17 motivational stories "Transformation Tuesday"

These weight loss stories are sure to inspire you!

A year ago, the woman you see beyond Sarah - had just gave birth to her fifth child, but was, in her own words, "depressed" and "felt without hope". She then opened Instagram on her smartphone and started scrolling. It was when she finally found the motivation she needed to change her life. A year later, it is down 63 pounds of its starting weight of 215 pounds. And she looks amazing!

Stories like Sarah's show that social media can serve as an inspiring platform to follow the others and finally, your own transformation of progress and weight loss. What you will soon find is that the person's trip is the same. Different methods work for different people and unique stories will focus on unique people. And if you fought with your own weight, these transformation stories to the jaw will be sure to inspire you to lead the healthiest life you can. If you are looking to lose belly fat and tonate, get inspired by these amazing stories - then fly their secrets by following these50 best weight loss secrets of lean people.




Photo courtesy of@ Huffnpuff2buffntug

When you are overweight, it's not just additional books that are the problem. According to a characteristic of Katie Bolden by the GPS-Watch Brand Polar brand, the blogger of the Chicago region had been overweight for most of its first diseases, suffered from various chronic diseases and was responsible for a potential diagnosis of The SP in its early 20s. "I was so afraid that one day I could be completely handicapped and maybe I could not do all the things I've always wanted to do," Bolden said in Polar. It was then that she decided to restore her life. She first started with 30-minute workouts four times a week and gradually increased time and intensity as she became more fit. (Left, Katie during an attempt to use three miles in 2013). Three years later, Katie lost 143 pounds and now attacks half marathons. Looking to lose weight, too? Check these40 fun ways to drop a size of jeans!




Photo courtesy of@ WebebitePdavid

David's story started when it was assigned to the production of an episode ofThe Ellen Degeneres shows Guru Richard Simmons Guru Richard Simmons. At his meeting, Simmons offered Aidid David and therefore started David's successful weight loss trip. He started (at 402 pounds) by writing everything he has eaten in a food log. He brought his own food to work every day, gave occasional cravings and started doing exercise. Two years later, it is lost - and had 160 pounds. A David Council? Because he knew that the previous schemes failed when he made mediocre food choices (thinking ", there is my diet today, so I should eat what I want and that I come back to the track tomorrow."), It now eliminates the temptation wherever it can keep temptation. Healthy options at home and with him on the move. Find tips like this on our exclusive list of50 best weight loss tips!




Photo courtesy of@ miss_slinky2016_meganmcgee

After being in an abusive relationship for nearly five years, this 25-year weight slipped up to nearly 258 pounds. After a revelation that she should spend her time and efforts to create a life she could love and be proud to hate me, Megan McGee's friend asked her if she wanted to join global thinning - a loss program Weight based in the United Kingdom This helps members lose weight through a combination of support for the group, healthy diet and daily activity. She accepted and lost more than 70 pounds. "Physical changes are excellent, but the psychological changes I have been the ones who have benefited from my life beyond everything I could have imagined; my weight loss has been an external reflection of my state of healthier spirit ", 25- a year's nurse told theDaily star.




Photo courtesy of@overcome_the_scoop

Losing 154 pounds does not arrive during the night. In fact, he took on five years to drop that amount of weight when she started at 331 pounds. After years of sweat and tears, Mattie says she loves the feeling of "being able to walk in a shop and not to fear that you do not lay [in] clothes."


Jessica Ann

jessica ann

Photo courtesy of@Join_jessica_xo.

The motivation was pushed on Jessica when her boyfriend offered her and she had not become 100% with the way she looked. According to his bio Instagram, she is lost by more than 115 pounds naturally in anticipation of her marriage in March 2017. A board she gave her supporters? "As you are preparing to commit to change your life, remember that change must first happen in your mind. If you do not think you are able, then you are not."




Photo courtesy of@Joseeksabs

Joanne is proof that the balance is not the only measure of good health (Either) Two and a half years ago, Joanne chose to change his lifestyle. She was not particularly overweight, but she saw the opportunity for growth after visiting a health and fitness expo. She started doing exercise and started seeing a muscle gain and fat loss. When his progress started in Plateau, it was when she knew she had to change diet. Now, it eats a diet rich in anti-inflammatory and antioxidant foods (it eats curcuma and adds blueberries to its daily smoothies), cuts refined sugar, selects whole foods on pre-packaged and increased its protein consumption. . It started at 133 pounds and 25.6% body fat and now weighs 126 pounds and is 19% body fat. Although there is a difference in weight on a scale of only 7 pounds, it lost nearly 10 pounds of fat - which also means that it was packed on an impressive 3 pounds of muscle! Joanne's board to target fat? "The short answer is that you can not. Unfortunately, you can not spot part of your body." However, Jo explains: "Unlike fat loss, youcan Target specifically different parts of the body to build muscles. The muscle is responsible for the definition and shape and do not jiggle, sag, [nor equal to the uneven or climbing appearance of how fat does. "



dj mog

Photo courtesy of@djmog

Unlike other Instagram accounts dedicated to weight loss, DJ Mog account describes photographs of nature and girlfriend. You should never guess that the popular and interpreter DJ have ever had a hard time gaining weight. After answers shocked at a photo of progress, the 32 years commented: "It simply proves that you can never really know what people are fighting behind all the smoke and the mirrors that are social media and everyday life. " He continued to explain his battle. He ate "shit", had "no idea of ​​food or respect for nutrition" and had a myriad of serious health problems. He asked Geoff Gates, a weight loss mentor for help and after less than one year of monitoring a diet and a reorganized exercise routine, the young DJ "went from a guy who could not even go without torso on a beach at this happy (and not so stuffy) Chap you see in front of you here, it's true ... a beach! "




Photo courtesy of@juliexakim

Weight loss is not easy and it does not come quickly. Julie will be the first to tell you that, and that you should not be afraid to start again. She is down 72 pounds of her heaviest weight, but it took five turns of the same training routine (Kayla Itiners' bikini body girls). She always has ways to go, but she is happy with her slow progress: "It's always progress," she says. Much progress that Julie has done is not even visible. In fact, she recently spoke with her disciples that she has no high hypertension or high cholesterol!




Photo courtesy of@ Fancynancy819

A year ago, Nancy weighed 140 pounds heavier. In his Bio Instagram, Nancy details that the last 50 pounds she lost was simply making simple diet changes. A supplement of 90 pounds was a combination of diet and exercise. Now, Nancy does Zumba, works regularly - lifting, abs, etc. - And healthy, like making rice with cauliflower and Italian sausage stew!




Photo courtesy of@hannah_tracks

After dropping an inspiration from 91 pounds, Hannah has his routine with a science. Well, sorta. Its "basic system" is pretty general, which shows that the best "diet" is the one that consists of changing your lifestyle for the better: it eats whole food, fills its plate with bright and varied colors, kitchen zero to avoid the Conservatives, drinking water, follows its progress and sleeps 8 hours per night - all parts of our list of30 healthy habits adapted to people live by. Previously, his exercise was "walking in the store to buy cheese pasta and onion" but now she lifts weights and creates his own circuits!


The iron giant

the iron giantess

Photo courtesy of@Theirongant

"There is no easy answer ... a quick solution ... a magic pill ... a simple solution. [...] I have the cold and honest truth. This requires work." By replacing the junk food with junk food with real foods like chicken, fish and whole vegetables, adopting an intensive fitness fitness program and cardio, and completely refusing excuses, "said 115 pounds on the two-year course without surgery or weight loss pills. Ready to be inspired? The Star Fit Instagram shares a few words of wisdom: "There is no magic solution to which you are not private. There is only hard work. And everyone can do it."




Photo courtesy of@ M.Transform

You do not need weight loss surgery to lose nearly 200 pounds. And Jose Cabrera is the proof. The 33-year-old started more than 400 pounds and is currently 228. When he started his weight loss trip, his "ultimate goal was never to feel without helpless again." After his transformation, he found that he also won that more than restoring my body. All I can say is that every sacrifice you are making more and more sharpness is worth it. " Looking to follow the lead of Jose? Flight its post-Workout breakfast: 1 1 minute oat cup, 2 servings Peanut butter and 1 spoonprotein powder.




Photo courtesy of@indigoalicefit

Although Indigo grew up as a martial artist accomplished, a golfer and a well rounded athlete, she suffered from an undiagnosed fatigue disorder, won a lot of weight and was devoted after having two surgeries in the heart. "I worn this supplement 20 kg okay, but I was so improper that I could not ride the stairs without getting out of the breath!" Now, the 23-year-old raises regularly, kickboxing and practices yoga. It attributes a lot of its success to the sweat guides of Kayla Itines: "It was the real catalyst for my change of healthy lifestyle and I am so grateful for that!"




Photo courtesy of@Goddessgetsfit

It all started in February 2016 when Gabrielle visited Brazil for Carnival. "I never felt worse at home in my skin that this trip in particular. I avoided images. My body was missing from the love that I put in my skin, in my hair and makeup" She commented on a recent photo posted in Instagram. Now she works three to five times a week (lifting weight and running), eating low carbohydrates / low sugar and is non-alcoholic (in the course of four months). She lost 80 staggering pounds so far! Go ahead! Follow this Goddess' leader by storing these20 The best packed and low carbohydrate snacks for weight loss.




Photo courtesy of@HAIRSTARGETSFIT

After having lost both her husband and her mother in a short period of time, Justine struggled with "depression, a serious frenzy disorder, a body shame and body dysmorphism". She took her weight loss path from a step (and a selfie) at a time to bounce back with a weight loss of 124 pounds.




Photo courtesy of@ sarah_fitratafter5

If someone will tell you that weight loss is not a fast process, it's Sarah. The Stay-A-HOME mother of five has tried Nutrisystem at weight observers with calorie without sustainable success. Back in January 2016, she weighed at 215 pounds. She was depressed, had just had her fifth child and felt hopeless. After scrolling inspiration Instagram, she was finally motivated to change change. She tones her body using a program called beach body on demand and rather than restricting some foods, she chose to eat any food she wanted as long as it matches the appropriate macronutrients. She needed protein, carbohydrates and healthy greases - and is now 63 pounds. His top for the success of weight loss? "A word ... muscle !!! Yes, cardio will help you lose weight but the muscle makes you smaller, tighter and leaner." Pump the iron and twin with these25 best foods for a toned body To be fit like Sarah!




Photo courtesy of@ericafitlove

According to an Instagram spokesman, Erica's weight loss photos were the most popular messages for the "Weightlossstransstransstranst de Hashtag". She started her trip to 320 pounds when she recognized that she started fear of getting up from the couch to play with her young toddler. She also hated that clothes become limited. In the end, she lost more than 130 pounds in 15 months and went to be a size 24 to a size 8. We bet it also abandoned most of these40 bad habits leading to a big belly!

Categories: Weight Loss
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