Eating this popular food will put you in the worst mood, the data find

Head of this sweet snack if you want to feel your best.

You probably know that what you eat can have a hugeImpact on your mood. Considering the fact that90% of serotonin receptors are located in the GUT, it is not surprising that some healthy foods of Gut can be realMood-Boosters, while others can put areal shock absorber on your day. Now, researchers determined that the number one of the food most likely to put you in a bad mood, and the World Simpsons of the world will be seriously disappointed.

A study Ordered by the natural brand of the Kallo brand and led by the market research company, OnePoll, asked 2,000 adults in the United Kingdom that foods or beverages have the most positive impact on their emotions and which have the most negative.It turns out that the worst unique food for your mood, according to the survey, is donuts.

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Maybe it's because we tend to eat them in the morning, with a whole day before us to experience the resulting sugar accident. Maybe it's the combination of simple carbohydrates and heavy oils, two well knownhealth disruptors. Anyway, if you are like most people, you will usually wantSkip the race to Dunkin ' If you want to feel your best.

Many other bad foods causing a bad mood on the list are somewhat predictable. Money and bronze go toalcohol andsoft drink respectively, withenergy drinks come to fourth place. Most foods on the list beyond highly transformed dishes and snacks, full of simple carbohydrates and saturated greases that can cause inflammation, slowness, indigestion and other negative physical side effects.

With regard to the mood, the improvement of food and beverages, the study finds thatCoffee is the number one choice, withdark chocolate come second place, andGrapes third. For more foods that will help you live your happiest best life, see our13 mood snacks to make your day best.

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