5 ways to change your diet can protect against COVID

The Keto regime can improve your COVID risk profile, according to new research.

There is nothing you can do to make you immunized against Covid-19, but youcanCut your risk by changing the short-term lifestyle changes. These include taking advantage of more thanThese 7 immune food to shake up and do your best to avoid these20 places where you are most likely to catch it.

It becomes particularly important if you have one of thePre-existing conditions Associated with a higher risk of crowded disease and CVIV-19 deaths, which includeObesity, diabetes and arterial hypertension. The good news is thatLifestyle Changes cantoo Help reduce your risk of bad results.

Capture is that the necessary changes are not fast corrections. Who being said, a recentresearch document Posted in the Journal of Translational Medicine argues thatAdopt the Keto regimecan Quickly reduce some of the critical risk factors for serious CIVID-19.

The reason is twofold, according to the main author Massimiliano Caprio, MD, Professor in San Raffaele Roma Open University:

  • The keto regime, which requires the body to decompose the fat rather than using fuel glucose, has been effectively proven for fast weight loss, fat loss and a reduction of metabolic complications of obesity. than diabetes.
  • Cetosis createscetone body, which have been proven effective in inhibiting inflammationandModulate the immune system. It can help prevent the "cytokine storm"Associated with the most serious and deadly cases of COVID-19.

In this spirit, here are five ways that the Keto regime could protect you from COVID-19 and its more serious complications. And for healthier feeding tips, checkThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


Keto can help you drop excess weight quickly.

weight loss

There are several reasonsobese individuals are at risk much higher to die of COVID-19. An excess body weight can interfere with respiration, even in the best circumstances, according to Dr. Caprio and his colleagues, and obesity causes chronic inflammation, which alters, among other things, alters the immune response and undermines with cardiovascular function. Obesity itself is a risk factor fora lot of conditions associated with worst Covid-19 results.

Adopt aKeto diet This presents what Dr. Caprio refers as a "valid opportunity for people with obesity to quickly lose a considerable amount of weight", thus allowing a "rapid risk reduction of all serious clinical outcomes".

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Keto can lower your blood glucose.

Continuous Glucose Monitoring

Studies show that high blood glucose is associated with an increased risk of cytokine storm, an immune response where the body begins to attack its own cells, according to Dr. Caprio. It is also one of the most precise predictors of the Respiratory Distress related to Covid-19, with or without diagnosis of diabetes. When the high blood sugar level increases in diabetes, it significantly increases the risk of serious infection from serious respiratory tract.

At least one study cited in Dr. Caprio's research paper suggests that high blood glucose can make you more susceptible to coronavirus in the first place. But you can quickly move to reverse this risk by adopting the cetterone regime, which has been shown to helpBlood glucose.


Your blood pressure could fall to a healthier range.

checking blood pressure

Studies have shown that the power of hypertension (high blood pressure) canDouble your risk to die from Covid-19. But even losing a moderate amount of weight on the regime of the keto, which can happen quickly, can cause a rapid reduction ofhypertension.

Related: these are the13 worst foods for high blood pressure.


Keto can reduce your risk of metabolic syndrome.


Metabolic syndrome is not a disease in itself, but rather a group of conditions that occurring together, lead tochronic inflammationand an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes and cerebrovascular accident. These conditions include high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high blood glucose and excessive belly fat. Have three constitutes a "metabolic syndrome".

A recent study has shown that people withMetabolic syndrome that contract COVID-19 are at a significantly higher risk of serious illness and deaths than their peers. The Keto regime is an effective strategy to rapidly reverse all the conditions that include metabolic syndrome, according to Dr. Caprio and his colleagues.


Keto can improve your immune response.

woman getting over a cold

The Keto regime has been associated with aImprovement of the immune response. With regard to the fight against Covid-19, the immune response can be a double-edged sword, however, in some cases attacking not only the virus, but the cells and body tissues. Clinically, this phenomenon is called " cytokine storm "Because it is characterized by high blood levels of proteins of the immune system called" cytokines ".

The ketone bodies can help prevent the cytokine storm "thanks to the anti-inflammatory and immunomodulant effects of ketone bodies," said Dr. Caprio Eat this, not that! As a result, some scientists have proposed administer ketone bodies to COVID-19 patients (which seems apparently to SECURITY OF CETONE .) However, Dr. Caprio and his colleagues suggest that, for those who risk a serious COVID, a more effective approach would adopt the regime of keto as a precautionary measure.

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