Why your kitchen can be a COVID access point

Public places are risky, but your home is so if a person in your home has been positive tested.

At the moment, public places likeRestaurants,grocery storesand other indoor facilities apply strictsecurity rules To help stop the propagation of COVID-19. But recent studies show that your own home - including your cuisine and other rooms commonly shared - can be as sensitive to the same health risks if someone in your household has been infected with the virus.

A new analysis published Monday in the newspaperJama Open Open Network I have examined 54 studies with more than 77,000 total participants and found that "since people suffering from suspected or confirmed infections are mentioned to isolate at home,Households will continue to be an important place for the transmission of SARS-COV-2. " (In touch:Vitamin doctors exhort everyone to take right now.)

AsCNN reports, "The risk was higher if the family member showed symptoms of Covid-19s such as coughing, sneezing, body pain, chills and fever, only if the person showed little or no Signs of the virus, the study was found. The risk was also higher. between adults than between adults and children. "

In other words, if someone from your home is symptomatic (or not!) And in the kitchen or in other common areas without mask on and social distancing, your risk of catching Covid can increase in a way significant.

So, what are the ways to stay safe in your own home? First, if someone you live with believing that they have been exposed to Covid or have been positive tested, they should quarantine others. TheCDC website Recommends supporting them by ensuring that they drink a lot of fluids and rest. "Help them with grocery stores, fill out prescriptions and get other items that they may need," suggests the CDC. You can do it without contact using delivery services, then simply drop these items outside the door of their room or quarantine room.

Dr. Tanya Altmann, a pediatrician and an author, told CNN another way to keep your kitchen safe consists of using gloves during the key and cleaning the dishes, a person who has been positive tested also touched.

"You can have a healthy person, let the sick food and drinks at the door, then will you wash my hands," she says someone in quarantine. "Wear gloves to pick up empty plates , bring them back to the kitchen and wash them in hot water with soap, or preferably with a dishwasher and wash your hands again. "

Experts also told CNN, it is essential to disinfect the commonly affected surfaces in your kitchen, such as the handles of your refrigerator and microwave, and keep the air fresh from your home by opening windows or By obtaining an air purifier with a HEPA filter or a humidifier.

In general, the CDC also recommends to everyone, regardless of the status of infection, taking the necessary precautions by regularly lavishing hands, regularly disinfecting common surfaces, and when you go out in public, wearing a mask and distinguishing from others.

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