What happens to your body when you do not sleep
The bad mood and weight gain are just the beginning of what can be wrong if you do not sleep enough.

You have probably been there before you start and turn in your bed, and even if it's gone from your time,You can not fall asleep. The next thing you know is in the morning. And you certainly did not have enough sleep.
"Sleep is important for our overall health, our well-being and our immune health", "Dr. Nicole Avena, PhD, Deputy Professor of Neuroscience at Mount Sinai School of Medicine and Professor of Health Psychology at Princeton Universitysaid. Clearly, it's important, so what is itThis lack of sleep to make your body, exactly? Well, it can have many effects and as you can imagine, is not it the best for you.
Here we decompose what happens when you do not sleep. (Spoiler alert: There are a lot of things in your body!)
Your mood is changed.

If you feel rather grumpy, it is important to note that there is a direct correlation betweenYour mood And how do you sleep.
"Often, the mood and vigilance of a person can be affected if they did not sleep quality. Do not have enough sleep is associated with mood swings and depressed feelings, "says Dr. Avena. If you are looking for a way to give your mood a little boost when you do not sleep enough, maybe try by nibbling one of theFoods that stimulate your mood.
You can gain weight.

This is true, the less you sleep, the more you risk winning books.
"The lack of sleep can upset the balance of your body's hormones, especially those that control hunger and blood glucose. That's why lack of sleep can lead to desires and too much to eat," said Mr. Avena . "Have enough sleep is the key to eat healthier and manage your weight. "
Your body can not be repaired.

Do not sleep enough can lead you to the victim of more diseases. And get sick on top of not having enough sleep is only a recipe for the disaster.
"You will also have a more difficult time fighting against infection and illness," says Dr. Avena. "YourThe immune system is difficult at work When you sleep, defend your body against pathogens and reload itself. Lack of sleep can result in more frequent colds and other diseases. "
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Your memory is not as strong.

That's right, evenYour mind takes a hit when you do not sleep.
"Sleep is a time for your body to heal and prepare for the next day. When you procuring good sleep, your body can not repair itself and that your brain can not form the tracks that help you to learn , to remember and grow cognitively, "Dr. Avena said. "That's why your memory is often worse after a bad night's sleep."
And that's not all. You could find yourself capable of doing things that usually come naturally. It can even
"It will be more difficult to focus on daily tasks, and operating machines can become dangerous. Operation of a car while private sleep can be as dangerous as driving everything in Saoul."
You can shorten your life.

We know - it seems rather dramatic. Unfortunately it's true. You could beShaving years of your life When you do not sleep enough.
"The physical side effects of not having enough sleep may increase blood pressure, increased probability of a stroke or heart attack, and an weakened immune system. Sleep deprivation over long periods can even shorten your life, "warns Dr. Avena.
So what can you do to make sure youare Sleep enough quality? As Dr. Avena points out, you want to start with the obvious steps: try to relax, make sure your room is comfortable and even cut on alcohol and caffeine. When everything fails, you can always go to a supplement if you get green light.
"When it goes well with your doctor, you may want to consider a supplement, like melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone in our body that rises naturally just before falling asleep and take a supplement can help you hang on She said. "You have a lot of options when it comes to taking a melatonin supplement. Vitafusion makes a great gummy supplement easy to take [and] Frunutta Makes a sublingual melatonin supplement that dissolves just under the tongue. "

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