Get the benefits of a vegan diet - without going vegan!

"Do you want to try this new vegan restaurant?" If you do not follow a vegan or vegetarian diet, your answer will probably be less enthusiastic, otherwise obscene.

But if your health, your fitness and yourweightloss The objectives are important for you, allow these preconceived notions about what vegetal food is. "Most people are afraid they can not eat a lot on a vegan diet. They see it as a restriction and deprivation regime," said Susan Tucker, founder ofGreen Beat Life, LLC, a nutrition consulting practice in New York. "But really, it's about what you can eat." There are abundant choices available in a vegan diet, Tucker adds, which meet our protein, fiber needs and all micronutrients.

The benefits for the proven health of a vegan diet are developing. They include weight loss, improved digestion,Reduced cholesterol and increase of energy. A European study of 2015 revealed that the exchange of animal proteins of the factory-based variety can play an important role in the prevention of obesity. Here is the beauty piece: you do not have to engage in a vegan diet, even vegetarian, to realize some of these proven benefits.

Taking a tail of how vegans feed their bodies, you can start losing books by following these four rules.


Increase the fiber


A diet consisting of vegetables, grains, legumes, fruits, nuts and seeds will do a lot offiber. As we all know, the fiber is the digestive system which snow calls are in the streets of Buffalo in February. In short, he keeps our internal and clear internal calculation routes. And it's a very good thing. "Fiber-rich meals make you feel longer, inaugurate toxins and cholesterol and help maintain blood glucose at normal and even levels," said Tucker. The net result to eat more fibers: over time, you will almost certainly lose weight. Research published in theNutrition log has shown that increasing consumption of dietary fiber significantly reduces the risk of weight gain and body fat - regardless of physical activity and consumption of food fat!

So, do as vegans and add more weight loss fibers to your diet. Tucker Plan: Fill an average dinner plate with two-thirds vegetables, a third starch and a third of protein. "For any meals or snack, always in the fiber content," she says. "You can find yourself with fewer cravings and skip snacks." Start with the11 Best Fiber Foods for Weight Loss!


Decrease in cholesterol


Plants do not eat animal greases, processed meats, cheeses and oils. Meaning, they should release rich cholesterol foods - a good strategy to reach and maintain a healthy weight. "For a vegan, fat comes mainly from nuts and seeds, olives, lawyers and vegetable sources," explains Tucker, who adds that if you want to lose weight, the reduction of high cholesterol foods will pay 'huge dividends. The Nutritionist Keri Glassman, MS, RD, says that about 30% of our calories should come from fats. Thegrease Its prescriptions are all vegan: monounsaturated fats (such as olive oil, peanut oil, linen oil, nuts and avocado) and polyunsaturated fat and essential fatty acids ( understood the safflower, sunflower oils and sesame, seeds, nuts, flax. Instead of eating an egg on the plateau on Toast, Tucker says, has a slice of grilled toast grilled with a puree of avocado and a lime tank. Rather than nibble on an ounce of cheese, try an ounce of nuts.


Turn up the sound


Matt Ruscigno, MPH, RD, is a 19-year-old vegan, a leading expert in the field of vegetarian nutrition and co-author ofThe meat athlete step. He says that most plant foods, especially vegetables, offer more volume than animal feeds. In other words, you can eat more food for fewer calories. This helps you feel full because your brain recognizes the size, not calories. "I work with a lot of athletes who are new for veganism. Many are confused by this and eventually not eat enough," he says. The best way to get the benefits of vegan schemes is to eat vegetables. For vegans, Ruscigno recommends not five servings a day, but five per meal. For starters, fill your basket withThe best vegetables to eat to lose weight!




Meat, fish, eggs and dairy products are part of most human regimes for a long time. There is a good reason: meat, fish, eggs and dairy products are packed with proteins, vitamins and minerals our bodies need. Vegans must vote a broader network for essential nutrients. As a result, vegans tend to eat more colors of the rainbow and try new ingredients to make dense nutrient meals. The tucker challenge for those of us are not ready to say goodbye to cheese, bacon and ice cream? Be as adventurous as a vegetation. "Get a wide variety of vegetable sources in your diet, via fruits, vegetables and legumes, or replace this weekly hamburger with a quinoa-black-bean hamburger," she says. Explore the possibilities with these11 incredible vegan food recipes To see how you can enjoy hamburgers, the Shepherd pie, the Mac-and the cheese and more!

And find out more about why vertanism has been found to beThe best diet for weight loss!

Categories: Weight Loss
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