Eating risks to avoid during COVID

The coronavirus can not be transmitted by the food, but that does not mean that you can put your guard in the food.

Although theCDC Note that there is no evidence to support the transmission of COVID-19 through the food, it does not mean that you are safe to be infected by the coronavirus novel by eating.

Whether there are restaurants, ordering take away or delivery, or handling foods after the grocery store, there are several eating habits that can put you at risk of Covid-19, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Here are the most common dietary risks you should avoid during the CVIV-19 pandemic because of their links to contract the virus, as explained by the Mayo Clinic. Read on and for more than one healthy diet, do not missThe best tips for making safe grocery stores in the middle of the coronavirus.


Do not take a quiet lunch.

restaurant dining

The Mayo clinic exhorts that if you go to a restaurant, you should not stay long. The more you are on people without masks, the longer your exposure time, the more the virus you breathe, and the more it can accumulate you and infect you. TheMAYO Clinic Reports that explained to an infected person within 6 feet for a total of 15 minutes over a 24-hour period can put you at increased risk of COVID-19.

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Do not go to restaurants during rush hours.

People with face mask drinking at coffee house

Go to the restaurant When it is the busiest will increase the likelihood that you can get in touch with a person infected with COVID-19. The Mayo Clinic recommends that you avoid eating at night or night moments.


Do not forget to follow the safety guidelines when ordering or delivery.

While you do not eat in a restaurant where you could be exposed to a person infected with Covid-19 over long periods, there are still risks associated with a person with a person with COVID-19 during the order or the delivery; However, as a result of the appropriate precautions, the net decline will increase this risk considerably. TheMAYO Clinic suggests that you "tries to pay online or by phone to limit contact with others" when ordering to take away.

For delivery, "Ask him to be left in front of your home in a safe place, such as the porch or lobby of your building." Whether going to take away or on delivery, stay at least 6 feet from the person who manages your food. Finally, "after brought your food home, wash your hands or use a hand disinfectant."


Do not forget your mask when you dine.

Woman putting on face mask while sitting in a cafe during coronavirus.

Of course, you must delete your face mask to eat food, but the Mayo clinic exhorts that you "wear a face covering as much as possible when you do not eat and do not actively drink."


Do not drink too much alcohol.

Friends in the Pub

There are somelaid side effects of drinking too much alcohol-What includes liver problems and weight gain - but there is an additional side effect of drinking too much alcohol to be HyperAware of during COVID: it can make you less likely to follow security measures, according to the clinic Mayo.


Do not eat takeaway containers.

woman at kitchen home unpacks packing safely dinner

WhileMayo Clinic Doctor William F. Marshall, III M.D. Notes There is no evidence of anyone who contracts the virus that causes Covid-19 after touching food containers and food packaging, it has some best practices to follow when ordering food. These include the transfer of food in a clean dish using clean utensils, wash hands again before eating and cleaning and disinfecting all surfaces that had containers take away on them.


Do not forget to wash your fruits and vegetables.

washing vegetables

Currently, there is no evidence to support the transmission of CVIV-19 associated with food, according to theCDC. However, there is evidence to argue that it is possible to contract COVID-19 by touching a surface or an object (such as food) that has the virus on it, then touching your face; However, it is not the main way that the virus spreads.

"The biggest risk of contracting the food virus would be if you touch foods that have been exposed, then touch your face,"said Dr. Abinash Virk, a specialist in infectious diseases of the Mayo Clinic. "In this sense, it is better to wash your hands before and after handling food and washing fruits and unpeeled vegetables before eating them."

Be as safe as possible, theThe Mayo Clinic suggests Following the best practice of food safety guidelines: wash all fruits and vegetables before eating, manipulating underwater, cleanses products that have thick skin or thick skin with a brush Clean production and wash well with soap and water as soon as you come home from the grocery store. It is possible to exploit the power of food to protect yourself from coronavirus. See theseThe best immune food for Covid-19 combustion, say doctors .

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