10 bad behaviors encounters you fattening

If you have already grown up, it's good for you, read it and glow with superiority. If you did not do it - it can be a useful list of things not to do, you know, errors to avoid.

We all do stupid things when we start dating. It is like a right of way for many girls first be too sticky, then appear completely disinterested and distant, be jealous of everyone, etc. The good news is that the more we get older, - the smartest we become. We learn from our mistakes and become stronger, smarter, more confident and just basically bad-ass women. So we thought it would be fun to go through a list of bad meetings we usually grow on. If you have already developed from these - good for you, read and shine with superiority. If you do not - this can be a useful list of things not to do, you know, mistakes to avoid.

1. To be a chameleon
Many of us when we start dating. We try to appeal to whom we are that we want to ask us to go out on a date. If they are in the sport, we will pretend that we love sport. If they are in Hip Hop music - make us pretend to be interested, even if basically we know we are in pop and rock. I'm not saying we can not be in many things, of course. But stop playing until parts of your personality to someone being interested. The best way to see if they really like you is yourself.

2. Be impressed by everything
Remember how you used to think hot, fit and viril was a whole guy had to be a great friend. Well, over the years it reveals herself, he must also have a sense of humor, a real personality and opinions on life other than "football is cool! "

3. Double text
Textos a guy, and if he does the text you do not answer - it's a beginner's mistake. You do not do it anymore? He received your message, you know he has. Although he does not "read notifications" on you still see that he got. Leave it here. He is in turn to the text.

4. Fixing it
Many of us went guilty of that. It's like we can not help us. It is almost like we are more attracted by guys who have a defect, we are sure we can correct. Yeah, it never really works. You can not fix a person, or modify them, unless they do it themselves. There are many more fun dating people who do not stop.

5. More sharing with friends
Beans on reversing your relationship with your friends was popular in high school. Everyone wants to know absolutely everything about your boyfriend and your relationship. Well, he stops being cute and begins to really be the goose flesh once you grow up. He is your personal life and he should stay. I'm not saying that you can not ask for advice on occasion, but that does not mean you have to take this board or overshare.

6. Missing flirt for true interest
There was a time that if a guy flirts with you, it must be said he wants to this day you. Here is a newsflash - flirting can simply be flirting and nothing more. He is fun who is everything. Unless a guy is actually asking you on a date, there is no use to build your dream future in your head, just because it's dredge. For all you know, he could flirt with everyone.

7. Build your value what he says
If he says you are amazing and amazing and makes you feel that you are the bomb - which is great. But that does not mean that you are all those things right because he has noticed. You have been all these things all along. Your personal value does not depend on a guy.

8. SENTIMENT AUTO Conscious during sexual intercourse
This is another of those things you learn with age. It does not matter if you do not like your belly or your thighs look great in some positions. There is odds if he wants to sleep with you - he likes what you look like. There is no need to worry about anything but have a good time.

9. Be perfect for making him commit
Here is a shocker - the perfect person. You do not have to be at your best behavior at any time, and always available for calls, dates and hangout sessions to get a guy to commit to you. In fact, a lot of time guys love when girls are not too sticky, and have their own lives and things to do. So, be yourself and if he is the good guy - it will work.

10. Resist compliments
I do not know where and when it started, but it's a thing a lot of us were guilty of doing. A guy says, "I love your dress" and find us a way to be little this compliment and say it was on sale and we are not even sure about it. He says, "I like your hair / eyes / smile" and we find a million reasons why we hate. What's the point? Just learn to accept the compliments and say thank you instead. Nobody will think you are Pimbêche. Trust is sexy.

Categories: Relationships
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