money, another is filled with important papers and the last one is filled with jewelry. One day, all these pieces broke out on fire. In which room did the police switched off the fire first?
    Answer : None of them, because the police did not make fires; The firefighters do.
  12. Question : How can a girl spend 25 days without sleeping?
    Answer : She sleeps at night.
  13. Question : How many sides does a circle do?
    Answer : Two, an interior and an exterior.
  14. Question : A farmer generally collects 15 eggs from his barn every day. One morning, he went out to see how many eggs his rooster had laid. How much could he collect?
    Answer : None - Roosrs do not lay eggs.
  15. Question : What is a single foot, a head and four legs?
    Answer : A bed.
  16. Question : There is only one thing that goes up and down but stays in the same place. What is that?
    Answer : A staircase.
  17. Question: A teenager was urgently transported to the emergency room of the hospital who needs surgery, but the emergency doctor refused to do so, saying that the patient was their son. But the doctor was not the boy's father. How is it possible?
    Answer : The doctor was the daughter's mother.
  18. Question : A young boy practiced football. He kicked the football ball 10 feet from him and each time he returns to him alone. How is it possible?
    Answer : The boy kicked directly in the air.

Read this then: Children's puzzles: 86 Awesome Brain Teasers . AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Play on words

wooden letters pouring out of a blue envelope
Shutterstock / Allme
  1. Question : How many letters are there in the alphabet?
    Answer : There are 11 letters in "the alphabet".
  2. Question : Which word to five letters becomes smaller when you add two letters, and even smaller when you add three?
    Answer : "Short."
  3. Question : Which is correct to say: "The yellow of the egg is white" or "the yellow of the egg is white?"
    Answer : None of the two is correct. The egg yolks are yellow, not white.
  4. Question : What heavy word to seven letters can you remove two and stay with eight?
    Answer : Weight.
  5. Question : What letter of the alphabet has the most water?
    Answer : The "C."
  6. Question : If your dog has four legs, but you count his tail like a leg, how many legs does your dog have now?
    Answer : Always four - call your dog's tail one leg does not make one.
  7. Question : There are two words which, when combined, hold the most letters. What words are they?
    Answer : "Post" and "Office".
  8. Question : What is starting with the letter T, is filled with "t" and ends with "t?"
    Answer : A tea-pot.
  9. Question: What is the word spelled incorrectly in each English dictionary?
    Answer : "Incorrectly."
  10. Question : What word to five letters, no matter how you pronounce it, is still badly pronounced?
    Answer : The word "evil".
  11. Question : How to make number one disappear?
    Answer : Add the letter "G" to the front and it is "disappeared".
  12. Question : What begins and ends with "E" but contains only one letter?
    Answer : An envelope.
  13. Question : If you spell "sit in the" S-O-A-K bathtub, and you spell "a funny story" J-O-K-E, how do you spend "the white of a egg"?
    Answer : EGG WHITE.
  14. Question : What English word has the same pronunciation even if you remove four of his five letters?
    Answer : "Waiting line."
  15. Question : What word to three letters looks like a letter it does not contain?
    Answer : "Eye."
  16. Question : What contains 10 letters but only begins with gas?
    Answer : A car.
  17. Question : What is black spots and a white face, not fat is not thin and helps you win, but falls everywhere?
    Answer : Of.

Read this then: 150+ unpopular opinions guaranteed to cause an offense .

Funny stuff questions

man smirking
Shutterstock / Spaxiax
  1. Question: Is it legal for a man to marry his widow's sister?
    Answer : Of course not. He is already dead!
  2. Question : How many Moses animals has authorized on the ark?
    Answer : None. Moses was not on the ark!
  3. Question : You have invited a lot of friends for a dinner, but not a single person presented himself. What happened?
    Answer : All your friends are married!
  4. Question : Chad came out and in the pouring rain without umbrella, a hat or protection. How is it that it is not one hair in his head?
    Answer : Chad is bald!
  5. Question : If you found yourself dreaming of being blocked in a flowing breadcrumbs surrounded by sharks, how would you survive?
    Answer : Stop reverie!
  6. Question : Is it legal that a man living in North Carolina is buried in South Carolina?
    Answer : No, because he is still alive!
  7. Question : How can you lift an elephant with one hand?
    Answer : You cannot, because you will never find an elephant in one hand!
  8. Question : What is four wheels and flies?
    Answer : A garbage truck!
  9. Question : In France, a cat is called "naked cat". In Germany, it would be "Eine Katze". What is a cat in Antarctica?
    Answer : Frozen!
  10. Question : What type of dress can never be worn?
    Answer : An address!
  11. Question : What is three feet but can't work?
    Answer : A criteria!
  12. Question : What do you call a woman who knows where her husband is at all times?
    Answer : A widow!
  13. Question : What do you sit on, sleep and brush your teeth?
    Answer : Easy - a chair, a bed and a toothbrush!
  14. Question : In South Africa, you cannot take a photo of a man with a wooden leg. Why not?
    Answer : You can't take a photo with a wooden leg, you need to use a camera!
  15. Question : A man lives on the 100th floor of an apartment building. On rainy days, he goes up the elevator all along. However, the sunny days, it goes halfway and takes the stairs the rest of the path. Why?
    Answer : Man is short and can only reach the button for the 50th floor of the elevator. On rainy days, he uses his umbrella handle!

Question number

cluster of colorful wooden numbers
Shutterstock / Bohemaama
  1. Question : There are eight men sitting on your new sofa, when three legs break. Five men get up and leave. How many legs remain?
    Answer : Seven. The legs of the remaining three men and the remaining sofa leg.
  2. Question : Three children play on the beach. The first child has four heaps of sand, the second child has three batteries and the last kid has six batteries. If they gathered all the heaps of sand, how many piles of sand would it have?
    Answer : Just a large heap of sand.
  3. Question : Lucy has five eggs, Matthew will have 50 eggs and Robert had 20. Who has the most eggs?
    Answer : Lucy.
  4. Question : Aunt Mary had 24 sheep in her barn. She accidentally left the door open one night and all the sheep except seven were escaped. How many sheep is it?
    Answer : Seven sheep.
  5. Question : If it took eight men 10 hours to dig a swimming pool, how long will it take four men to perform the same task?
    Answer : No time at all. The swimming pool has already been dug.
  6. Question : A 30 -foot rope scale is suspended on the side of a ship with its lower level affecting the surface of the water (the ladder is spaced an interval foot). During the high tide, the water level increases at a rate of 12 inches per hour. How long will it take before five levels are covered with water?
    Answer : That will never happen. The boat will rise as the tide rises, just like the scale.
  7. Question : When Dennis was 12 years old, his sister was half his age. Dennis is now 23 years old. How old is his sister?
    Answer : 17.
  8. Question : There are five apples in a basket and five people in a room. How can you give an apple to each person in the room while leaving an apple in the basket?
    Answer : You give one of them an apple in the basket.
  9. Question : How much dirt is there in a hole three feet deep, six feet long and four feet wide?
    Answer : None. A hole has no dirt.
  10. Question : If the company of two and three is a crowd, what do the four and five do?
    Answer : New.
  11. Question : You are in a horse race and manage to gallop the runners in fourth, third and second place before crossing the finish line. Where have you finished?
    Answer : Second place.
  12. Question : Josh, a 45 -year -old blacksmith, measures seven feet high and eats all day. What does he weigh?
    Answer : The iron.
  13. Question : My dog's leash measures five feet long. It is desperate to eat an ice cream horn that someone dropped to about eight feet. How does he manage to reach it?
    Answer : I don't hold his leash.
  14. Question : An elevator in a large building, from the third floor, climbs eight floors. After having dropped nine stories again, then climbing seven floors, he descends three floors before climbing seven stories again. What floor is it?
    Answer : The thirteenth floor.

Read this then: 40 hard puzzles that will leave you completely perplexed .

How trick questions can help your brain

Tips are not just a fun way to get one on your friends - they are actually good for your brain. Beasts are particularly useful when it comes to exercising " use the or loses the "Principle. In other words, these types of puzzles help stimulate certain brain functions that we cannot exploit differently on everyday life.

The results have been shown to sharpen critical thinking skills and even improving short -term memory. It should also be noted that experts suggest that other brain strengthening activities such as puzzle puzzles can even help meditative state .

And if you think that these results sound well, nice, but also as something that will not pay for a long time, think again.

In 1993, a group of scientists from the Penn State University discovered that students have much more difficult to discern between normal test prompts and "trick" questions that were not thought previously (their results were then published in the Journal of Education measurement ). The more you reject your understanding of reason and logic, the earlier you expect it to be paid in the real world.


That's all for our list of questions. Make sure you soon check with us for more brain teasers to share with those you love. You can also Subscribe to our newsletter So you don't miss what will come!

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