The 20 worst soup ingredients for weight loss

Stop ruining your homemade soup! Avoid these supplements to ensure a slimming stock.

Warm. Soothing. Delicious. When you think about a bowl of homemade soup, these are some of the words that are probably coming in your mind. We? We are more cynical. When we think that the classic dish horstertime, scary terms such as msg, saturated fat and sodium flash through our heads.

Even though many people assume that the whipping a bowl of broth at home is a better bet for your health andweightloss goals than closing the canned variety, it's notalways the case. In fact, thank you so that a handful of all too common ingredients in Ick, a homemade soup may be the opposite of thinning and misuse of your health.

To collect a tasty and stomach soup with a belly for real, examine our list of worst ingredients to put in your soup - and then make sure to avoid any recipe that calls them. For a healthier choice that always feels indulgent, discover20 best soups for your slow cooker!



Thick cream

Cream based soup

Avoid cream-based soups, and choose recipes that call a mashed chicken broth, vegetable or chicken as a base, which will help reduce calories and greases, indicates the dietitian inscribed Isabel Smith, MS, RD, CDN .


Sodium broth

Bone broth in bowl

A cup of Swanson chicken broth has only 10 calories. The only drawback? It has a quantity of 860 milligrams of blood pressure farming salt. For a certain context, it is the equivalent of sodium of no one, not two, but near three orders of large French fries of McDonalds! Low sodium and unsalted broths are the way forward if you want to ward off water retention andStop Belly Bloat.


Bouillon cubes

Bouillon cube

Monosodium glutamate, better known as MSG, yellow 5 and yellow 6 are only three of the troubling ingredients found in a typical broth cube. The first have been demonstrated to stimulate appetite while the last two, both artificial coloring agents, can have adverse effects on activity and attention in children. To discover more raw things, you can eat on the REG, check out these40 most horrible things found in food.


Beef broth

Beef broth soup

What is Cola and Beef Broth have in common? They are both caramel dye, a carcinogenic compound that gives French onion soup, it is the hue of signature. Pick up a biological variety of broth to keep the additive out of your soup bowl and out of your mouth.



Woman pouring orange juice into a blender

Strange but true: a fair share of soup recipes call sugar juices to amplify their flavor profiles. Head of excess sugar and calories avoiding these dishes at all costs.

Meat and protein



One pot taco skillet

Studies show that eating good steak cuts can help reduce your environment. But fat cuts can have the opposite effect. In fact, they have been positively associated withbig belly And the larger waist tower in laboratory studies. Use 80% lean beef or better to keep your stoke metabolism and healthy heart.


Turkey bacon

Bacon in a pan

There is no walnut: the bacon can taste soup ten times better. But if you think you make the healthy choice by opting for the turkey variety on the pig, you have all wrong. Although Turkey bacon has about 13 calories less calories per slice, it is higher in sodium - not excellent news if you have high blood pressure. In addition, the pork offers more healthy cardiac mononaturated proteins and acids (Mufas) than its counterparty based on poultry. Remember that regardless of the option you add to your bouillon bowl, service size questions, so do not go out.



Sausage soup

Mmm, mmm, mmm! Italian sausage soup! It's super tasty, but unfortunately, most sausage links are the opposite of clean food. The reason: the majority of their calories come from fat and doing worst things, many links are casual-boosting msg lessons what you want if you are trying tolosing weight.



French onion soup

Although a poulate or cheese crust of your bowl may seem like a major disaster of diet, the addition is loaded with grease and salt, something that is already excessive in many soup bowls. And all you do, just say no soups based on cheese (sorry cheddar and fans of broccoli)! They can pack up to 350 calories and 20 grams of fat in a small bowl! Eek!


Peanut Butter

Peanut butter in jar

If Thai peanut soup is your Go-To, make sure you use a natural nut butter. ConventionalPeanut Butter Spreads are loaded with excess sugar and transverse greases that can harm your ticker and expand your waist.



Plain flour

White flour and rolling pin

White flour is the wet coverage of the world of food. It can add mass and thickness to your bowl, but in terms of nutrition, it does not bring anything at the table, but calories.


Tortilla bands

Tortilla soup

Also crisp and fun to eat as one can the case, the tortilla strips are just another source of empty calories and carbohydrates. Keep them out of your bowl and associate your soup with one of these25 best carbohydrates for weight loss instead of.


Conventional pasta

Pasta in colander

Sorry for chicken noodle fans, most of your bowl is probably filled with refined wheat, which is completely empty of fiber and protein, two vital nutrients of weight loss. Fortunately, there are healthy alternatives that will not give you a headache. Noodles devoid of nutrients, whole grain pasta, chickpeas noodles and banza zucchini noodles (Aka Zoodles) are healthier options packaged with objects such as fiber, protein and whole grains that your body can use for sustained energy. Fat the white tricks and use one of our healthy alternatives instead - your size will thank you.


White rice

White rice and chopsticks

Chicken and rice soup canring More healthy than the variety of classic chicken noodles, but white carbohydrates are all identical. Jump all, including white rice, if your goal is to get aflat belly. Barley, quinoa and brown rice are all better bets for your size and healthy and can all be easily subscribed to all your recipes.



Tomato soup with croutons

Crunchy, airy, delicious and, more often, completely devoid of the fiber or kindness of whole grains, the croutons are an easy way to add empty calories to your bowl ofSoupe. Six other cubes pack about 30 calories and 75 milligrams of sodium. And who is only six years old? More than 16 years, which gave you about 80 calories and 200 milligrams of sodium. Our advice? Skip 'em! The soup is quite salt as it is.


corn bread

Chili with corn bread

We know, we know, no bowl of Chile is complete without one side of corn corn, but I eat a single slice of things is not without consequence. A portion is gaining more than the day's fat and nearly 300 calories! Associate your soup with aflat belly Side salad instead and call it a day. No companion of Chile is worthwhilethis Many calories.



Canned vegetables

Canned veggies

What separates a healthy green bean from a non-healthy person? About three alleys in the grocery store! Canned vegetables are typically loaded with excess salt and "taste enhancers" such as MSG, which, even in small doses, can cause stomach pain and indigestion. Just half a cup of canned green beans contains 380-390 mg of sodium - it's more salt that you will find in a snack-size bag of Doritos! Switch on frozen or fresh to give your pot a healthy makeup.


Tomato sauce

Jarred marinara sauce

Some homemade tomato soups are based on Jarred tomato sauce to get their texture and signature flavor. Unfortunately for your size, the combined concussion is once overflowing with added sugar. Look for recipes that call fresh tomatoes or reach a sugar-free sauce like the ragu sugar-free tomato basin. And for more healthy supermarket choices and cooking tools, check these40 things that healthy cooks always have in their kitchen.




Salting water

Between the broth, the meat and the canned vegetables covered with salt, you probably more sodium in your bowl that you will not find in the Dead Sea - it is absolutely no need to add more things in the pot.



Sugar in spoon

Believe it or not, it is quite common that the French onion and the recipes of tomato soup calls for a form of added sugar - which, if you are as if you are as if your fellow citizens are the last thing your body needs. According to the Americans of the CDC, he ate an increase of 82 grams of sugar added a day, which is 37 grams above the recommended consumption! Keep extra sugar out of your soup bowl and save your daily allowance for something that really tastes soft, like a piece of dark chocolate or a homemade shot.

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