Dangerous side effects of eating too many bananas

Several bananas a day will not keep doctors.

When you want to eat healthy, pack as many fruits in your diet seems to be an intelligent movement. According toMAYO Clinic, a wide variety of fruits contains a ton of fibers, throughout the day and is raging. While moderation fruits can do somewonderful things For the overall health of anyone, overconsumption can lead to a world of problems. High levels of natural sugar make fruits particularly delicate to navigate and eating too many bananas are distinguished as a particularly dangerous fruit.

While you could assume all bananas come withEquality of health benefits And the risks, you must take into account maturity levels, banana varieties, and more before they can move on to health conclusions. WhileBananas with moderation can help deliver the keyvitamins And minerals, too eating can land you in a world of injury.

Find out what the dangerous side effects are hidden under the surface of the healthy public image of banana and for healthier advice, make sure you check out our list ofThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


You can gain weight.

Pick bananas grocery shelf

You might think that bananas'fiber The content could help you stay full and lose weight, but if you exceed these fruits, say goodbye to weight loss goals.

According toPenn MedicineBananas come with considerable amounts of carbohydrates and calories, and when consumed with moderation can help you lose weight. When it is consumed in excess, the opposite could not be more true. According toCleveland ClinicThe higher amount of sugar found in bananas encourages weight gain, and if you plan to eat a ton of this fruit, expect to see your size size of a few centimeters.

For a slimming diet, remember too many bananas to keep yourWeight loss objectives.


Your blood glucose will be advanced.

Banana slices bowl

While those of us withDiabetes Can have a banana from time to time and then eat too much can pose serious health problems. According toUniversity of Sydney, a watchmaking of the glycemic index of the overseas banana (GI) in 62 by pushing in a moderate GI position. According to a study published through theNational Library of the United StatesSomeone who wants to look at their blood glucose needs to stay away from large amounts of food and drinks that fall into moderate or high levels of GI. High blood glucose in those of us that can not properly adjust insulin levels may result inDiabetic comas and even death, Make this fruit a particularly murderous option to eat too much.

If you like to eat bananas but you need to keep your blood sugar in coherent blood, be sure to go easy, or at least going to ripe, less mature bananas than the clock with a low level GI.

To learn even more about the effects of banana consumption, see these11 side effects of eating bananas every day.


You can develop hyperkalmia.


Everyone has heard that bananas provide a great source of potassium, but even a great nutrient in the bad quantities can make real damage. If you really like to eat bananas, you can develophypercalia, a condition that alters the function of nerve and muscular cells, landing at the hospital. According toUSDA, the fruit has 358 milligrams of potassium and according to theCleveland ClinicAnyone who pursues a high potassium diet can fall in prey to this side effect.

Keep your health safe, limit your banana intake, otherwise you could face a certain seriousnesspotassium-The considerable problems in the line.


You can feel dental caries.

Man peeling banana to eat

When you deliversugary fruitsYou can easily risk your dental health. According toOrlando Sentinel, studies have shown that bananas can do moreDamage caused to your teeth that chocolate and sweet gum. When these figures represent only the consumption of moderate bananas, imagine that the damage of the banana to the damage can make to your mouth!

Make your teeth and your dentist happy and avoid understanding too much of these sweet fruits the next time the dung of envy. Instead, why not focus on one of these25 foods you had no idea is good for your teeth?


You can experience constipation.

banana slices

According toMakerere UniversityBananas have a considerable amount of tannic acid stored inside each portion. Although this chemical does not make much small doses, anyone likes to eat several bananas in one session could find a dangerous side effect that await them. According to a study published in the newspaper ofMicrobial ecology in health and illness, high levels of ingested tannic acid can cause severe constipation.

While everyone can have experienced constipation in some form, chronic constipation can cause terrible damage to our digestive tract and canJustify a trip to the doctor. Avoid this seemingly benign effect and put thebanana!


You can have migraines.

banana cut up
Eiliv-Sonas Aceron / Beldshsh

Nothing can derail a perfect productive day as suddenly doubling in the pain of a sudden migraine appearance. Science has proven thatsome chemicals and nutrients Can trigger this medical condition and, unfortunately, bananas bear one of these harmful compounds. According to a study published through theNational Library of the United StatesChemical tyramine has been proven to affect how migraines develop and unfortunately,Bananas contain a ton of this chemical. Do not succeed with the pain of a migraine if you can avoid and limit your banana intake to avoid unnecessary pain.

here isWhat happens to your body when you eat a banana every day.

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