The best ways to lose belly fat for good

It's not as difficult as you think!

When we change diet and we are committed toFitness routine, we start seeing a difference in the tone of the body. It's becauseweightloss seems different for everyone. While some instantly see a less inflated face, others see it first in their editing. However, one of the most stubborn and difficult areas to lose fat is our stomach. Although each person is unique, most of us will fight forlose belly fat While we are suffering more birthday candles each year. Rather than connecting more hours on the treadmill or only eating salads for each meal, we determined that a few lifestyle hacks can help you win the battle against a Top Muffin once and for all.

Here are our best tips on how to lose belly fat directly doctors and healthier advice, check out our list of21 best healthy cooking hacks of all time.


Practice intermittent fasting.

intermittent fasting

Have you ever wondered what belly fat is done? And why is some of the most obstructed cells in flattening in our body? Nutritionist and Certified AuthorDr. Daryl Gioffre Explains that there are two types of belly fat: visceral and subcutaneous grease. As defined, the visceral grease is formed in our abdominal cavity around the organs. Subcutaneous grease, on the other hand, develops under the skin - and is extremely difficult to eliminate, according to Dr. Gioffre.

And most of us know the subcutaneous fat because it creates the top of the muffine or the "Bleg", which is the fat that collects in our hips and our superior thighs, where our goal meets our leg. The reason this type of fat is delicate to separate is due to cells having two types of alpha receptors: adrenaline and noredrenaline that impede the capacity of a fat cell. It has fewer beta receptors, which allows us to use fat forburning energy, and so, drops of books.

A way to cut through the excess weight is to practiceintermittent fast. This is the trend right now, but probably because it's effective, Dr. Gioffre Raves. "The good news is that when you go for about twelve hours, without eating, the fall in the resulting insulin levelsActive More beta receivers in subcutaneous grease. This speeds up the loss of belly fat, while helping your body to burn fat from these embarrassing areas for energy, "he said.

To practice intermittent fast, he suggests trying to try his three-hour rule. It means no consumption of any kind before falling asleep. So, if you have finished dinner by 8 m. And have breakfast at 8 o'clock. You have completed a speed of 12 hours. "Most of this period has been dedicated to sleeping, making the fast and the associated grease loss that will follow, much easier to reach," he says.

here isWhat happens to your body on the intermittent fasting system.


Limit alcohol consumption.

refusing alcohol

Although a good payment of your favoriteRed wine Or a perfectly created cocktail is very necessary sometimes, moderation is the key. When you have it cool in chemistry, alcohol is, well, sugar. And all these sweet things are suspended in your median section, according to the plastic surgeon certified by the CouncilDr. Thomas Sterry. As he explains, consuming high sugar drinks (such as alcohol, non-alcoholic beverages) will result in rapid weight gain.

"Unfortunately, we can not choose where all the extra weight ends and for some reason, the body tends to accumulate fat in the abdominal area," he says.

Another reasonalcohol Does the bad news for our stomach? When we drink, we naturally start to get the tissues since it stimulates our appetites, Dr. Sterry Actions. Like most people drink at night, it means that we reach fatty foods and fries before going to bed, which does not give us the opportunity to burn the added calories.

here is41 Alcohol Ways Ruine Your Health.


Cut the refined carbohydrates and add sugar.


Repeat this operation:Carbohydrates are not the enemy. But also, not everythingcarbohydrates are equal.

As a doctor of Functional Medicine certified Ob-Gyn and double pensionDr. Renee Wellsenstein Explains, refined carbohydrates are diet sabotage because they do not offer the same benefits as good carbohydrates, which provide our body of energy. A refined glucidity would be composed of your fast food, white rice, white flour, pasta, pasta, pizzas, desserts and cereals.

"Providing very small vitamins and minerals, the body quickly treats refined carbohydrates and does not provide sustainable energy," said Dr. Wellsensein. "More particularly, these foods arestripped fiber. Andfiber is essential in not only the promotion of a healthy intestinal microbiomeAIDS in weight loss-But also promotes satiety, which means eating less food and less frequently. "

Exchange these bad refined guys for the vouchers with healthy high glucidity superstars such as quinoa, buckwheat, soft potatoes, beets, blueberries and gluten-free or gluten-free oats. You can also add these24 best healthy carbohydrates to eat weight.


Keep the coherent exercise.

Woman with strong muscle arms doing push ups for exercise

According to Dr. Sterry, one of the most common myths of losing belly fat, you think is that you have to handle a marathon to be effective. This is not true because the key is coherence and movement. Modest exercise - including go for along-walking- Help help bothcalorie And keep a softer body mass.

However, the physical condition alone will never result in respecting your objectives. In fact, Dr. Sterry saidNo matter how much sweat you work, you can not erase a bad power.

"The average person does not have the time or the ability to burn enough calories thanks to the exercise to reduce their weight without modification of a diet. Most of us have a full life, and we can not pass from Hours in the gym when we have so many obligations to work, family or school. It's just not realistic, "he says.


Reduce stress and prioritize sleep.

Woman sleeping in bed

When we aresleeping, our bodies do all the hard repair work of the day. Thus, when we are unable to reap the benefits of closing the eye, our system will achieve against us, making weight loss more difficult. That's why Dr. Sterry says the prioritymeditation, full consciousness and bedtime will reduce our sleep levels and will result in a better sum.

"There are many good hormones secreted during sleep that promotes healing. It's a surprisingly important part of a healthy lifestyle," he says.


Imitate the Mediterranean diet.

mediterranean diet

Even if you can not jaw in southern Europe right now, you can take after Greek and Italians and copy their diet to beat belly fat. Dr. Wellsenstein says that this includes increased consumption ofhealthy fats Aslawyers, walnuts, olive oils and vegetables, whole fruits and grains. According toa study, those who follow this long-term diet showed a noticeable diminution of Wais. In addition, did you know that the Mediterranean diet isThe best diet for weight loss?

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