12 belly fat questions - answer!

A celebrity coach answers questions that burn Twitter users on belly fat and how to get flat abs.

Every day, I asked how someone can get a pack of six. People arealways Surprised when I tell them that it's 80% diet. But they are even more surprised when I tell them they are probably too much too much. I discovered the whole truth in my new book,Eat this, not that! For abdominalsBut I also wanted to help some eat it, not that! Readers who took to Twitter to send me their engraving AB QS. Check them below; I guarantee you that you will learn something that changes your belly fat attack plan when you arrive at the end!

Note from the publisher: Twitter questions have been slightly modified for clarity.


"How to get rid of lower ABS grease? I have a part of a six pack on my superior ABS. "- @ cchen7325

Man pinching belly

LANGOWSKI: It is impossible to target some fat loss areas; Fats emerge from some people in some areas faster than other areas. For men, the bottom of the abdomen is the last place for abdominal fat to disappear. For women, they are often hips and buttocks. I suggest looking at your diet since this last small little bit of extra sheep, you can eat or possibly too much alcohol.


"I know that the diet is the most important thing, but how much AB training should I do each week? - @ Luisma1974

Woman doing crunches

LANGOWSKI: No more than 3 times a week. Your ABS needs to recover as other muscles of your body. You would not have the day of the leg each day, is not it? Of course not. So why should you treat your different AB muscles? Mon / Wed / Fri or Mar / Thur / Sam is the most you should target your kernel!


"What is the best veggie to drink for a flat stomach? - @ immatichaelmorgan

Lemon kale smoothie

LANGOWSKI: KALE! This helps remove the appetite while also having the title of being one of the densest foods of nutrients on the planet! Make sure you do not have the juice and remove it from the fiber! Just throw it into a high power mixer and enjoy it in one of yoursmoothies.


"How can I lose belly fat? How to increase the operating capacity? What do I eat to overcome fatigue? - @ mrkoolshubham

Belly fat

LANGOWSKI: This could be a very long answer. I ask all your questions in my book,Eat this, not that! For abdominals. Here are some quick tips to answer your questions, however: losing belly fat, remove everything that is treated from your diet. To help increase the operating capacity, launch one or two days of training at intervals in your current formation in constant rhythm. (These intervals are described in the book.) To answer your last question, you must have at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night. If you want a caffeine boost while putting yourself in antioxidants, have an extra dark cocoa chocolate square.


"What type of diet should I use to make my size 38 to 34 without losing muscle?" - @ VEN11JAYESH

Man measuring waistline with measuring tape

LANGOWSKI: Oh, this one is easy. The easy plan to follow inEat this, not that! For abdominals is perfect for you. It has a training program that will help you build and maintain a lean muscle mass and a cardio plan that will help you lose fat without pressing the muscle for energy!


"What is the basic rule of the thumb to reach a flat stomach and six-pack abdominals? '- @ b_boogey_xl

Man eating breakfast shirtless

LANGOWSKI: I would like it to be as simple as a simple rule. But if I had to say something, it would be that if you want a flat stomach, you first focus on your diet. You can do all the boards and basic training in the world and you will never see only six packs if your body fat levels are not low enough. Check thesehealthiest foods on the planet For inspiration.


Should not it be easier for women to get flat abs that men since we are storing fat in different places? " - Christiegriffin

Woman and man flexing abs

LANGOWSKI: Yes, usually womento doSee the abdominal definition before men do. Men usually lose weight in their abdomen while women finally lose it in their hips and buttocks. Although it seems unfair, women spend a lot in their lives and it is a battle that I am happy to concede.


"If I have pain at the bottom of the back, what is the best approach to strengthen my abdominals and help my lumbar column? '@ Bucknut25

Woman with back pain

LANGOWSKI: Great question. If you have serious pain, you should always see a doctor before starting any type of exercise program. If you feel that your back is simply low in general, the best way to start is small, front and side planar durations. Even if you start at 30 seconds, that's all you can do, it's good because you can develop whenever you do it. Before you know, your core will strengthen and your back pain should start from.


"What are the best exercises for someone with a return Achy? - @ Laribus77

Woman doing downward dog yoga pose

LANGOWSKI:I would start with basic yoga movements. Inmy book, I describe a complete yoga routine. But to start, I would focus especially on cat / cow installation, the child's pose and the dog down. These will really help you relieve your back pain, if it is a muscular issue.


'Carbohydrates: a yes or no? If so, what kind and when? "- @ Anayeli-Garfias

Healthy carbs

LANGOWSKI: YES! Do not be afraid of carbohydrates - just pay attention. Try to stand with complex carbohydrates: potatoes, whole grains, vegetables, chickpeas, lentils, beans and many more! Try to have them with each meal, but only about a quarter of the plate will be your meal. These will give you energy to feed your day and trainings. Try to try the evening when you need less energy. Here is my list of15 Foods for Flat ABS!


"What should I eat for recovery that is not based on meat or dairy?" - Jorod01

Berry smoothie

LANGOWSKI: One of the easiest things to do is a tremor. Do it with almond milk, berries, ice and vegan protein powder, and BAM! You have a perfect post-training recovery shake that will help your muscles start rebuilding as soon as possible! If you get vitamin D is a challenge and you are not in the sun, eat more salmon, mushrooms,eggs, tofu and fortified cereals (total whole grains).


"What are the advantages and disadvantages of fasting cardio? - @ Michelleyoung

Woman running on treadmill

LANGOWSKI: I'm not a huge cardio promoter in fasting, but the Pro here is that your body will start burning fat, earlier. When you make a fasting cardio, your body burns in glycogen stores in your muscles and then goes with the grease for energy. If you eat carbohydrates before doing cardio, your body will first use these carbohydrates for energy, then other glycogen stores, then fat. With regard to the disadvantages, I support that you will train a higher intensity and you have more energy if you eat something a little before your workout.

This article was originally published on January 17, 2016.

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