Surprising snack that fights desires

If you are plagued by thoughts of grasses potato chips and chocolate nugget cookies, you must add this healthy weapon to your arsenal fight against junk food.

Regardless of your commitment and determined that you are, lose weight takes hard work: preparation of meals, gym logging time and make healthy choices for each meal every day. But just because you are determined to eat healthier, you mean that your cravings of junk food will disappear. If your mouth is still waterproof for cupcakes and French fries, even if you are experiencing carrots of caterpillars and babies, there could be a secret weapon to fight these desires in size. For other ways to stay on track, check out our list of the list of50 best weight loss tips.

Provides, this secret weapon is probably already in your kitchen-walnut. And while the nuts have a whole crowd ofHealth benefitsBy helping you help you sleep and reduce your blood pressure, it seems like they have the unique ability to pound the desires of fat.

Ato study Published in the newspaperDiabetes, obesity and metabolism I found that nuts could affect the part of your brain that controls desires. In the study, participants who were medically considered obese visited the search center on two separate five-day sessions. During a session, they drank a smoothie composed of 48 grams of nuts (about half a cup). From the other visit, the participants drank another smoothie that had a similar flavor and nutritional profile, but do not contain nuts. Since the study has been randomized, neither researchers nor participants knew what smoothie was made with nuts.

To detect changes in the brain, researchers managed IRMF tests on participants during the last day of sessions. The participants were then shown food porn images, such as burgers and desserts, neutral photos such as flowers and rocks, as well as images of less desirable foods like vegetables. The results of the IRC have shown increased activity in a brain area called the right isola, associated with control, when participants who have drunk walnut smoothies have been shown images of unhealthy food.

"We know that there is no ambiguity in terms of study results. When participants eat nuts, this part of their brain comes on and we know that it is related to what they tell us to feel less hungry or more, "said Principal researcher Christos Mantzoros, MD, PhD, according toScience daily.

Nuts: the healthy superfood of heart

The benefits of walnuts go beyond the fight against your desires of junk food. As they are packaged with omega-3 healthy hearts, nuts can even help remove the disease.

"[Nut] has stated help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, obesity and diabetes as they are high in alpha-linoleic acid. Alpha-linoleic acid is an essential omega-3 acid that can only be obtained. By a diet because our bodies do not produce it, "Jim White, Rd, ACSM and owner of Jim White Fitness and Studios Nutrition, explains.

And not only the nuts help you fight the desires in the brain, but healthy fats also increase the feelings of fullness and satiety. "This is an important factor in the fight against desires," says White.

Make sure to load healthy healthy nuts the next time you have reached the grocery store and you have at least one serving a day, about ¼ a cup, which exit from 190 calories, 4 grams of protein, 19 Grames of fat, 4 grams of carbohydrates and 2 grams of fiber. There is a reason why it's one of our6 best nuts for weight loss.

Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Cravings / Nuts
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