Simple means of never age, according to experts
Reaching three digits is not as far as you can think.

Living to be 100 years was a novelty, so much that Willard Scott, theSee today Weatherman, announce your air name in AWE (Al Roker is still). Yet these days, it's not so rare to live so long. We all live longer than ever.Disease control and prevention centers Picits currently 78 years ofage as an average life expectancy. It's not too shabby given a century, people lived about 39 (due to an influenza epidemic).
But what happens if we could push 25 years more?
Around the world, there are nearly 500,000 people who have done, or exceeded, the hundred brands, and this number isprojected reach 3.7 million from here 2050. Here,Eat this, not that! Health Rounds-up The latest research that will help you not only live to be triple figures, but make sure you are happy to do it.Read on and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these 19 ways to ruin your body, say health experts.
Have a drink

Do not fall on a bottle of Jägermeister in the hope of a long life to come. But a glass of red wine, by all means. "Our research shows that mild to moderate alcohol could have cardiovascular disease protection effects," said Bo Xi, MD, Associate Professor at the University of Shandong University in China and the first author of a study published in theJournal of the American Cardiology College", while the strong drink can lead to death. A delicate balance exists between the beneficial and prejudicial."
RX: Red wine contains antioxidants, can reduce cholesterol, reduces the risk of running and increases bone density. Enjoy one with two glasses a day if you wish.
'Less often meat

Eating meat less than once a week can increase the longevity of 3.6 years, according to a study published in theAmerican Journal of Nutrition. 22 years oldto study The end of Finland has found increased mortality and illness in individuals with higher animal protein sockets.
RX: If you have to eat meat, opt for meat proteins (chicken, turkey, beef cups) and keep the bacon and sausages since heavy diets in processed meats arelinked at the higher risk of cancer and heart disease. Otherwise, explore the exciting new world of herbal nutrition, with a product likeBeyond meat, made of pea proteins.
Avoid toxins

Be aware of your environment and what you breathe. All, benzene (found in essence), smoke and other toxins can cause cell degeneration and increase mortality rates,studies spectacle.
RX: Do not miss this essential list of100 ways your home can make you sick.
Dive into the Mediterranean diet

Olive oil, vegetables, fruits, walnuts, seafood and a moderate amount of wine and cheese - we have all heard the Mediterranean diet is the secret of a longer life. In fact, manystudies have linked the diet to improve brain health and function, reduce the risk of cancer and other diseases.
RX: Now it's time for you to try. Eat almonds, hummus, wild salmon, garlic, lemon, quinoa, cauliflower, chia seeds and olives frequently. Eat eggs, skyr and chicken moderately. And eat red meat rarely. Avoid entirely packaged, transformed and purchased items loaded with additives.
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Learn more about your genes

The genes variants found in centenarians have beenlinked to their longer life. A healthy lifestyle can help people live in old age, but these genes help maintain basic maintenance and function of body cells in advanced age individuals, in the 80s and beyond.
RX: You can not exceed genetics but you can learn more about yours. Consider taking a DNA test in which you will learn your approval to certain diseases.
... or try the Japanese art to eat

Japan does something good! He is currently holding the long-term title, according to theWorld Health Organization. This can have something to do with the size of their plates. With regard to the diet, the Japanese tend to eat smaller portions - more precisely the size of a salad plate - and not exceeding. Centenarystudied In Okinawa, stop eating when they are 80% complete. They also tend to live seven years more than Americans, according to a study and have fewer cases of heart disease and cancer.
RX: Experiment with the rule of 80%. Or at the very least, do not continue to eat when you feel full.
Actually use these holiday days

Do not work so strong; Your life depends on it. Finnishto studyFollowed by a male businessman born between 1919 and 1934 and found that those who did not sleep enough, were overcrowded and did not take enough time (ie holidays) were 37% more likely To die between the years 1974 and 2004. By 2015, some of the oldest participants, who have always taken their vacuum, reached 81 to 96 years.
RX: Our current culture rewards non-stop go-and-do work. But at what cost? If you have holiday days, use them to disconnect and be firm with your boss if you wish. He will appreciate your work more if you are alive than death.
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Binge less

Every hour, you interview Netflix, Hulu, HBO - The list passes after the age of 25 can cut your life by 22 minutes, according toresearch Outside the University of Queensland, Australia. Those who spent on average six hours in front of the tube per day were also likely to die five years earlier than those who did not look at the television at all.
RX: There are other reasons to stop clicking on "Next Episode". They can be addictive and eat your time. (Robert de Niro is currently continuing an ex-employee because he watched 55 episodes ofFriends In a row.) Take advantage of yourOne day at a time-A episode at a time.
Sleeping ... but not too much

A study outside theUniversity of Naples found that too little or too much sleep sleep of less than six to eight hours on average - is linked to a greater chance of 30% premature death.
RX: Seven to eight hours of Shuteeye is the soft spot.
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Eating these mustards

Packed with vitamin C and other nutrients,studies I found mustards also known as Brassicaceae, will keep you longer, according to researchers.
RX: Enojy cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, curly cabbage, radish, cress, sprouts of Brussels and some spices like horseradish, wasabi and, yes, white, indian and black mustard.
Say "cheese

Hey, none of us comes out of this vivance, but it's not a reason to keep this egret cup.Researchers Examined the intensity of the smile in the photos of Baseball players from the 50s. Among the passed players in the years 2006 to 2009, those who were not smiling in these photos lived on average 72.9 years, while the Grands Smilers lived nearly 80 years old. They concluded that there is a clear link between smiling intensity and longevity.
RX: Men, stop telling women to smile. It's humiliating and implies that they are suffering. However, given the impact on our health (mental and otherwise), we could all stand up to transform backbrows upside down.
Learn something new (anything!)

Old dogs can not learn new tips but you can. Education, associated with a healthy weight, leads to a longer life expectancy, revealed ato study Outside the University of Edinburgh, with nearly a year, added to your life for every year at the study beyond the school.
RX: Shoot danger and go back to school - even if it is only a herbacism course, a knitting class or a prosecution program.
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Choose your jobs wisely

Avoid some work, some of the murderers outside, according to theOffice of Work Statistics National Census of Mortal Professional Injuries, if you want to stay longer. On the flan, find a job you like. You will be happier, longer, what can have a positive impact in the long run.
RX: The truck driver, farmers and workers are among the most dangerous, mainly because of vehicle accidents.
Live in (or near) a big city

The life of country is serene, but theCenter Milken Institute for the future of aging I have noticed that living in a major city could also support a longer life because of stronger health systems, and more access to learning, arts, culture and other stimulants healthy.
RX: Eat this, not that! Health is based in New York and our editor writers can be witnesses to live here make you feel young, although to fight you to allow you to age. Weigh fantasy with respect to reality before all jumps.
Keep close relationships

Good relations, more than money or fame, are what happy people keep throughout their lives, a Harvardto study revealed. Another study inPersonal relationship I looked at 270,000 people in nearly 100 countries with a close link for better age at older age among those with liaisons of friends and strong families.
RX: Send a "friend request" to someone you want to be closer and meet them in person, not just online.
Cut off

Compared to people with normal body mass index (18.5 to 25), those with overweight and obese under-batteries have an increased risk of death over a period of 30 years. To be too insufficient, or at the extreme, obese, can affect health significantly over time, showstudies.
RX: A book likeZero Yellow Diet Can help you cut dairy, reduce swelling, staying herbal and be leaner for life.
Thinking Strong Marriage

Stay away from men. This is CentennialJessie Gallan, at a time the oldest woman from Scotland, credited for her longevity. "They are more problems than they are worth it," she said in an interview before his death in 2015. Certainly, Gallan was a difficult woman without or without man. She started working at the age of 13 and spent her 109 years staying in shape and having good people in her life but never walked in the driveway.
RX: There is no definitive search that supports a link between marriage and longevity in one way or another, although ato study found that "the current marriage is associated with longer survival. Among the unmarried categories, having never been married was the most powerful predictor of premature mortality". Our advice: marry the person you want to spend your life and give you another room to grow.
Once married, ask yourself, "Am I really happy?"

If you want to live longer, make sure you and your spouse are happy. Ato study Posted by the Association for Psychological Science revealed that a happy marriage can lead to longer life.
RX: A good wedding is linked to a more active life and healthy habits, overall. How is your relationship?
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Have children (if it's true for you)

As stressful that parenthood sometimes happens, children can actually keep you longer because it encourages a healthier lifestyle, you are more likely to abandon smoking and stay active, shows ato study.
RX: I do not have children just to live longer. But if you have or want children, remember that your habits become their habits. Define the example.
Go out

Keep a good pace. The fast walk will keep your heart in good health and will add a few years to your life, according to a recentMAYO Clinic to study. The researchers reported that women who walked faster had a lifetime of about 87 years, compared to 72 years for women who walked slowly. Meanwhile, men who walked quickly had a lifetime of about 86 years, compared to 65 for men who walked more slowly.
RX: "The walk is the best human medicine," Hippocrates said. Get Steppin '.
Get a little hazelnut

A handful of nuts a day can keep the doctor away, according toHarvard University Research, who found that people who criticize daily walnuts lived 20% longer than those who do not.
RX: Our favorite is the almonds. In addition to being an easy snack snack, you can get out of your bag for a good stitch at 9-5, almonds are also full of vitamins and essential minerals, vitamin E and biotin being the most predominant. These nutrients allow your skin to stay smooth and give your lush hair and strong nails the nutrition they need to flourish.
Keep moving

Do not stop ever! As you become stagnant, things can go down. Stay active. A 2016to study I found that seniors who exercised for 15 minutes a day, at an intensity level of a quick walk, had a rapid death risk of 22% compared to people who do not exercise.
RX: "For most healthy adults, the Ministry of Health and Social Services recommends these exercise guidelines: obtaining at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity per week or a combination of A moderate and vigorous activity ", reports the Mayo Clinic.

To quote Dr. Nelly of Nellylville: it's hot here. Frequent spicy food consumption is linked to a longer life. Those who eat spicy food almost every day have a chance of 14% longer, according to aHarvard's study. Capsaicin and other compounds in pepper peppers have been linked to the fight against cancer, obesity and more.
RX: Sprinkle with cayenne pepper in your eggs every morning, for a punch of protein and spices to two.
RELATED: Signs you get one of the "most deadly" cancers.
Know your goal in life

Researchers atCarleton University in Canada Say that having the sense of purpose can add more years to your life, because of positive relationships and global emotions and well-being.
RX:Start small. Rather than asking you, "Why am I here? What is my place in the universe" Ask yourself ", what can I do today who will make me feel like enriching my life or life of others? "
Get out, dog

Yoga can help improve digestion, calm the nervous system, reduce blood sugar and other tangible benefits. It's not surprisingresearchers Let's say it will help increase your overall life.
RX: Get your Chatranga! There is no doubt that a yoga studio near you, with teachers who wish to welcome timers. For long beginners, consider retirement.
Brush and filter

Take care of your teeth and gums does not consist in preventing cavities or bad breath. The mouth is the gateway to the overall health of the body. Do not the dental silk allows the plaque to accumulate, which then turns into tartar that can possibly irritate the gums, which can lead to various infections and diseases over time.Researchers Follow-up More than 5,400 people for 18 years and have found that those who did not brush their teeth daily had a risk of dementia of 22 to 65% than those who have brushed three times a day.
RX: The American Dental Association recommends brushing your teeth twice a day. Use fluoride and brush toothpaste for two minutes.
Caffeinate with coffee

The coffee is packed with tons of healthy compounds, including antioxidants, which can protect the body from cell damage that can lead to illness,studies spectacle.
RX: Drink four to five cups a day is also associated with a reduced death risk.

This one is quite explicit. An active lifestyle will keep you longer. Exercising at a moderate level for at least 150 minutes can add 3.4 years to your life, according to theNational Institute of Health.
RX: Try one of them25 easy exercises that reinforce your health quickly. They really work.

Helping others can make you feel good, and it helps to stimulate global mental health over time, which affects the immunity of the body to fight the disease, according to a study published inBMC Public Health.
RX:Animal relief shelters, national parks, humanity habitat, local libraries, political campaigns and YMCA are some places that rarely say no to help.
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Studies Having sex on endorphins and hormones in the body, which can help fight loneliness and depression, keep you physically active, reduce stress relief and stimulate mental well-being.
RX: Take this advice seriously. Have sex is one ofThe simplest ways to avoid a heart attack, say doctors.
Take the stairs

Are there stairs nearby? Good. Uses them. The European Cardiology Society has published ato study Showing in the way fast movements, especially rapidly climbing three flights, can reduce your risk of early death from cardiovascular and oncological and other diseases.
RX: Pass the elevators and mechanical stairs and follow your steps with a fitness watch, if you need more motivation.

The sweet things will not take you into life - literally. Too much sugar is linked to a shorter service life, according to ato study. The sugar has even been linked to the reprogramming of how our genes work. Disease and Prevention Control Centers (CDC) indicate that about 14% of daily calories that average Ameican consumption comes from added sugars. And that shows. On aPopulation health management Publication, the number of Americans diagnosed with diabetes increased by more than three times between 1990 and 2010. This happens that the sugar begins with sugar becoming more prevalent in our food.
RX: A book likeFree Sugar 3 Can you teach you to identify added sugars - and how to abandon them.
Become spiritual

Get in touch with your spiritual side. People attending religious services or have a spiritual link, generally undergo lower levels of anxiety, depression, have lower blood pressure and are generally healthy. 18 years oldto study Published inPlos a Discovered that regular service attendance was linked to the reduction of body stress responses and worshipers were 55% less likely to die.
RX: You read this right: 55% less likely to die. Start by defining which spirituality means for you, then see if there is a community that supports this common interest.
Meditate at least 5-10 minutes a day

If you are not connected to a particular religion, you can always find your spiritual balance by meditation. Not only does this improve mental health, but meditation has been linked to a lower risk of cancer and other diseases, according to ato study From the University of California-Davis, which found that regular meditation produces higher telomerase levels, an enzyme that helps to extend telomeres in our chromosomes, which impact aging.
RX: Applications such as timer, free space and calm have taken traditional meditation; Try one. One of our favorite applications is10% happier, from ABC News Man-mediterrator Dan Harris.

If you know how to laugh at things, you will live longer. 15 yearsto study Outside Norway assessed the link between a sense of humor and mortality in 53,556 men and women and found that women who had a good sense of humor lived longer, despite diseases, including cardiovascular disease ; Gary men fairly with laughter protecting them from infection.
RX: We were obsessed with the funniest lines of HBO'sSuccession-And will not even sure it's a comedy!
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Remains positive

Do you want to live at 85 or more? Optimistic thinking can add years to your life, let's sayresearchers at the Medical School of the University of Boston. Optimistic people can better regulate emotions so that we can bounce stressors and difficulties more efficiently.
RX: Technically, the glass is always half full. The other half is air.
Get a little creative, curious

Creativity maintains healthy brain and can reduce mortality rates.Researchers to agree. Creators tend to live longer.
RX: Remember that, if something blocks you: you do not need to be "creative" to create.
Love yourself yourself
Be good with yourself. Self compassion goes a long way, let's sayresearchers. It is associated with better moods, can improve body image and is related to happiness, optimism, wisdom, personal initiative and more. Overall, it improves all our mental health, which keeps our body more resilient with stress and disease.
RX: Have we mentioned that we love this thing you said today? So smart! So funny! So wise.

People who eat fiber-rich foods, including good oat or porridge thighs, reduce their risk of dying of cardiovascular, infectious and respiratory diseases from 24 to 56% for men and from 34% to 59% at the study.
RX: Buy "regular" oats and add bays for softness. Everything else can be loaded with dangerous added sugars.
Go cat team or team dog

Possess a dog is linked to a longer life, according toresearchers Uppsala University in Sweden, who reviewed the national registry registers of 3.4. million men and women aged 40 to 80 years.
If you are a cat person, you will also have a few extra years of kittens. Ato study By the Minnesota Chare Institute found that people who owned cats were 30% less likely to undergo a heart attack.
RX: We mentioned volunteering at ASPCA. If you really feel capable of taking care of a pet, discuss taking a house. We like these questions ofNylabone:
- "Do you have enough time for a dog?
- Do you work long hours?
- Can you go home during your lunch break for a quick walk?
- Does your work require you to travel frequently?
- Can you afford to take care of the breed you have chosen? "

Return to the base of the food. Those who incorporate more whole grains, vegetables, fruits and fish and limiting too much sodium, unhealthy fats, excess red meat, sugar and processed foods,improved their overall health and life expectancy.
RX: For the Nutrition Resource # 1 of the Web and to make the right choice of food every time, head toEat this, not that!
Know your family history
Longevity manages in your family? Dream more deeply in your family history, including lifestyle habits, diseases, deaths and beyond. Thismay Help us exploit how long we finally have here.
RX: Set a family tree together - with dates of birth, death and causes.
Take the time for tea time

Tea contains flavonoids, a compound that works to stimulate health. Ato study found that 88% of women were 40% more likely to live longer because they drank two cups of tea a day.
RX:GREEN. The most powerful catechin of green tea is the EGCG, the PowerHouse compound that is responsible for most green tea weight loss properties. In addition to revealing your metabolism and stimulating fat ventilation, EGCG can also block the formation of new fat cells.
Find your health weight

Normal body weight can extend life by delaying the aging process. The streamguidelines Disease and prevention control centers define a normal BMI range from 18.5 to 24.9; Overweight is 25 or more, and obesity is 30 or more. Researchers report a 44% increase in death risk for participants with IMC from 30.0 to 34.9.
RX: Talk to your doctor about the good weight for you - and ask for a recommendation for a nutritionist.

Enter the water. In comparison with other physical activities, swimming is linked for more years on this planet. A 13 YEARSto studyOutside the University of South Carolina found that swimmers had only one death risk of 1.9% during the period of research, while mortality rates were 11% for inactive, 7 , 8% for walkers and 6.6% for riders.
RX: Get off the treadmill and in the water from time to time.
Faster cycle
If you are bike faster, you can live five times longer than some slower peddlers, reveals a Danishto study. The higher intensity cycling is linked to a decrease in heart disease and mortality rates.
RX: Push your pedals on the metal!
wash your hands

Ato study found that 95% of people do not wash enough hands to kill harmful bacteria, which may result in infection and other disease.
RX: Here is a tip: US centers for the fight against the disease and prevention recommends that you wash your hands with soap and water for 15 to 20 seconds, or the time required for buzzing or singing "happy birthday " twice.
No smoking

This one is obvious. Smoking (even "light" smoking) is related to premature death and a potentially plethorafatal illness along.
RX: If you smoke, stop now. This can add another 10 years to your life.
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Keep the score of your snoring

Snoring is a major sign apnea sign, which allows you to stop breathing in your sleep when the throat tissues collapse and blocks your airways. Sleep apnea is related to all memory problems, high blood pressure, weight gain, depression and can even be fatal. Nearly 42%deaths In people with severe sleep apnea, have been attributed to cardiovascular stroke or cerebral accident, compared to death among people without the illness.
RX: If you snore - or your partner says you make a doctor and ask about sleep apnea.

In the end, just have a good time in this life! Mental health has a considerable impact on our overall health and well-being. Ato study Even found that seniors aged 52 to 76, who enjoy life have a risk of dying of 35% to die over a period of five years that unfortunate. Thank you for taking a time of your life to read this far.And pass through the healthiest life,Do not take this supplement, which can increase your risk of cancer.

What happens to your body when you eat a sandwich every day