20 amazing things you can do with a lemon

When life gives you lemons, use their acidular juice on everything.

With their weight loss powers, secret uses and refreshing perfumes, lemons are our favorite acid patch child. Not only the yellow orbs are rich in 100% of the recommended daily consumption ofvitamin CPowerful antioxidant that reduces your risk of cardiovascular disease and can also increase the burning of up to 25%, but they are also more versatile than you can imagine.

To find out how lemon juice can help you look and feel your best, check these surprisesUses for lemons. And for more advice, do not miss these15 ways of losing weight with lemons.


Wave goodbye to acne

middle age woman to see a mirror

You are already asked how to get rid of the Pesky buttons and the ugly brands they leave behind them without breaking your piggy bank at the dermatologist's office? Fortunately, your solution costs pocket costs and is probably already in your fridge! The lemons are perfect for erasing pustules, blackheads and their remnants scars.

All you have to do is plunge a cotton ball into freshly squeezed lemon juice (you only need a tablespoon!), And then rub it on the affected area for about five minutes each day. The fruit is naturally styptic, which can stop bleeding and acidity will embrace inflamed acne bye.

RELATED: Sign up for our newsletter for daily recipes and new foods in your inbox!


Take a plunge in the fountain of youth

woman looking at red acne spots on chin in mirror, upset young female dissatisfied by unhealthy skin

If your skin less than stellar makes you look like an older decade than you really do it, turn to the pouilli juice of your lemon. Lemon juice tapping on your skin will help you tighten and smooth the fine lines. To continue your aging efforts gradually, consider avoiding theseWorst foods that wrinkle your skin.


Rub the imperfections


Instead of spending big dollars on fancy gambles, make a homemade version. Simply press a whole lemon in a small mason pot, and add enough granular sugar until the mixture is thick. Then, splash your skin with hot water and exfoliate yourself! This natural DIY DIY will keep your face and your little baby lips.

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Clear the dark spots of elbows

Two women friends meet in a street with bare hands. Instead of greeting with a hug or handshake, they bump elbows instead

Many people suffer from hyperpigmentation on their elbows and armpits, but how many people really know that this discoloration is easily treatable? Not much, we were going to say. Here is the easy trick: after a shower, immerse your elbows in fresh lemon juice or rub a slice on your armpits. If you do that every day, the bleaching properties of the fruit will do wonders!


Lighten your locks

Mature older woman eating an apple with great skin

Never dreamed of becoming a blonde bomb? Well, now you can without a trip to the hair salon. If your hair is on the lighter side (sorry, Crosse hair girls!), You can use the juice of a lemon on your locks twice a week to lighten them. You do not have enough lemons for your whole head? Nuke The fruit uncut for 15 seconds in the microwave for twice as much juice.

RELATED: Easy, healthy,Recipe ideas of 350 calories You can do at home.


Remove unwanted hair

Woman going to bed.

To make homemade body wax, press the juice of an entire lemon and add it to a half-cup of sugar. Appear the microwave mixture until it becomes brown; Stay stirring until it is sticky. Before spreading it, let the wax cool a little. Now, everything you need is some tapes of fabric, and you will be on the path of silky and smooth skin.


Ammeuter hair health

Attractive Asian woman serious about her brush for presentation hair loss problem and looking at comb.

Speaking of hair, make sure the strands of your head are on their game A. Rub your scalp with lemon juice and let it work its magic for half an hour before you wash your hair can strengthen Your locks, move away from the dandruff and shine your braids! For more ways to keep your hair in menthe state, check these30 best and worst food for healthy hair.


Unparalleled tan

Woman scratching arm indoors

Do not you hate when the bronque summer sun your feet and my hands a little too much? To get rid of socks and gloves, mix lemon juice with water and soda bicarbonate, then exfoliate the affected areas with the mixture. Because lemon juice and baking soda have bleaching properties, both can help tone the skin.



woman looking at her teeth in the mirror

Forget the WhiteStrips crest! To get a pearly white smile, mix a little lemon juice with baking soda, plunge your toothbrush, and rub only one minute! You can repeat this every other day for a red carpet ready smile.

And for better oral health, stay away fromThe 6 worst foods "healthy" for your teeth.


Pamper your nails

Manicure nail

If you are the guy who always has his nail game on the point, you are aware of the discoloration of yournailscan get after removing the varnish. To prevent the unsightly yellow hue, soak your claws in a bowl of diluted lemon juice with water for a few minutes. In no time, they will be bright and health.


Add to H20

Woman drinking lemon water to be hydrated

Water is incomplete without the lemons. The citrus skin is loaded with D-Limonene, an antioxidant that helps liver enzymes rid of the body flush toxins to help you to your best. So go ahead and pop the skin in your glass, too!


Add lemon slices to tea

hot tea with lemon

Here, at Eat This, not that!, We are great fans of tea. The rich antioxidant drink is perfect for wake up, drink between meals, and some beers can even help you sleep better. So what can this true drink take and tried? Simply add lemon to your morning infusion for a debbloating rich in vitaminsdetox tea.


Preserve apples and lawyers

Woman slicing avocado

Never asked why your guacamole was not exactly green after a few hours? You can blame the phenolic compounds present in thehealthy fatFruit rich in; When these compounds are exposed to the air, they oxidize, turn your lawyers (and apples too) from an appetizing at a fast enough actual attractive tint. To make sure your lawyer is worthy of Instagram, squeeze in a little fresh lemon juice to counter the oxidation process. Your disciples will be grateful to you.


Get rid of a hangover

take off discomfort glasses after long wear and massages nose bridge

The face of let it: Hangovers are the reason we considerNixing forever alcohol. But once the weekend rollers and you end up in another bar at 2 hours, you may want to note it down for the morning. Two tablespoons of fresh lemon juice, plus a teaspoon of sugar mixed in eight ounces of water saving you with a headache and a tailored belly.


Improve your concentration

Woman is stressed tired and cant focus on her work

FITNESS AND NUTRITION EXPERTJay Cardiello Exaggers only the smell of lemon oil can increase vigilance and improve your concentration. But for a quick and practical solution when you do not have essential oil in hand, try boiling water and add lemon juice. We recommend that you give a shot the next time you need an additional gray matter.

Do not miss these30 Best and the worst food for your brain.


Relieve stress

Stressed frustrated young asian businesswoman reading bad email internet news on computer feeling sad tired

For the relief of instant stress, to reach some lemons rather than a frosted donut box. Why? Vitamin C Rich lemons help Decrease cortisol levels, stress hormone. So, if you find yourself in a sitch pull hair, calm your nerves, stirring home lemonade (with some extra spritzes of lemon) and nibble one of these5 best foods against stress.


Belly Bannir Problems

Young African Woman Lying On Sofa Suffering From Stomach Ache

If you have regular nausea, indigestion and constipation, thinkLaming processed foods. But if your diet is already clean enough, try adding a few drops of lemon to your meals. The little yellow fruit helps to purify the blood and rinse your digestive tract to help you feel like your best of you again.


Reduce your blood pressure

blood pressure monitor

Arterial hypertension or hypertension, is harmful because it can lead to heart failure, renal diseases and brain vascular accidents. Reduce your risk of these frightening affections by potassium rich to drink lemon juice diluted in water.

Andpotassium is not only beneficial for arterial hypertension. The electrolyte plays "a key role in hydration in our muscles and tissues, which contributes to muscle contraction and relaxation, and is also crucial for muscular health and recovery," explains Isabel Smith, MS, RD , CDN, Dietitian and founder ofIsabel Smith Nutrition.


Soothe a sore throat

Honey dripping from honey dipper in wooden bowl

Whenever my throat was sores like a child, the only thing I'm looking forward to getting back was my mother a tablespoon of honey with fresh lemon juice to suck. Although the treatment was obviously delicious, it was designed to relieve pain and certainly did. So, the next time you are nailed to bed and can not ignore a raw endolor groove, keep straight on the kitchen.


Delete your appetite


The lemons are wonderful anorexigenic because they are packed with powerful pectin fiber, which helps increase satiety. A study in theAmerican College of Nutrition Journal have discovered that those who eaten only five grams of pectin feel more complete.

For more, check these108 most popular sodas classified by how toxic they are toxic.

Categories: Healthy Eating
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