Eat this way can help you lose weight

New research indicates that those who followed the 6x6 diet lost more weight than those who cut calories.

A diet does not usually work for all but those who haveType 2 diabetes can better be better following a specific regime than others, especially programs thatalone Restriction of target calories. New research suggests thatreduce carbohydrate consumption coupled with an increase in exercise can be the ticket toweightlossFor people with this condition.

The2019 study-Who was led by a team of researchers in the Netherlands but recently presented at the2020 European and International Obesity Congress-Addated that the calorie restriction alone may not be effectiveWeight loss method For those who have insulin resistance caused by type 2 diabetes.

Insulin resistance occurs when your pancreas has more insulin to help glucose (sugar) enter cells in your muscles and fats, and it is often associated withprediabet This can lead to type 2 diabetes if it is not managed through diet and exercise. Having this condition can prevent weight loss depending on the types of food you eat. As much as75% of people with obesity may also have insulin resistance. (In touch:What happens to your body when you drink a smoothie every day)

What did this study examine?

The study compared three types of diets adapted to the promotion of weight loss in 344 patients with type 2 obesity and diabetes. The three regimes included a calorie restriction plan, a low-grade diet. Carbohydrates and the 6 × 6 diet - a low carbohydrate program that occurs in three phases. After taking participants for one year,Researchers have discovered that the 6 × 6 diet was twice as effective as the calorie-count alone.On this diet, not only patients lose more weight, but they have also reduced insulin resistance and lowered blood pressure.

So what exactly looks like the 6 × 6 diet? During the three phases, you keep your carbohydrate consumption low as well as your global consumption of processed foods. At the same time, you increase the amount ofprotein andfiber In your diet and incorporate vegetables to each meal. When you follow the 6 × 6 diet, the focus is not surrounded by the number of calories you consume, but rather the quality of your calories.

What exactly is the 6 × 6 diet?

In the first phase, patients limit their carbohydrate consumption to only 36 grams a day while increasing theirprotein socket 1.2 grams or more per kilogram of body weight. The goal here is to cut alcohol and obtain fish proteins and plants such as nuts and beans. Note, this preliminary phase parallel theKeto diet With the exception of the main objective with this low carbohydrate diet is to increase protein consumption. The Keto regime, on the other hand, focuses more on the consumption of high fat.

Things change in a pretty spectacular way in phase two because you can then start introducing more carbohydrates into your diet. In phase three, you can increase your carbohydrate consumption even more. When patients stop losing weight, it indicates that they have achieved carbohydrate intake that suits them best to maintain a healthy weight.

"This is a very individual need," said Ellen Grovers, Dietian registered and leader of the study, in aOnline presentation. "Everyone has its own need for carbohydrates, and it also has for healthy people."

All patients were also responsible for exercising at least two to three times a week for one hour a day for the duration of this study.

Now, what were the results?

At least 43.2% of patients who followed this special scheme lost at least 5% of body weight in one year and 40% stabilized their blood glucose level. For those who followed a standard carbohydrate plan, 41.7% lost at least 5% of their body weight, while 23.3% of calorie small group participants lost the same thing.

What says even more is than almost23% of the participants who followed the 6 × 6 diet lost 10% or more of their weight at the baseline , compared to only 17.3% and 10%, respectively, in low carbohydrate and calorie groups.

Thus, as you can see not only, the following patients followed the 6 × 6 diet losing the most weight, but they also improved their blood glucose level.

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