Food change that makes you instantly lose weight

Simplify weight loss and combat metabolic disease with a more colorful approach to eat.

There is a reason why each electronic gadget you buy comes with a "Quick Start" guide. It puts you on without having to read the entire instruction manual. The most complicated instructions are, the less likely we are probably taking care of people to read them. Unfortunately, the same goes for diet programs. Complex guidelines and rules for food to avoid making a miserable and easy-to-exit diet, which makes it impossible if you instantly wantlosing weight.

If you wantlosing weight and startImprove your health And lose weight instantly, here is your quick start guide:Just focus on a simple daily goal - add more color to your meals.

Colorful plant foods contain phytonutrients. These are chemical compounds that give fruits and vegetables their vibrant colors and distinctive flavors. A subset of these phytonutrients are substances called flavonoids, whichresearch Suggests offering powerful healing properties that protect us from metabolic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

In a study published by theBmj,Researchers of Harvard Th School School of Public Health noted that people who ate foods rich in foods containing many flavonoids and related compounds - foods such as berries, celery, cherries, radish, peppers, tea Green, pears, prunes and blueberries - have lost weight or maintained their weight better than those who have not eaten such food or few of them. Other studies suggest that flavonoids can reduce fat absorption and actually increase calorie expenses.

TheAmerican Dietary Directives I recommend eating 2 1/2 cups of vegetables and 2 cups of fruit every day. It is important to try to get as many different colorful plants in your meals and snacks, because each color provides different types of phytonutrients with different health benefits. This does not mean that you must remember the scientific names of these flavonoids, indicated below. Just eat a wide variety and cover your phytonutrient bases.

Not sure that the food you should have? Try to incorporate food from listed groups here, and for even healthier food tips, make sure you check out our list of21 best healthy cooking hacks of all time.


Belly Fonders: Anthocyanidines

red potaotes in bowl with burlap

Eat a lot of fruit, as well as these red and purple foods, and you should get all the anthocyanidines you need.

Where to find them: Red potatoes, red onions, red cabbage, beans, eggplant and chard.

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mixed berries

Flavan-3-OLS Improve arterial flow, reduce blood pressure and help prevent heart disease and diabetes. In a 2012 review of 42 studies, researchers reporting in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition found coherent evidence that Flavan-3-OLS has improvedcardiovascular risk and reduced risk of diabetes. They also have antiviral properties and fight against cancer.

Where to find them: Flavan-3-OLS confers a bitter taste, which explains why they are not only found in berries and fruits of trees, but also at high concentrations indark chocolate, Brown beer,teaand coffee. Among the vegetables, only legumes deliver these nutrients.

For easier ways of losing weight fast, read19 eating habits to drop a book a day.


Energizing: Flavonols

Pears on a plate

Flavanols can improve mental and physical performance on testing by stimulating global endurance. They were also shown tomince and C-reactive protein (CRP), an inflammation marker. In a 2012 analysis of studies, men and women with the highest consumption of these nutrients had a risk of cardiac disease of 18%; Further studies suggest that flavonols can reduce the risk of 20% stroke.

Where to find them:Flavonols are pale yellow and are in vegetables like green vegetables, onions, tea, chia seeds and bucks, and in fruit skins like apples, cherries, tomatoes, pears, pears And the berries. Discover30 best anti-inflammatory foods here.


Age erasions: flavones


Flaves prevent oxidativestress-What are we callingaging. They have also been demonstrated to help protect stress-related diseases, including heart disease, diabetes and cognitive decline.

Where to find them: A wide variety of fruits, especially watermelon, contains them, as well as tea, coffee and chocolate; Cruffer vegetables such as iceberg lettuce, cauliflower, Brussels cabbage and cabbage, and leafy greens such as mint, parsley and celery. Also found in hot peppers.


Fat burners: flavonones


Flavonones reduceRisk of stroke and strengthen cerebral function,break the appetiteand increase weight loss. In 2009, a study in the newspaper Diabetes I found that a particular flavonoid found in citrus fruits, called Naringenin genetically reprogram the liver to burn excess fat, rather than storing it.

Where to find them: Flavonones are not found in vegetables. You get them mainly from citrus fruits such as grapefruit, oranges, lemons and limes. The peppermint leaves then also.

With these colorful foods, you can also incorporate these 9 best foods that melt belly fat .

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