40 Tips for the motivation that actually work

These simple steps can change your life ...

How many times have you promised yourself that this time will be different? You will lose 10 pounds, be more productive, are suitable, eat more vegetables ... and you do not do it? If it seems familiar, today could be the day you discover the motivation secret you need to succeed.

Whenever we set goals - especiallyweightloss Goals - Things are usually starting pretty well. You skip the cookie alley, sign up for spin class and start whipping Zero Smoothies of the belly every morning. Then life arrives and before way, you drive 90 km / h blowing kisses to your promises in the mirror. "You see you Monday" "I'll be back next month" or "when things slow down finally ..." You say.

The truth is that motivation is easy. Cornstay Motivated, even in the best possible circumstances, is difficult. More than 90% of people who have decided to make aresolution This year will fail. Except! Not this time. From the establishment of goals, time management and planning, to practice self-compassion, here are 40 the best motivation tips!


Start where you are

Motivational tips walking

According to science, something in motion tends to stay in motion. No matter where you are or what you hope to accomplish, start today. Once you started, you are much more likely to continue to go through the power of momentum.


Get off the failure treadmill

Motivational tips sad man

As Julie Andrews said, "perseverance fails 19 times and succeeding 20." Try again.


Define specific objectives and write them

Motivational tips journal

According to a study by Gail Matthews at Dominican University, those who have written their goals have considerably achieved significantly than those who have not done so. And the more specific they were, the more the individual was probably to accomplish them.


Facilitate it on yourself

Motivational tips weight lifting

Change is difficult. When you start something new, do it infallible. If your goal is to work five days a week, join a gym within a five-minute work. If you are trying these theselove handles, move away from all the junk food for your home. You want to fall asleep earlier? Turn off all electronic devices before going to bed. Delete the temptation and make room for the results.


Plan, plan, plan

Motivational tips calendar

Whether you want to reshape your house or run a marathon, you do not just have comfort on the day of play, right? Ironically, it's one of the main reasons why less than 10% of people are reaching theirNew Year's Resolutions; They simply do not plan how they will succeed. Do not be part of this statistic. Buy a scheduler, use Sticky Notes, make lists, which works for you. Do not plan is planning to failure.



Motivational tips classroom

In an article from Harvard University on the setting of the objectives and results of the class, researchers cite opportunities for early success with "future performance and self-efficacy by increasing their sense of competence". In other words, provide students with the tasks they can reach early, increases the likelihood of reaching more difficult concepts later. The same is true with regard to the achievement of an important objective. Start with achievable goals and progressively work your path to more difficult tasks.


Start an array of Pinterest

Motivational tips computer

Whether you want to start working or redecorating, Pinterest is an ideal place to start. It's also a place where you will find when you find that you are missive and you need to refocus.


Race the clock

Motivational tips fitness watch

If you waited to receive Christmas gifts until the week of the week, there was also that you were also the student who made their research paper the night preceding his due. You may have yet been able to get all your purchases made last minute or draw a to college, but procrastination is not your friend when it comes to pursuing your dreams. And as important as defining what you want, it's just as crucial to define when. In fact, a recent article published by Duke University found that the setting of time-specific time limits allows you to control procrastination.


Choose significant goals

Motivational tips journal

According to a study at the Social Research Institute, if students do not perceive their goals as a significant or valued, their commitment to the progress of achieving goals will decrease. Do not prioritize running on the road if you hate or get promoting if you hate your work. Make a list of things that are important for you and choose something that really matters.


Expand your why

Motivational tips man running

"Like myThe Biggest LoserCoach Jennifer Widerstrom said: "Do you remember your why! 'Why did you lose weight in the first place? Why did you decide to become healthy? Return to your Why and remember you every day," Declares Sonya Jones, a PE teacher based in Illinois who lost 104 poundsThe biggest loser. "This simple exercise can make much easier to stay on track with your new healthy lifestyle." If you do not know why you want to reach yourgoalIt is that much more difficult to withstand this slice of extra pizza.


Divide and conquer

Motivational tips women on scale

It's easy to feel overwhelmed when you have a huge goal or project in front of you. And often, when we feel overwhelmed, we will tergive. Instead, break the task in smaller parts and attacking them one by one. For example, if you want to lose 50 pounds, aim to lose 1 to 3 pounds a week. It may not seem like a lot, but after only two months, it's 16-18 pounds!


Keep yourself back

Motivational tips running stairs

We are often so eager to start that we give everything we right away. Take a race for example. If you take off the starting line at your full speed and maximum force, you will be stuck by the second round. The best runners are the ones who know when to remember and when to go all.


Surround yourself from winners

Motivational tips friends running

You are the company you keep, so be chose you. In a 2014 study published in theJournal of Consumer ResearchThe researchers have discovered that when he has resisted the temptations - like eating French fries, skip the gym or drink too many cocktails-friends are often more likely to sin together. Surround yourself with people who already have the qualities you want to possess.


Establish a daily routine

Motivational tips day planner

The routine provides a structure and structure creates a discipline. "When I studied the creative life of massively productive people such as Stephen King, John Grisham and Thomas Edison, I discovered that they followed strict daily routines, as when they got up, when they start working When they exercise and when they relax, "says Robin Sharma, Author and Leadership Expert.


Get up early

Motivational tips women running

According to researchers, late sleepers - those who wake up around 10:45 at the consumption of 248 other calories a day, half as many fruits and vegetables, and twice the fast amount of food as those who define their alarm earlier! It's enough to make us define is an alarm one hour earlier. And to find out how to get an edge edge stomach in just five weeks, do not miss this essential list of the5 best foods for abs-warranty!



Motivational tips women reading

Each expert was once a beginner. To really excel, you must start with the bases. However, Carol Rogers, a psychologist and founder of the humanistic approach of psychotherapy, also highlights the importance of "learning to learn" by being open to change. In other words, you must understand that while you can get a wide abundance of knowledge, you will never have all the answers because this knowledge always changes.


Welcome challenges

Motivational tips couple working out

A 2012 study published in the newspaper ofMedicine and Science in Sport and Exercise found that competition encourages participants to increase their performance. Whether you're looking to lose weight, run faster or increase sales, start a challenge. A small friendly competition goes far on the road to the realization.


Ditch the fear

Motivational tips scale

Too often, we stay in a work we hate or a weight that makes us uncomfortable because to avoid change. And the change involves a risk. If you are apprehended to take a jump, ask yourself two questions: "First," what is the worst thing that can happen? And secondly, "Can I live with that?"



Motivational tips women hugging

Self-compassion is defined as its ability to offer compassion to insufficiency or difficulties. And when it comes to succeed, a certain level of self-compassion is required. In fact, in a study, the researchers handled the participants the level of self-compassion by writing them on a personal gap and dividing them into two groups. The self-compassion group wrote from a place of compassion and understanding while the latter was invited to validate their positive qualities. Following the exercise, they were then invited to assess the extent to which they thought their weakness was permanent. The self-compassion group has seen the weakness as more changing as the self-esteem group. Threaway: People who are self-compassionate are better able to see shortcomings as a challenge to overcome.


Plan a training date

Motivational tips workout date

A recentJAMA internal medicineStudy of nearly 4,000 couples found that people are more likely to stick to healthy habits like exercise when they team up with their partner.


Try tracking your progress

Motivational tips fitness watch

With regard to monitoring your progress, it is twofold. Researchers from the University of Chicago have found that when they recalled people with the diet successfully their progress and offered them a choice between an apple and a bar of chocolate as a reward, 85 percent of them Choose the chocolate bar on the apple. And when they are not recalled, only 58 percent went for indulgent treatment. Diet people recalling the success they had made them feel the need to reward. However, what happens when what you do is ineffective, and you are not followed this? You stay stuck. social psychologist, Webb Thomas and his colleagues from the University of Sheffield that the point of checking yourweightloss And the fitness can alert you on the inefficiency of your exercise plan, allowing you to make changes and thus progress towards your goals.


Turn on the

Motivational tips zumba

Do not do every day the same thing and hope to stay excited. Dr. Thomas Goetz from the University of Constance and Thurgau University of Teachers Training revealed that when students are bored, their value suffers from academic success. The boredom aka will not help you reach your full potential change if it! Take a new training class, find a new recipe on Pinterest, try more than one method, etc.



Motivational tips music

Stay motivated is one of the biggest challenges on any trip. Fortunately, something as simple as reading lists can do the business. Whether to hit the sidewalk, go to the gym or even having a productive day at work, make a playlist can inspire you and set the tone for your workout and day.


Interval training practice

Motivational tips work

Although interval formation on the treadmill fight against boredom,Stimulate metabolismAnd burn fat, intervals workout at work is just as important. Just as our body needs recovery, it's going from our brain. In order to maximize productivity, work in 90-minute blocks with 10-minute intervals to retrieve and refuel.


Share your course

Motivational tips computer

In a study published in 2013Translational Medicine Behavioral, Participants who have published their weight loss progress on Twitter have lost more weight than those who have kept their progress themselves.


Find a group or partner Accountability

Motivational tips high five

When Matthews has studied how the achievement of workplace goals is influenced by the responsibility, it found that more than 70 per cent of participants who have sent weekly updates to a friend reported either the fulfillment of their Objective or to be more than half of the path (as opposed to 35 percent of those who have kept their goals for themselves). Another study published onlinePractice of health promotion I found that people who received weekly text reminders of their daily "caloric budget" and their motivation emails have gone healthier meals and snack choices. To solicit a friend or take things in hand and configure marked alarms on your smartphone.


Make your bed every morning

Motivational tips bed

Before brushing your teeth, dress and leave the house, do your bed. Small tasks offer a sense of accomplishment, and if you start your day with the realization, you will finish this way too.


Use your time commutes

Motivational tips commuting

If your trip is nearly four hours a day, it means you spend about 25 percent of your travel week (assuming you get six hours of eye closure). This is a huge part of your week that you can or do not use productively. Listen to a podcast while you are driving or the examination work plans and academic magazines on the train. Use efficiently your time.



Motivational tips journal

Write your emotions on paper helps relieve stress and anxiety that can cause emotional power. In a recent study, women who were dissatisfied with their weight were invited to fulfill once, the 15-minute writing exercise on a major personal problem continued to lose at least three books over a period of three months ; their counterparts, who wrote about an important subject,won three books, saysThe Biggest Loser Dietician and author ofA little guide for losing big Cheryl Forberg. Free yourself from feeling cravings and get writing. For more weight loss hacks, see these25 ways of losing weight in 5 seconds.



Motivational tips desk

If your office looks like a bomb has just come out and you run forever late (or missing appointments completely), it's time to organize you. Find each article a home, expand an appointment management system, hobbies and bonds, and ditch the clutter. The more you organized, the more you are equipped to handle everything you are started.



Motivational tips tv

According to Nielsen, the average American looks at about 153 hours of television every month at home. It's about five hours a day, on your tuus, in front of a screen. Five hours that could be devoted to races to run, taking a test class, reading a book, meeting a friend for a coffee and preparing for dinner instead of ordering take away. Allow yourself 2-3 hours of tube time a week or ditch all together. We have enough screens in front of us all day.


Go to bed earlier

Motivational tips sleeping

Attention Night Owls: According to the researchers, will get eight and a half hours of arrest, each night can drop the desires of junk food a junk food of 62% and decrease the general appetite of 14%!



Motivational tips cell phone

It's easy to forget things we have to do. The realization of the lists does not only guarantee that we get all this done, but it also makes us feel accomplished!


Establish a feed schedule

Motivational tips salad

Experts say that construction schedules around food can help you duplicate this success yourself. "So that I stay on the right track - no matter when I put away from bed-I eat in an hour of wake up, eat every four or five hours after that and stop two hours before bedtime," says Lisa Moskovitz , Rd, founder of a private practice based in Manhattan, the NY Nutrition group. You do not know what to pack? Check these50 snacks with 50 calories or less!



Motivational tips meditation

Although short and sweet, the mantras are terribly powerful. They can relieve stress, keep you happy and motivate yourself. If you do not have a word or you say it still works its magic on you, find one to help you achieve your goals.


Stop the multitasking

Motivational tips multitasking

Although there may be areas in life where multitasking is useful, recent studies have found that multitasking reduces your productivity by 40%. It is not only ineffective, but according to a study at the University of Sussex, the multitasking can damage your brain. This is because when we usually do not do things at the same time, but we do not usually do things at the same time, but rather to move forward and thus compromise our performance and retention for each task. The constant interruption of our brain also causes stress, thus reducing the reaction time. Instead of being a Dabbler, practice laser focus on a goal at a time.


Know your peak hours

Motivational tips

Are you a morning person or do you better at night? Do you become unproductive at some point every day at work? Practice self-awareness so that you can use your advanced time more efficiently.


Reward yourself, often

Motivational tips bath

Meetings at 1938, BF Skinner invented the conditioning of the term operator, which meant changing behavior to get a desired response through reinforcement. In his studies on rats, he used a positive reinforcement by placing a hungry rat in a box with lever. Whenever the rats accidentally reached the lever, the food would fall into the container. Over time, rats knew how to go directly to the lever. By rewarding ourselves food is not recommended (especially if you are on a diet), you can offer a new training outfit, hot bath or Netflix mini-banin. As with rats, small rewards guarantee that you continue the desired behavior. Learn more about the50 Secrets of Weight Loss Best.


Place your phone

Man sleeping phone bedside

A recent report on the information of mobile intelligence revealed that the American verifies their social media accounts 17 times a day. This means that we are on our phones every hour of awakening. It is not surprising that we are more distracted than ever. Make a conscious effort to be present and give your attention to your goals.


Ditch perfection

Motivational tips

Nobody is perfect and you will not always be on your game A, but if you stay focused and motivated, you can realize everything you want. So much time to go!

Categories: Weight Loss
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