What news of binging every day does your body

Consume too much news can have shocking physical effects.

There was a time - it can be difficult to remember now - when to be a new junkie was not dangerous for your health - but you will not believe what thenew Every day does your body. It's been a year of exceptionalstressful developments in the news, including aglobal pandemic, high pressurepresidential competition and widespreadracial conflictAnd your daily consumption of television, radio and the new social, who may not have had a problem a few years of return, can let you feel submerged, anxious or depressed. This is because your body and your brain meet the negative messages in different ways that concern you from head to foot. "Constant exposure to negative and violent media leads our stress hormone, Cortisol," saysMonisha Blanote, MD, Integrative Medicine Doctor in Jacksonville Beach, Florida. Here's what the experts say that watching the news every day does your body.


Watch the news student your level of cortisol

Man upset and questioning belly fat as he grabs stomach

"The chronic continuous liberation of cortisol increases our heart rate and blood pressure while decreasing our rest and digestion response," says bhanote. This can cause weight gain, especially an increase in belly fat difficult to lose. It has been shown that the rise in cortisol affects in particular women. After having volunteers looking at bad news and that their saliva has been tested at the hormone ", he has resulted in a significant increase in cortisol to a subsequent stress factor in women," according to a study ofPlos a. "In addition, women in the condition of negative news have experienced a better memory for these news extracts compared to men. These results suggest a potential mechanism by which exposure to the media could increase the responsiveness and memory of stress for Negative news in women. "


Watch the news can cause sleep problems

You have trouble sleeping these days? Sleep sleeping? You are not alone - and your consumption of news may be to blame. "Watching news every day can lead to sleep problems, which can further increase the risk of health problems with stress and depression", declaresLeann Poston, MD. Bad quality sleep has been linked to heart disease, cancer, diabetes and dementia, just to name some serious conditions.


Watch the news can raise your blood pressure

Nurse taking the blood pressure of elderly man

It's not just a chronic phrase exposing to stressors like the news can really increase your blood pressure. "Frequently, news is presented to arouse an emotional response from viewers," said Poston. "This can lead to high blood pressure and increased risk of cardiovascular disease."


Watch the news can activate your fight or theft response

Shocked young woman looking at laptop computer screen at home

"The news often show sensationalized titles that focus on the negative. Negative news can also aggravate our concerns, even if they are not related to the news, while repeated new negative news can make us feel dangerous," saysWind brianPh.D., a clinical psychologist in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. "The constant exposure to negative information can bring your body to activate the" Combat or Flight "system." This can lead to high levels of anxiety and related health problems.


Watch the news can stress your children

Child face in a mask and goggles.

If you get a bit too caught up in the news, children around you can probably feel it. "Children are like a sponge with fear - they will absorb everything in their environment," saysDr. Gregory JANTZ, Ph.D. "Yes, it's understandable that you wanted to follow what's going on in the world, but pay attention to what we are, maybe inadvertently, in the lives of our children. They already treat this year. So pay attention to the injection of anxiety and fear. "


Watch the news could have no effect - and here's how to consume it responsibly

Man using remote control to switch channels. Close up hand holding big screen tv remote.

"A really interesting study of Saint-Louis tested an exhibition at Fox and MSNBC in 34 healthy adults and found no negative effects with the short-term exposure of the news," said the doctor of the disease infectiousMerry CEPPIE, MD, Ph.D. "Even if the news was discordant the political views of the participants." The key phrase here is "in the short term". If the news points out, it is wise to define limits of your new consumption - for example, you could say that you will allow you one hour one hour a day of television news, and if you are a Twitter junkie, check your Aliminate one or twice a day for 15 minutes max. And after turning off the television, no matter where you live, wear afacial maskpractice social distancing and cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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