Butter is bad for you?

We talked to a dietitian to find out if the spread is OK, or if it's really hurting your health.

In the 1980s the end, fat was considered the enemy. Today, gourmets mix the butter in their morning coffee and addingcoconut oil theirsmoothies. So what's going on? Long Short Story: Science once told foods rich in fat as guilty for all high risk of cholesterol and heart disease to weight gain. Since then, the researchers have learned some important lessons, as very important that all fats are created equal. But thatButter-It bad butter for you?

The American refrigerator classic basic food actually healthy? And how do he compare to his so-called healthy peers?

Below, a nutritionist explains if the butter is bad for you, once and for all.

First of all: is bad butter for you?

"The" butter is bad "era is gone, and butter can hold in a nutritious and healthy diet of all those who like," saysWendy Bazilian, DRPH, RDN, dietician and author ofEat clean, stay slimSeries.

In fact, a2016 Exam that the evaluated research results conducted on more than 600,000 people concluded that butter consumption has been "weakly associated with all-cause mortality" and not significantly associated with unwanted cardiovascular events, such as coronary heart disease or 'Stroke. Beware: "It does not mean eating as much as you want," warns of Bazilian. "The butter draws almost all its calories from lipids and packs a powerful punch in terms of caloric density. »

Break down. Just a tablespoon of butter contains about 100 calories and 11.5 grams of fat, 7 of which come from saturated greases. "These 7 grams represent 35% of the total recommended amount of daily fat saturated on the basis of a 2000 calorie regime," says Bazilian. By comparison, you can eat a hearty 1.25 cup of blueberries for the same amount of calories (more fibers and antioxidants). Of course, fat is more satisfying, which brings us to our next topic.

RELATED: Your anti-inflammatory regime guide This heals your intestine, slows the signs of aging and helps you lose weight.

Does butter have nutritional qualities?

Butter is a better choicecompared to margarine (Which can contain traces of trans fat to increase the bad LDL cholesterol and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease) and other highly transformed fat substitutes, says Bazilian. Yet a lot of alternatives like olive oravocado oil are lower in saturated fats and serve benefits for health.

Calorific, butter is essentially the same as that of olive or avocado oil (it can even contain about 30 fewer calories per serving). But the distribution of fat types in each different ingredient. As indicated above, butter has the highest proportion of saturated fats, a high consumption associated with high blood cholesterol, while olive and lawyer oils contain mono-unsaturated fatty acids that favor more.cardiac health.

The advantages and disadvantages do not stop there.

"Ghee or clarified butter, has less lactose and casein and a smoke point superior to that of butter," adds Bazilian. "Lawyer oil has a very high smoke point and a neutral flavor that is perfect for high temperature cooking or cooking. »Coconut oilcontainMCTS, Or medium chain triglycerides, which are saturated, but can behave differently (read: better) in the body compared to saturated fatty acids of animal origin. It also has a slightly sweet hazelnut flavor.

When buying the traditional butter, opt for organic varieties and nourished with grass, if possible. Grass-nourished butter is higher in conjugated linoleic acid, or CLA, a fatty acid that can be associated with fat loss in humans.

The bottom line on the butter, please?

"If the power supply of it does not understand a lot of butter, there is really no good normative reason to add it unless more calories or fat, which can happen, But is not common, "says Bazilian.

Healthy people who love butter should spread things in moderation. "Stick to about a tablespoon a day," suggests Bazilian. Because there is a good chance that you also have other sources of saturated greases (think: meat, poultry, dairy products, eggs) in your diet, it is wise to keep your butter consumption in check .

Then, less stress.

"If you eat a global nutrient menu, including every day of fruits and vegetables with each meal, less ultra-processed food, smart protein, whole grains and healthy greases to meals and snacks in portions. Who help maintain health and weight, the amount of butter [in your diet] should be settled, "assures us Bazilian. "You do not have to worry too much about it. »

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: tips
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