5 ways to avoid getting sick right now, according to a nutrition expert

Here are useful tips on how vitamins and minerals can help you avoid diseases this winter.

As if the newStrain Covid-19 was not enough stressor, it's also high time for influenza and common cold, which means that everything is all the more important to keep yourimmune system in advanced shape. Fortunately, there are many ways you can do it naturally and daily.

Nicole Avena, Ph.D., Nutrition Expert and Author ofWhy diets fail,specializes in functional nutrition and holistic health. Here it shares five tricks that you can use to better prepare your immune system for the disease this winter through the diet and supplements. And after, be sure to readThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


Ramp of your vitamin C consumption

sweet and ripe mandarines (tangerines) with leaves

This one is not obvious, right? We all know that vitamin C is crucial for the fight against thecommon cold, in addition to myriad of other viruses, but do you know why? Vitamin C is an antioxidantwhich protects against oxidative damage in white blood cells-Ausfy as in other important immune cells, so they can operate optimally, says Avena. Essentially, the antioxidant builds a strong barrier around these cells so that pathogens and environmental pollutants do not weaken them or destroy them.

If you already have a cold, Avena suggests aimed at consuming anywhere between 1 and 2 grams (1,000-2,000 milligrams) of vitamin C a day, which can be reached through a high power supplement. If you do not have colds, the recommended food indemnity of women's vitamin aged 19 and over is 75 milligrams and men, or 90 milligrams.

Make sure to check5 high foods in this vitamin that can help you protect you from COVID-19 For advice on the richest foods of antioxidant.


Go out more for vitamin D

vitamin d

"A quick walk during the day can do wonders for the body, especially when the sun shines," says Avena. "Make sure to apply the SPF and head to the outside for 10 to 30 minutes a day to enjoy the natural shape of the vitamin D of the sun, because this vitamin helps protect against common colds and can decrease the 'inflammation."

Of course, you can always reap theBenefits for the health of vitamin D3 A supplement, but by making a point to go out, you also get exercises, which is ideal to do every day. There are some foods you can also come from vitamin, but they are not many options.

"Vitamin D can be difficult to get food because less food contain it naturally", explains Avena. "Salmon is a source that can be good. In addition, many dairy products and cereals are enriched with vitamin D, so check the label and opt for them."

RELATED:5 signs of vitamin D deficiency that you should never ignore


It's time to increase your zinc


"Vitamin C and Zinc are carouses that help your cellular immune system to work better", Brittany Busse, MD, Medical Manager associated with WorkcareEat this, not that!in otherarticle. Vitamin and mineral work in tandem to support the immune system, which can shorten the duration of colds.

"Macrophages and other white blood cells that attack pathogens need zinc to operate at full capacity," says Avena. You can naturally look for oyster zinc, pumpkin seeds, crab meat and beef or you can get your daily dose by means of a surcharge. Avena suggests trying to tryVitamin Zinc Gum of Vitafusion.


SonderBerry can be your new Go-To

Elderberry gummies

You have probably heard mixed criticism on seniors in the finish in 2020. At the beginning of the pandemic,Elderberry It was believed to have played a role in Spring what is called a cytokine storm, however, more recently, experts have come to say that it is not necessarily true.

William Schaffner, an infectious disease at the University of Vanderbilt in Tennessee, saidNorth Carolina Health NewsThat while taking elderberry syrup, probably do not prevent Covid-19, it would not be harmful either. But, taking the supplement as a means of preventing the cold cold is a different story.

"Sunderberry's berries and flowers are packed with antioxidants and vitamins that can increase your immune system and reduce the recovery time after a cold or an influenza by activating the immune response of the body, increasing the antibodies and expanding production Immune cells, "says Avena. If you are not a syrup fan, opt forGummies of the girl of nature does.


Magenisum should not be neglected


In fact, you should have at least 300 milligrams from the mineral every day.

"It is proven that magnesium plays a major role in cerebral function, sleep regulation and emotional stability," Avena said. "The mineral contains soothing properties while activating your parasympathetic nervous system and can be naturally found in vegetables with leaves, nuts, seeds, whole grains and milk."

Many foods offer magnesium, which can accomplish the food indemnity recommended by the sole diet easier. An ounce Arid and roasted almonds provides 80 milligrams of magnesium, for example, and a Cup of Soimilk offers just over 60 milligrams of minerals.

Now, make sure to read These vitamins can help prevent Covid, study .

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