Coca-cola interfering with nutritional studies

Researchers have discovered several conflicts of interest between major food brands and health research.

Nutrition is an evolving science. While the food andnutrition have been studied for centuries,Modern nutritional science is relatively new, which, in part, that is why there is always a new emerging study on the link between the diet and the disease. However, a new study focuses on an alarming discovery between the food industry and its role in science nutrition and popular soda companyCoca Cola is one of the guilty brands.

New detailed searches in the newspaperPlos afound that 13.4% of 1,461 studies published in the top 10 Nutrition Reviews in 2018 had a participation of the food industry. This presents a conflict of interest, because these types of studies tend to produce results in favor of this food company, which could potentially deceive you, the consumer.

"When the food industry is involved, the results of the research are nearly six times more likely to be in favor of their interests than when there is no involvement of the food industry," wrote the researchers. (In touch:The 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.)

Some experts mentioned these links from the food industry in nutrition sciences ascrisis of credibility, with new conclusions suggesting that "competing interests contaminates the field of nutrition and dietary, even to the most famous journals," asScientific alert reports.

For example, nearly 25% of all newspapers analyzed in the newspaperNutrition Reviews-Who is published by an institute founded by large food companies, including Coca-Cola, Nestlé, March andPepsico- Commercial interests founded.

"Although it has been reported before that nutritional research funded by the food industry generally meets scientific standards for the implementation and signaling of scientific studies, the food industry itself was involved in this assessment and that the Question justifies a detailed exploration, "the authors of the study write.

Coca-Cola has been accused of controlling the study data and the results for the research it has funded, likeSpringer nature stressed in its case study on the financing of commercial research, which explores concerns regarding conflicts of interest (IARC).

"Although it goes beyond the scope of our study to consider all Coca-Cola-funded research, we note that concerns have been raised elsewhere on the comprehensiveness of IOC in coca-cola-funded studies on nutrition issues. and physical inactivity ", the study the authors wrote.

After criticism over the years, SODA has published a "list of transparency" of researchers who financed from 2010 to 2017. However, a characteristic of theBritish medical newspaperThe list has been suggested from the incomplete list and highlighted how Coca-Cola "acts to exercise a" furniture power "using its financing to influence all conferences to academic positions."

The authors of the new systematic review propose that articles include any type of food industry involvement with a careful review of newspapers.

Eat this, not that!Reached in Coca-Cola for a comment.

For more, be sure to readDangerous side effects of soda drinking every day, according to science.

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