5 Healthiest spices on the planet

The wars were fought on them, the best sold pop groups were named after them and new continents were discovered in search of them. But before they were the money or the symbols of Girl Power, the spices were medicine-healers who go back to the first civilizations of the world.

The 21st century brings a new chapter in the world history of spices: a scientific exploration. Today's researchers discover an incredible health and nutritional wealth in spices. On balance blood sugar to enhance brain power and even promoteweightlossHere are five of the healthiest spices on Planet More helpful tips to make the best buy for the ultimate healing spice rack!

Cocao: heart-shaped recovery


As is sweet! Dozens of studies show that people who consume cocoa-like a hot drink or eaten in the form of dark chocolate - are much better cardiovascular fitness than those who do not. A nine-year study in the journalHeart failure circulation The found women who ate one or two high quality servings of chocolate a week had a lower risk of 32% to develop heart failure than those found not to cocoa. And a second long-term study found that men who ate the most chocolate - about 1/3 of a cup of dark chocolate chips per week - had a 17% stroke stroke risk compared to those who did not consume chocolate. Researchers attribute the health benefits of cocoa polyphenols and flavanols, anti-inflammatory compounds that help protect the heart in different ways. In fact, new research shows that, gram for gram, cocoa has antioxidant capacity even higher than fruit juice! The benefits do not stop at heart, however. Studies have shown that this sweet spice may help control inflammation related diseases such as diabetes, cirrhosis of the liver and degenerative brain diseases like Alzheimer's.

Get the advantages: The healthiest dark chocolate contains 74% or more cocoa solids, but if you are serious about a heart healthier, do achez nothing less than 60% COCOA. We love the excellence bar 85% cocoa Lindt. The chocolate bar that is not alkalized: a process that eliminates the bitter cost of natural compounds and healthy cocoa - and you can enjoy indulgent four seats for only 230 calories and 5 grams of sugar. The basic rule to buy cocoa: more bitter it is, the better! (The chocolate is an aphrodisiac. See moreFoods that increase sex drive.)

Cinnamon: glycemic

Ironically (or perhaps the way of nature cut us off from the mold) with cinnamon - hot spice that gives sweet baked goods, can help control blood sugar and prevent diabetes. One study found that adding a teaspoon of cinnamon a starchy meal is as effective as medication older generation diabetes to stabilize blood sugar and insulin spikes resist. And a second study in theNutrition log I found that when meals contained a mixture of spices, including cinnamon, antioxidant activity in the blood was increased by 13% and insulin response decreased by about 20%. Researchers theorize that cinnamaldehyde, the active ingredient in cinnamon, functions as a balancer blood sugar by stimulating insulin receptors on cells and allowing the excess sugar out of the blood. There are other health benefits of Cinnamon: Studies have shown that the spice can improve cholesterol, prevent against foodborne illness, eliminate the effects of Alzheimer's disease and provide treatment to women syndrome sufferers polycystic ovary (PCO).

Get the advantages: Is that true spice of cinnamon she wants to get up?Cassia Cinnamon is the variety you're most likely to find at the grocery store, but it isCeylon Cinnamon, a longer and more price variety that is to health experts. You can find the true cinnamon online or in the Indian markets and spice shops.

Turcuma: Boosting brain power

Once called "the saffron of the poor man" because of his deep yellow hue, curcuma is now presented by health experts like "the golden spice of life". Traditional to Indian cooking, curcuma owes its health benefits of active ingredients, a powerful antioxidant shown to release its anti-inflammatory goodness to almost all body cells, strengthen the immune system and treat a crowd of Diseases of indigestion to cancer. The most recent research shows that turmeric can be an effective treatment of cerebral disease. A recent study revealed that people at risk of cognitive impairment that added a gram of turmeric to breakfast, showed a considerably improved working memory after only six hours. In a separate study, Asian researchers have found seniors who ate curcuma-rich foods marked above on standardized mental tests than those who rarely eaten the curry spice. And there is a growing corpus of research on the role of curcumin in the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's disease.

Get the advantages:Curcuma is the only source of edible curcumin, so you want to sneak into your diet as much as possible. While the spice is typical of curries, it is not to be confused with powder a curry mixture of spices that includes turmeric. Look for Curcuma Alleppey, which has twice the curcumin than the turmeric of Madras. The first spice is quite hard, so it is preferable in the cooked dishes liked like jumped and stews, or as seasoning for meat, poultry and fish.

Ginger: Taming Tummy Disorders


Used for thousands of years to tame and belly in difficulty helps digestion, ginger is mentioned in the Chinese medical texts of the fourth century before our era! And in recent decades, scientists have proven ginger works to appease this feeling of harm to the heart. A study revealed that ginger and the disease made it possible to avoid treating the movement by removing the release of vasopressin during "circular vexation", alias, turning around a chair. Vasopressin is a hormone that regulates the water level, salt and blood sugar. Other Ginger Research Paintings As a powerful myorelaxant, which helps reduce the pain caused by the exercise of nearly 25 percent, as well as balloon banish. The researchers attribute the health benefits of ginger to Gingerols, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anti-disease compounds. In fact, studies suggest ginger can reduce the symptoms of arthritis, improve cholesterol levels and prevent cancer.

Get the advantages: Fresh ginger is the richest gingerol-compound that contributes to many benefits for the health of the spice. When you buy the dried chilli, the researchers say that you will get the most gingerol of organic varieties.

Pepper: Burning Up Fat


It is funny that the hottest spice in the world is called Chile. And while the debate on the spelling of spice salaries is he in Chile? or pepper? or pepper? -Cherchers do not hide on the health benefits of the red spice. Studies suggest the pepper can do everything, reduce blood pressure to clarify flammation of sinuses. But the hottest searches of gravity around weight loss. Fiery Capsaicin, the compound that gives chiles their boot, has been shown to increase the heat of the body, stimulate the metabolic rate and decrease the appetite. In fact, scientists are currently looking to transform capsaicine into an all-natural anti-obesity supplement for its ability to activate our "good" brunette fat reserves burning calories. An earlier study by Canadian researchers revealed that men who ate spicy appetizers have consumed 200 calories less at the meal later than those who do not have it. And you must not go crazy with hot sauce. Researchers at Purdue University found only 1 gram of red pepper (about 1/2 teaspoon) was enough to help manage the appetite and burn more calories after a meal. Scientists say that the benefits of capsaicin weight loss occur at a molecular level by changing the key proteins found in the grease.

Get the advantages: The more the chilli, more capsaicin than it contains. Habanero and red peppers are cayenne among the hottest on the market. Cayenne spice holder is pure chili, land of long red cayenne pepper, and it is also rich in capsaicin. And hot fire! (Can not handle the heat? The search suggests that you can always get a boost-burning calories, otherwise all the health benefits of capsaicin, dihydrocapsiate, a compound found in soft peppers like Poblanos.) Try some about yourkale.

Categories: Healthy Eating
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