The surprising reason you should never drink directly from a can

Your SODA or SELTZER box is exposed to many things before it reaches your hands.

We all went there: you crash to open a beautiful ice drink in an aluminum can remove the tongue only to see a beautiful layer of dirt filth with lip. Disgust, you eliminate the beverage and mix the box in the recycling tray.

When you think about it, it is not surprising to find boxes of sobrieres soda. They go from the production line to a factory to a warehouse with a shelf to your grocery store. Although the cans are generally framed in cardboard, they are exposed to a multitude of environments while manipulated by several hands and transported around greasy industrial machines. Read on to discover how coarse cans can be and thereasons for never drinking a bobbin directly. And then checkThe most popular sodas classified by the way they are toxic.


E. coli, anyone?

beer cans

In 2017, medical experts from the popular television showThe doctors Tested the top of aluminum beverage cans collected in gas stations, automatic distributors and grocery stores. Although most of them are clean, some of the grocery store were positive for E. coli, which can cause diarrhea, respiratory disease and pneumonia.

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Energy drinks

A chemical calledBPA (Bisphenol A) It was a common ingredient in plastic bottles, but most manufacturers have gradually put it in phase after it has eventually been judged to cause hormonal imbalances. The compound is always present in the epoxy lining of some aluminum cans, however, and a2014 study has shown that ba vacation leach can increase blood pressure, lift the risk of heart disease.

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Metallic language

Woman drinking soda

For those who have a sensitive palace, the act of putting your lips on the edge of aaluminum can Could cause an adverse reaction to metal taste. On the other hand, the glass has no metal, so you get a clean and unclean flavor with each scene.

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Rodent showers

red soda cans

Although a long-time distributed chain email from someone who dies to drink a contaminated bobbin of a sick rodent wasfalse, there remains a chance that your may have seen a rat activity. Be careful with cans that you think you have been exposed, like those of automatic distributors.



rows of soda cans with one can open

In 2013, a CBS television channel in Texas took swabs of cans in service stations, restaurants, colleges and automatic distributors and found that they were infected withStenotopomonas maltophilia,Pseudomonas Lutola, andEnterobacter Cloacae. ThoseNOCIFIC Pathogens May cause diseases and infections in immune compromised persons. Talk about another reason why you should never drink a box directly.

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Environmental toll

soda aisle with cans and bottles of soda

While aluminum is a durable resource and is 100% recyclable, the aluminum process from mineral bauxite means extracting it from the earth. The manufacture of blank aluminum can turn off about twice as much energy than creating a glass bottle, so if you are concerned about the environment, a bottle can be the best purchase.



brunette and an blank soda can

When it comes to a cold beer or a soft soda of aluminum, the sugars of the two drinks can attract the flies, worse, bees and wasps. By leaving a CAN on your picnic table while tending at the inflamed barbecue grill can attract pungent insects to the sweet drink.

There are many disadvantages to drink an aluminum bobbin, but the good news is that they are 100% recyclable and offer a light and convenient way to enjoy your favorite drinks. To protect you from the most immediate health concerns, be sure to rinse your possible with a little water to eliminate most bad insects.

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: Soda / tips
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