Banza pasta with chickpeas now here are in new flavors

You already love their Mac "N" cheese, and we bet you will love these, too.

If you grew up in America, it is likely that you noshed oncheese macaronis quite often like a child and fell in love with the canned variety. And now, as a mature, adults aware of health, it would be a dream of not giving up these feelings, nor feel guilty by digging in a bowl of cheese.BanzaThe pulpbeat manufacturer of chickpeas rich in beloved protein, has just added two new flavors to their line of Mac and cheese, and we guarantee that you will want to try them at a time.

The brand officially addedShells and white cheddar andCacio e pepeat its range of canned pasta.

It is clear that these two flavors good his delicious crazy off the bat, but are they really worth the flogging if you are on a health grind? We askedLeah Kaufman, MS, RD, CDE, CDN to weigh. "Although I do not recommend that my patients often packed food, that's the one I would say is a healthier alternative to a popular food," she says. "With very little ingredients and a weak saturated fat number, I recommend to my patients use Banza when Mac want and cheese. »

Banza shells white cheddar

Doses by (white cheddar, prepared): 360 calories, 7 g of fat (2 g of saturated fat), sodium 620 mg, 36 g of carbohydrates (3 g of fibers, 7 g of sugar), 18 g of protein

Banza cacio e pepe

Doses by (cacio e pepe, prepared): 260 calories, 6 g fat (2 g saturated fat), sodium 650 mg, 36 g carbohydrates (3 g of fiber, 9 g sugar), 18 g of protein

Of the two, the Cacio E Pepe, sounds like evidence. What allows you to be this fantasy of a box? In terms of nutritional composition, cacio e pepe banza is also 100 calories less than white cheddar once prepared, so keep that in mind when choosing what to do.

With so many peopleBreak with gluten These days, we are always looking for pasta alternatives that let you still feel as if you were carboloading without wheat. As long as you keep yoursalt The capture the day you make this remorse of your beloved childhood meal, you can go ahead and indulge.

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