Do you need to take supplements during COVID-19?

You have moved your diet to accommodate a limited pantry, does it mean that you need more nutrients?

The recent coronavirus pandemic has sent a shock have through the lives of millions of people. Although there have been many negative results, one of the rare benefits of the quarantine response is that it has pushed many people to re-evaluate their health and nutrition.

But ifDo you feel stressed, you may not have the same mental energy to follow a balanced diet. As a result, you can beLack of certain nutrients in your coronavirus diet.

Or, if you try to proactive on your health, you may be interested in addingFoods to strengthen your immunity to your diet. For a quick solution, you can turn to the additional driveway to obtain additional vitamins and nutrients as a pill. But can they really help strengthen your immunity?

We asked an expert in nutrition if it is worth taking supplements to strengthen your immunity during the Pandemic of Covid-19.

Will supplements increase your immune system?

"Many of the most popular food supplements Americans have any purchases right now to try to support immune health have little research to safeguard such affirmations," saidJulie StefanskiMED, RDN, authorized dietary nutritionist and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

And the research that the supplements relate to their health benefits are not as conclusive as experts would like to see. "Studies with very few participants, a period too short, or who have been completed with animals are often used to promote the supplement claims," ​​says Stefanski.

In short,Experts generally recommend thatYou get nutrients from food, not supplements. And it goes for the coronavirus pandemic, also.

How can you increase your immune system?

"Although we can not really stimulate our immune system to work stronger than naturally, we can support its processes by including colorful vegetables at each meal," says Stefanski.

There are many ways you can do that usingPantry Staples of Coronavirus This will last for months:

  • Eat more vitamin A and vitamin C. "Addsfrozen spinach to your eggs or extra extracarrots To your soup, "said Stefanski." When you get vitamin A and vitamin C, you get other vitamins and minerals working in synergy to support overall health. "
  • Get a lot of fiber. "Vegetables and fruits are also a natural source of fiber that is one of the best supporters of incident health. An important part of our immune system is contained with our intestines," said Stefanski. "Maintain good digestive health Includinghigh fiber foods such asBeans, vegetables, fruits with whole seeds and grains such as oatmeal Support our immune health better than some of the supplements for sale. "
  • Get more natural probiotics. "UnderstandingNatural sources of probiotics such as those ofyoghurt orkefir In your daily diet is also a good way to get a wide variety of beneficial bacteria rather than a single particular strain found in a surcharge, "says Stefanski.
  • Check your vitamin D levels and consider a surcharge. "This time of the year, without sufficient sun, it is difficult to make enough vitamin D in the skin," says Stefanski. "Food sources in vitamin D comprisingYolks with eggs, fatty fish and fortified dairy dairy products or dairy products Must be consumed daily to track vitamin D needs. This is the best practice to check with your doctor or dietitian registered, whether it's a good value to start. Based on your health conditions, your personal health care provider will have the right amount to prescribe. "

RELATED:Click here for all our last coronavirus coverage.

You have to beware of taking too many vitamins

"Take too much nutrient can do more harm than good. Almost all vitamins and minerals have an upper limit (UL). Exceed a recommended limit of a nutrient is generally not beneficial," says Stefasnki.

"If you take several products at the same time, there is the chance that you can take more than your body needs. Some dietary supplements contain mega doses that would never be naturally in food."

Enroll your health professional to evaluate what you are taking and doses. It is a smart and easy way to ensure that you have adequate (and safe) quantities.

"With regard to vitamins and minerals, groups such as children, pregnant women and adults have different amounts that support health," said Stefanski.


It is important to keep in mind that food and drug (FDA)Does not regulate dietary supplements. This leaves the manufacturers with the task of ensuring that its product contains what it claims without real guidelines.

As there are few studies to support the supplement claims, it is better to follow a balanced diet during the quarantine.

Eat this, not that! Constantly monitoring the latest foods for COVID-19 in order to keep you healthy, safely and to your knowledge (and to answerYour most urgent questions) here are theprecautionsYou should take the grocery store, thefoodyou should have by hand, theMeal delivery services andRestaurant chains offering an imprintYou must know and the means to help yousupport those who need. We will continue to update these new information that develops.Click here for all our COVID-19 covers, andSubscribe to our newsletter stay up to date.

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