10 signs that you drink too much coke

It is one of the most popular drinks in America - and the world, but pouring too much glass will seriously affect your health.

Today, Coca-Cola sells as many types of different drinks (3,500) that if you drank one a day, it would take you 9 years for all samples. (And that's just the number that the company offers today; remember the7 rising coke reversals that did not work?) Every day, 1.7 billion portions of coke products are consumed around the world.

It's a lot of sugar water.

Do you drink too much coke and other sodas? A quick glance in your recycling tray can offer an index. If you count 7 cans or bottles of soda that you have drained, many studies suggest that yes, you drink enough to compromise your health. According to one of the most important, the benchmarkU.S. Framingham Heart Study, Just drink a daily soda can has been linked to obesity, increase size size, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, increased risk of type 2 diabetes and a heart attack, from A stroke, a more mediocre memory, a smaller brain volume and dementia.

Although an occasional coke does not leave you with sustainable poor health effects, taking their habit of drinking gaseous drink, studies suggest. These subtle warning signs can point out that it is time to reduce before your habit becomes a serious health problem. Read on, and for more things about how to eat healthy, you will not want to miss these108 most popular sodas classified by how toxic they are toxic.


You have to buy bigger pants.

Woman measuring waistline

Drinking a lot of soda, like coke, which is rich in high fructose corn syrup, is associated with an increase in "visceral adiposity" - it is science-spoken for belly fat. In a study published in theJournal of the Clinical SurveyThe researchers gave overweight adults one of the two sweet drinks, a sweet glucose drink, a sweet fructose drink. After 10 weeks, researchers observed a significant increase in total body fat from both groups, but only a significant increase in belly fat in the fructose consuming group. Dozens of other observation studies have connected the high content on the fructose of sugars added to excess belly fat. Another problem inherent in soda and other sweet drinks is that it is very easy to consume large doses of sugar in a short duration. The soda could be obvious, but there is another13 foods you have not realized, cause belly fat.

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You look or look older than you.

Face of a beautiful adult sad woman with long dark hair holding her hand near her neck.

Drinking soda is desiccant, thanks to caffeine in. So, if you drink too much coke, you may notice such dehydration symptoms in the form of dry skin, fine lines and fine lines on your face and hands. But there may be more than dehydration. The sugars and chemical additives in the sodas can accelerate the aging of the cellular level, according to a study of 2014 in theAmerican Journal of Public Health. As we get older, our telomers, caps on the ends of our chromosomes, shrink. Scientists believe that telomeres act as the aging clock in our cells because when they become too short, our cells stop working properly and we show signs of aging. The researchers at the University of California in San Francisco of the study analyzed the 500 healthy American DNA that had been stored 14 years old and discovered that those who drank more pop tend to have shorter telomers. According to their research in 2014, drinking a 20 ounce soda each day was linked to 4.6 years of additional aging, the same accelerated aging you have just smoking cigarettes. Skip the soda and opt for these20 foods you should eat every day during a longer life.


Your migraine evils seem worse.

Mature man with bad headache at home

Artificial sugars and sweeteners of coke and diet coke can trigger headaches. Or the combo of sweeteners and the dehydrating effect of caffeine in the crollers can put your pain at the top on the top. An examination of headache triggers in theClinical Journal of Pain In 2009 suggests that aspartame, the sweetener in diet cocoral and other diet sodas can make headaches worse when people who can consume migraines consume the amount of aspartame found in five sodas of or more diet. (In touch:10 foods that can trigger your headaches.)


Your doctor diagnoses prediabets or type 2 diabetes.

Man taking blood sample with lancet pen indoors

Ameta-analysisOf 88 studies have found a clear association between sugary non-alcoholic beverages and type 2. diabetes. One of the larger studies showed an increased risk of 26% to develop diabetes for people who have consumed one by two servings. daily sweet drinks compared to people who rarely consumed them. Another, an eight-year-old study of 91,000 women found that women who drank one or more soda a day were twice as likely to develop diabetes as women who drank less than one soda per month.


Your blood pressure is greater than normal.

Doctor Checking Blood Pressure Of Male Patient

Drink more than one soda or other type of sweet drink per day has been associated with higher blood pressure, according to a log reportHypertension.

In the study, researchers at the School of Public Health at Imperial College in London analyzed the regimes and health of some 2,700 middoyal people in the United Kingdom and the United States. The study did not determine the cause and effect, but after weight recognition and other risk factors, the consumption of ordinary soda seemed to always put participants with a greater risk of cardiac disease. Make your heart a favor and eliminates these13 worst foods for high blood pressure.


Your big toe is painfully swollen.

Woman holding feet toes

It's a symptom of gout. Inflammatory disorder can be triggered by many things, one of which is by drinking too much high fructose corn syrup, a sweetener found in coke and other sodas. "Fructose is metabolized differently from glucose", Pierre Simkin, MD, Professor Emeritus of Medicine at the University of the Rheumatology Rheumatology Rheumatology Division of the University of WashingtonArthritis today magazine. As our body breaks down fructose, uric acid levels increase, which produce painful crystals in the joints, the classic symptom of gout. A2008 study inBmj I found that men who drink two or more sweet sodas daily have a higher risk of 85% for the drop that men who drink less than one soda per month.


When you stop drinking coke, you feel tired.

African American afro woman with curly hair wearing casual sweater rubbing eyes for fatigue and headache, sleepy and tired expression

If you drink a lot of caffeinated and stop drinks abruptly, you can feel the symptoms of tellation of flu-flu symptoms, fatigue, irritability, constipation, insomnia and lack of concentration , according toCaffeine informant.


Your teeth are full of filling.

Woman with a toothpain.

The harmful bacteria in our mouth eat the sugars we consume and that acid is the by-product. When you drink a lot of soda and other sweet drinks, your mouth is flooded with acid that causes shape and erosion, according to theAmerican dental association. Tip: When you have a soda, drink it, do not sip it, says ADA. The shorter time the slose liquid sugar around your teeth, the better. And brush after.


You seem to decrease or have a crowded posture.

frustrated and stressed businessman sitting at the office front a computer and holding head

Both symptoms may mean that you suffer from osteoporosis, fragile bones and drink a lot of colas can be one of the contributing factors of bone weakness. Research published in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition Suggests that the consumption of a carbon drink, but more particularly colas is associated with reductions in bone mineral density in women. The low bone density is a sign of osteoporosis, which makes you more susceptible to fractures.


Seeing a bobbin of soda triggers a loud lust for the sweet taste.

Woman craving junk food while on a diet

Can you become addicted to sweet soda? It's hard to prove, but research suggests that food can be addictive. A rodent to study Discovered that sugar bunching causes dopamine release, so-called "happy hormone" in their brain. Will it do the same thing in your Noggin? Other human studies suggest that the same neurobiological routes involved in substance abuse also control the consumption of food and beverages. Skip the soda and opt for the 11 healthier drinks for weight loss .

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: Soda / Unhealthy
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