10 food to never get sick

Cauliflower, milk, garlic. . . Doctors swear by these immune ingredients.

When it comes to yourimmune system, what you eat is certainly important. Although no one does food protect you from getting sick, your global diet plays an important role in stimulating your defenses.

Dr. Robert Graham, MD, MPH, Chief and Co-Founder ofFresh medicine Says "The first step in strengthening your immune system maintains a healthy and balanced diet rich in whole grains, fruits and vegetables, healthy greases, pre and probiotics and high quality protein."

However, there are specific foods that you should eat as often as possible. You will find below a list of ten ingredients recommended by the doctor.

For more, discoverVitamin doctors exhort everyone to take right now.



grilled asparagus on wooden surface

Asparagus is a dietprebiotic, which is a type of undigestible fiber called oligosaccharides. Dr. Graham advises "think of [prebiotics] as" food or fertilizer "for healthy bacteria in the gut." Prebiotics work by improving your immune system, increasing anti-inflammatory cytokines while reducing preflammatory cytokines. Other good sources of prebiotics include fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains such as wheat, oats and barley. Dr. Graham warns: "Pay attention to the sudden introduction of these prebiotics, they can increase gas and bloating."

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According to Dr. Elizabeth Zmuda, Director of Medical Education, the OhioHealth doctor hospital, milk is a good source of selenium and a significant source of zinc. A cup of skim milk provides 11% and 7% of the recommended daily quantity of selenium and zinc, respectively. According to ZMUDA, selenium improves the function of many immune cells and a lack of zinc "alters an immune system function that has been demonstrated to improve the increase in zinc consumption."


Shiitake mushrooms

Cooked shiitake mushrooms

Shiitake mushrooms are known as medicinal mushrooms that Mr. Graham says "can support the immune defense of the body against infections by acting on various elements of the immune system and increasing an immune response from T cell.". You can skip Shiite mushrooms with olive oil like a simple side, or add to omelettes, rice dishes, pasta dishes, soups and salads.



plain roasted broccoli in white bowl

"The broccoli contains antioxidant polyphenols that are important for the immune system," says Dr. Graham. It explains that broccoli contains a compound called sulforaphane glucosinolate, which is the disease control agent that stimulates immunity. "As far as broccoli is concerned, the better, both cruel and gently cooked."


Chicken soup

Sick woman holding bowl of fresh homemade soup to cure flu at table, top view

"Although there are no studies in the form of double-blind placebo by looking at the effect of chicken soup on hardening, scientists have discovered that drinking chicken soup contributed to the mucus nasal velocity, which means you send bad things that you breathe faster so that the virus or bacteria do not multiply and do not make you illness, "says Dr. Michael F. Roizen, MD and teacher at the learner College of Medicine and author of four n ° 1New York Times best-sellers. Dr. Roizen explains that other research found that ingredients in chicken soup have anti-inflammatory effects (perhaps because of chicken, broth and vegetables together work together).



ginger root

The best part of some foods that prevent the disease is that you can throw them in your soup, like ginger. Dr. Roizen explains that "in an experiment, ginger has been shown to viruses."



garlic in bowl unpeeled

Garlic is the best choice of Dr. Riva L. Rahl, MD, Cooper Saine Living and Cooper Aerobic Center. "The garlic is rich in allicin, a sulfuric compound that has been demonstrated to stimulate the immune system."



peach yogurt

"The yogurt that has live and active cultures has probiotic properties that can improve the immune system by balancing and helping your body produce useful bacteria that can combat other harmful bacteria," says Dr. Rahl. "In addition to probiotics, yogurt is a good source of vitamin D, which also helps promote the function of the immune system."




Fruits in the citrus family, including oranges, lemons, limes and grapefruit, are rich in vitamin C. According to Dr. Rahl, "Vitamin C is one of the best boosters of the immune system. It works By increasing the production of white blood cells, what combat infection ".




Cauliflower is a member of the family of cruciferous vegetables with cabbage, broccoli, greens of mustard, etc., and a choice of first choice byDr. Sabrina A. Falquier, MD, doctor of internal medicine and culinary medicine of a food that helps immunity. "Two of its greatest advantages are [cauliflower] is packed with antioxidants and vitamin C." Dr Faqier recommends using it to make sauces, replace rice and add a fiber deliciously and immune.

And for more, check these 100 instantaneous food on the planet .

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