The plan in 4 steps to break your salt habit

Our tabs are specially designed to detect sodium and our bodies require sodium survival. But why do we start looking for salty stuff?

The strength of habit can really be more to blame than salt addiction, according to a study critic inNeuroscience and biobehavioral reviews. Scientists emphasize that people often seelt their food before they have not even tasted, suggesting that we are often on the autopilot when we pick up the saltshaker; It's almost like muscle memory you develop after doing an exercise again and again. What this means is that to break your salt habit, you may need to simply change your taste habits and buds will follow. Follow these tips for the new book 20 Books younger, from Yahoo! Health Editor Michele Promaularayko-Available Available in time for the New Year!

Week 1: Get rid of your highly transformed eating pantry.

How do we define "highly treated"? Keri Glassman, MS, RD, founder of nutritional life, a Nutritional practice based in New York, said there are many ways: the long service life, number of ingredients, number of artificial ingredients, etc. Ask yourself: "Is it a real food?" One of the main revealing signs of very transformed foods, she says, is a sodium content of more than 140 milligrams per serving. (This is a threshold itself that the FDA remains from: to be labeled "low sodium", the soups must contain 140 milligrams of sodium or less per serving.) And make sure to check the nutrition panels of the Foods that you do not suspect. Salty, also: a recent report for disease control and prevention (CDC) revealed that bread, cold cuts and cheese are higher salt sources in the American diet - even more than salty snacks like chips , popcorn and pretzels.

Week 2: Replace a pre-packaged snack with fresh fruits or vegetables each day.

Even if you cleaned the junk food for your pantry, you can still be tempted by salty distribution snacks or convenience. Your goal: Gradually replace these snacks treated with food options. "Continue replacing a pre-packaged snack with fresh fruits or vegetables until all snacks are cool," says Glassman. "It does not bother me when people use a little sea salt during cooking. These are the packaged and processed foods that are the worst." (Restaurant food is also bad, so we restrict the use of saltshaker during the restoration.)

Week 3: Take out your Salervyst.

It's not a permanent gesture! You just need to train your taste buds not to depend as much salt for fun. "When people cut off the salt out of their diet, then it is reintroduced, they can use lower levels of salt," said Lucy Donaldson, PhD, Associate Professor of Physiology at the University of Nottingham, England. "And they often prefer lower levels, even if they had previously a high salt intake." After a few weeks a few weeks, bring the Salon-Shaker, but that it is enough to use it only after you tasted your food. You can see that you do not need it after all.

Week 4: Incorporate herbs and spices into as much meal as possible.

Once you have brought salt back, start experimenting with herbs and spices when cooking. "In this way, you are less likely to return to the Salon-Shaker," says Glassman. Read: If you learn to add flavor in another way, you do not need to depend on salt to stimulate your taste buds - and you will find more ease to resist the desire to liberally sprinkle with each meal that you eat.

Reproduced20 BOOKS YOUNG By Michele Promaralayko with Laura Tesco. Copyright (c) 2015 by Rodale Inc. by permission from Rodale books. Available wherever books are sold, including Amazon.

Categories: Healthy Eating
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