This only thing can predict your risk of illness, says science

Try this one tour at home to find out if you are at risk.

Want to know the easiest thing to do to predict yourrisk of illness later in life? Take the Jiggle test. This easy test can help you differentiate the type ofgrease on your bodyAnd if your body holds one of the fats that causes the risk of illness.

Biologically, there is a huge difference between subcutaneous greases - things that are just below your skin, things that make up handles of love and lovevisceral grease, which is inside your abdominal wall, wrapped around your internal organs. The easiest way to say that the differences can be as follows: subcutaneous grease, but visceral fat does not. Subcutaneous grease is oily as you can pinch; The visceral grease is the solid substance that takes your gut out. And unlike subcutaneous grease, visceral fat is not limited not to hang out, which keeps us warm. It's a lot more dangerous for our bodies than you think.

Here's why and for more useful advice, make sure you check out our list of15 underestimated weight loss tips that actually work.

The visceral grease secretes more than 100 biochemicals, which are collectively called adipokines. But they must be known as adipo-naughty because they include such unpleasant substances as follows:

  • Resistant, a hormone that undermines the ability of your body to metabolize glucose ads leads to high blood glucose
  • Angiotensinogen, a compound that raises blood pressure
  • Interleukin-6, a chemical associated with arterial inflammation

The tumor necrosis factor - which is as serious as it seems - causes inflammatory problems such as Crohn's disease and various forms of arthritis.

This is a little different for those who have "pear-shaped" bodies.Studies suggest This subcutaneous grease in your hips and thighs is associated with a reduction in insulin levels and increased insulin sensitivity (which means it really protects against diabetes). People "pear-shaped" and store fat in their hips and thighs also tend to have higherCholesterol HDL (good type) and lower triglycerides.

According to national health institutes, people who have excess fat around their size are at risk of dying from cancer and cardiac disease. Thus, the jiggle or pinch test can tell you in the need to reduce your visceral belly fat. An even better test involves a cassette. Just wrap your size at your navel so the band is parallel with the floor. Read it and consider the conclusions of an analysis of the circumference of size and mortality in 650,000 adults published in theProcedure of the Mayo Clinic. The data determined that men with a circumference of the 43-inch size had more than one death risk more than 50% greater than men with a size of 37 inches. And women with a size of 37 inches had a higher 80% death risk than women with a size of 27.5 inches.

For more information on the dangers of visceral fat and a practical guide to get rid of it, consult my bookZero Yelly Diet: lose up to 16 lb. In 14 days!.

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: Health Tips / tips
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